Fiche du document numéro 31965

Tuesday March 2, 1993
Rwandan peace talks to resume in Dar es Salaam
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DAR ES SALAAM, March 2 (AFP) - Teams from the Rwandan government and rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) are expected here Tuesday for a resumption of peace talks, a Tanzanian foreign ministry official said.

Rwandan Prime Minister Dismas Nsengiyaremye will lead the government delegation when the talks resume Wednesday, according to Ami Mpungwe, director for African affairs in Tanzania's foreign ministry.

The RPF will be represented by its chairman Alex Kanyarengwe and officials Pasteur Bizimungu and Patrick Mazimhaka.

The session has been convened by Tanzanian President Ali Hassan Mwinyi in his capacity as the facilitator of the Rwandan peace process.

Last month's round of talks in the northern Tanzanian town of Arusha collapsed following a fresh flare-up of fighting in northern Rwanda.

The RPF launched a new offensive against the government last month accusing it of massacring hundreds of minority Tutsi tribe peasants who form the bulk of RPF's rank and file.

One of the issues to be tackled during Wednesday's meeting, to be chaired by Tanzanian Prime Minister John Malecela, will be accusations and counter-accusations of violations of a ceasefire pact agreed upon in August, said Mpungwe.

Only the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) will attend Wednesday's conference as an observer.

When the Arusha talks adjourned early last month, the two sides were set to negotiate the integration of RPF forces into the national army, repatriation of refugees and the duration of a transitional period.

The RPF has waged a 28-month war against the Hutu-dominated government of President Juvenal Habyarimana. The movement is largely made up of the Tutsi minority that ruled Rwanda before thousands were driven into exile by a bloody Hutu rebellion in 1959.

hb/jnm/nb AFP AFP SEQN-0170

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