Fiche du document numéro 8445

Thursday May 31, 2012
The Prosecutor v. Callixte Nzabonimana - Judgement and Sentence
Nom cité
Nom cité
Jugement d'un tribunal
Témoignage de Mechtilde Mugiraneza épouse de Prosper Mugiraneza (pdf80)
347 à la nouvelle de l'attentat un convoi les emmène au camp GP. Elle y voit André Ntagerura, Ferdinand Nahimana et Nzabonimana. Elle arrive à l'amba fr le 7 entre 16-17 h. 350

Le 12 ils sont évacués par les mil fr sur Bujumbura puis sur Bukavu. Ils reviennet à Cyangugu.

pdf 82 Léoncie Bongwa épouse de Ntagerura :
à la nouvelle de l'attentat André Ntagerura et sa femme Léoncie Bongwa gagnent le camp de la GP. Ils y voient Nzabonimana, Prosper Mugiraneza, Augustin Ngirabatware, Daniel Mbangura, Casimir Bizimungu et la famille d'Augustin Bizimana. Le 8 Léoncie Bongwa va à l'ambassade de France en minibus.

366. The witness saw Nzabonimana and other Ministers with their families, including Casimir
Bizimungu, Mbangura, Mugiraneza and Ngirabatware. The witness also saw Justin Mugenzi and
his family. Other notable figures who the witness saw included: the Prosecutor General of the
Republic, Alphonse Nkubito; the former Prime Minister, Sylvestre Nsanzimana; Ferdinand
Nahimana; Télesphore Bizimungu; the General Manager of SONARWA, Siméon Nteziryayo;
the General Manager of the National Bank, named Augustin Ruzindana; and a former Minister
named Callixte Habamenshi. The witness also saw Mechtilde Mugiraneza. The witness did not
see whether Nzabonimana and his wife slept in a small office while at the Embassy, but testified
that it was possible. The witness saw Béata outside on the lawn.472 (pdf83)

372. On 12 April 1994, those at the Embassy were evacuated by French soldiers, who drove
them to the airport. From there, they were flown to Bujumbura on a French military plane. The
witness stated that she saw Nzabonimana's wife, Béata, during the evacuation. Béata was with
some children, but the witness could not recall how many. Nzabonimana was not present.478
373. They spent two days and two nights in Bujumbura. The witness saw Béata and her
children there. On 14 April 1994, the evacuees were flown to Bukavu, where they stayed in
different hotels for no more than two weeks. The witness, her children and her mother then went
to Cyangugu by bus, arriving between 20 April 1994 and 24 April 1994. The witness and her
family stayed at the premises of the Franciscan Sisters in Cyangugu, while others stayed at the
Hôtel du Lac. The witness saw Béata, but not Nzabonimana, in Cyangugu.479

394. From mid-afternoon on 7 April 1994 to the evening of 11 April 1994, much of
Nzabonimana's alibi rests upon his claim that he was present at the Embassy. In support of this
assertion, the Defence introduced Defence Exhibit 15, which were diplomatic telegrams sent
from the French Embassy in Kigali.506 The telegrams contain lists of those who sought refuge at
the Embassy. Nzabonimana, his wife and their five children are among those on the lists.

395. The telegram of 7 April 1994 at 7.32 p.m. lists Nzabonimana, his wife and five children
among those taking refuge at the Embassy. The subsequent telegrams of 8 April 1994 at 11.58
a.m., 9 April 1994 at 10.18 p.m. and 11 April 1994 at 9.57 a.m. also contain lists of those at the
Embassy, and include Nzabonimana, his wife and five children. The telegram of 12 April 1994
states that the Embassy was closed that morning, and Nzabonimana's wife and family were
evacuated to Bujumbura. p80

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024