Fiche du document numéro 10279

Sunday June 1, 2014
International Decision-Making in the Age of Genocide: Rwanda 1990-1994 (people cited)
Transcript Annex III
People cited in Transcript
Rudolphe Adada: Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Joint AU-UN hybrid
operation in Darfur (UNAMID) (2007-2009)
Jean Claude Aimé: Chief of Staff for UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Aldo Ajello: Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN peacekeeping operation in
Mozambique (ONUMOZ) (1993-1994)
Salim al-Khussaiby: Ambassador of Oman to the UN Security Council (1994-1995)
Madeleine Albright: US Ambassador to the United Nations (1993-1997)
Hédi Annabi: Director for Africa, UN DPKO (1993-1996)
Kofi Annan: Head of UN Peacekeeping Operations (1993-1996), later became the seventh UN
Margaret Anstee: Special Representative for the Secretary-General for the UN Mission in Angola
(MONUA) (1992-1993)
Llyod Axworthy: Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs (1996-2000)
Colonel Théoneste Bagosora: Chef de cabinet of the minister of defense, FAR (1992-1994)
James Baker: US Secretary of State (1989-1992)
Édouard Balladur: Prime Minister of France (1993-1995)
Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza: Rwandan diplomat and chairman of the executive committee for RTLM,
member of the CDR (1993-1994)
General Maurice Baril: Canadian Military Adviser to the UN Secretary-General, head of the DPKO
Military Division (1992-1997)
Major Brent Beardsley: Canadian Military Assistant to General Dallaire (UNAMIR) (1993-1994)
Pierre Bérégovoy: Prime Minister of France (1992-1993)
Philippe Biberson: President of MSF
Jacques Bihozagara: Member of the RPF Executive Committee in charge of international relations in
Colonel Jean Bikomagu: Chief of Staff of Burundian Armed Forces
Jean-Damascène Bizimana: Rwandan Ambassador to the UN
Augustin Bizimungu: appointed Chief of the Army on April 6, 1994
Casimir Bizimungu: Rwandan politician, MRND, Foreign Minister of Rwanda (1989-1992), Minister
of Health in the interim government (1994)


Pasteur Bizimungu: Senior political adviser for the RPF, became president of Rwanda in July 1994
(Until March 2000)
Catherine Bond: journalist for The Times (London) at the time of the genocide
Jacques-Roger Booh-Booh: Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Rwanda (UNAMIR)
Boutros Boutros-Ghali: Secretary-General of the United Nations (1992-1996)
Lakhdar Brahimi: former Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs (1991-1993), headed Commission
that wrote the 2000 Brahimi report on peacekeeping
Ivan Bušniak: Director (junior level) in Czech Republic Foreign Ministry
Raoul Cédras: Leader of Haitian Military Junta (1991), de facto ruler of Haiti until October 1994
Willy Claes: Belgian Foreign Minister (1992-1994)
Richard Clarke: Senior Director, US National Security Council (multiple positions from 1992-2003)
Bill Clinton: President of the United States (1993-2001)
Herman Cohen: Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (1989-1993)
F.W. de Klerk: State President of South Africa (1989-1994), Deputy President of South Africa (19941996)
Patrick de Saint-Exupéry: French journalist who wrote a book on the French role in Rwanda,
L’Inavouable (2004)
Álvaro de Soto: Senior Political Adviser to UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali (1992-1994)
Alison Des Forges: American human rights activist, worked for Human Rights Watch at the time of
the genocide
Marcel Debarge: French Minister of Cooperation (1992-1993)
Bruno Delaye: Advisor to the President, France (1992-1995)
Captain Mbaye Diagne: Senegalese military officer and a UN military observer with UNAMIR
Paul Dijou: Director of African Affairs at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1991-1992)
Jean-Luc Duhaene: Belgian Prime Minister (1992-1999)
Claude Dusaidi: RPF Representative to the UN
Robert Flaten: US Ambassador to Rwanda (December 1990-January 1994)
Janet Fleischman: American researcher on Africa and Washington Director for Africa, Human Rights
Watch (1983-2003)
Gerald Gahima: RPF representative to the UN and the US
Philippe Gaillard: Chief Delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Rwanda

