Fiche du document numéro 31321

Wednesday July 22, 1992
One dead in political clashes
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KIGALI, July 22 (AFP) - One person was killed and a dozen wounded in political party clashes in Rwanda over the past week, well-informed sources said here Wednesday.

Trouble broke out in the north-eastern Byumba region when youth wingers of the ruling party harassed members of two newly legalised political movements in Murambi. The government's National Republican Government for Democracy (MRND) and the opposition Republican Democratic Movement (MDR) were holding rallies there on the same day. The youth wingers forced MDR members, and also followers of another opposition party, the Liberals, to flee the town.

In retaliation, the sources said, MDR militants barricaded the main road and took two hostages, including a brother of Murambi's mayor Jean-Baptiste Gatete. MRND stalwarts armed with clubs and spears returned to the attack, and about 100 people took refuge in nearby localities, some of them heading for the capital.

Byumba's government administrator Augustin Bizimana on Tuesday banned political activity in Murambi and suspended the government party's militia, forbidding members to carry knives and spears, officials said.

The opposition parties have been pushing for Gatete to be sacked. When rebels of the Patriotic Front first launched attacks late in 1990, the mayor had 16 people detained but now claims he does not know where they are. Reliable sources said their disappearance was a factor in the latest disturbances.

Meanwhile Rwandan leader Juvenal Habyarimana, holding talks in Brussels, said Belgium, France, the United States and Germany would supply transport and communications assistance for the work of 50 military observers scheduled to monitor a ceasefire with the rebels due to come into effect on Friday next week. The monitors are from Senegal, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Egypt. The president also appealed to the world community to help some 300,000 people displaced inside Rwanda by the civil war.

mgu-jh/jaw/cm AFP AFP SEQN-0235

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