Colonel René Galinié: French Defense Attaché and Head of the Military Assistance Mission in
Rwanda, Commander of Operation Noroît
Emmanuel Gapyisi: senior MDR official, killed in May 1993
Anastase Gasana: Head of the Constitutional Court & Foreign Minister of Rwanda (1993; 1994)
Félicien Gatabazi: Head of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), killed in February 1994
Jean-Baptiste Gatete: Rwandan politician and prominent member of the MRND party
Bob Gersony: UN human rights official
Chinmaya Gharekhan: Under Secretary-General of the UN, senior political advisor to Boutros-Ghali
(appointed in January 1993)
Dr. Eric Goemaere: President of MSF Belgium
Marrack Goulding: Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs (UN) (1986-1997)
Philip Gourevitch: American journalist and author (We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will
Be Killed With Our Families, 1998)
Agathe Habyarimana: wife of President Juvénal Habyarimana
Juvénal Habyarimana: President of Rwanda (1973-1994)
Jean Hélène: Le Monde correspondent in Rwanda
Jean-Pierre Huchon: Chief of French Military Cooperation
Karl “Rick” Inderfurth: US Representative for Special Political Affairs to the UN (1993-1997)
Will Jaenen: Africa Director, Belgian Foreign Ministry
Alain Juppé: Minister of Foreign and European Affairs (1993-1995)
Abdul Hamid Kabia: UN political expert from Sierra Leone
Major General Paul Kagame: Military Commander of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, current President
of Rwanda (since 2000)
Claver Kanyarushoki: Rwandan Ambassador to Uganda and government delegate to Arusha peace
Nancy Kassebaum: US Senator, Kansas (1978-1997)
Grégoire Kayibanda: President of Rwanda (1962-1973), preceded President Habyarimana
Edward (Ted) Kennedy: US Senator, Massachusetts (1962-2009)
Shaharyar Khan: Replaced Jacques-Roger Booh-Booh as Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral in Rwanda (UNAMIR) in 1994
Bert Koenders: Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Mali (MINUSMA) (2013-2014)
Bernard Kouchner: French Minister of Health (1992-1993), French politician

Anthony (Tony) Lake: US National Security Advisor (1993-1997)
Admiral Jacques Lanxade: French Chief of the Defense Staff (1991-1995)
Colonel Luc Lemaire: Belgian officer who commanded troops at the Ecole Technique Officielle, the
Official Technical School, located in the Kigali suburb of Kicukiro
François Léotard: French Minister of Defence (1993-1995)
Edward (Ed) Luck: Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General for the Responsibility to Protect
John Lukas: American historian, wrote Five Days in May
Amadou Ly: UNDP country representative in Rwanda
Nelson Mandela: President of South Africa (1994-1999)
Colonel Luc Marchal: Belgian Contingent Commander in UNAMIR, Kigali Sector Commander (19931994)
Jean-Michel Marlaud: French Ambassador to Rwanda (1993-1994)
Ambassador George Martres: French Ambassador to Rwanda (1989-1993)
François Mitterrand: President of France (1981-1995)
Jean-Christophe Mitterrand: advisor to President Mitterrand on African affairs (1986-1992), son of
President Mitterrand
George Moose: US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (1993-1997)
Léon Mugesera: Member of the MRND party
Colonel François Munyengango: Rwandan army colonel who helped negotiate between aid
organizations and the Rwandan army and militias during the genocide
Yoweri Museveni: President of Uganda (1986 to present)
Melchoir Ndadaye: President of Burundi (July 1993-October 1993), assassinated on 21 October
Landoald (Lando) Ndasingwa: Tutsi head of the moderate Parti libéral, Minister of Labor and Social
Affairs in the interim government and the BBTG, killed the first day of the genocide
Colonel Augustin Ndindiliyimana: Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie in Rwanda, member of the
Alphonse Marie Nkubito: Rwandan Minister of Justice (July 1994-August 1995)
Boniface Ngulinzira: Rwandan foreign minister who negotiated the peace deal with the RPF
Colonel Déogratias Nsabimana: RGF (Army) Chief of Staff, strong supporter of President
Dismas Nsengiyaremye: former Prime Minister of Rwanda (1992-1993), member of the MDR

Cyprien Ntaryamira: President of Burundi (February 1994-April 1994), was killed on April 6, 1994
with Rwandan President Habyarimana when their plane was shot down
Sylvestre Ntibantunganya: Speaker of the National Assembly of Burundi (December 1993-October
1994), and President of Burundi (April 1994-July 1996)
Paul Noterdaeme: Belgian Ambassador to the United Nations (1987-March 1994)
Ekundayo Opaleye: Nigerian General appointed to lead the OAU Neutral Military Organization
Group to enforce the ceasefire in 1991 between the RPF and the Rwandan government
Papal Nuncio: the Pope’s Ambassador to Rwanda, Monsignor Giuseppe Bertello, also served as the
Dean of the Kigali Dplomatic Corps
Charles Pasqua: French Minister of the Interior (1986-1988; 1993-1995)
Bernard Pécoul: MSF General Director (1991-1998)
Macaire Pédanou: UN Political Observer at Arusha
Dominique Pin: French administration official
Paul Quilès: French Interior Minister (1992-1993), French politician
David Rawson: United States Ambassador to Rwanda (November 1993-January 1996)
Isel Rivero: Desk Officer for Rwanda, UN DPKO
Kenneth Roth: Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (1993-present)
Michel Roussin: French Minister of Cooperation (1993-1994)
Theogene Rudasingwa: General Secretary of the RPF
Enoch Ruhigira: Chief of Staff to Rwandan President Habyarimana
Colonel Léonidas Rusatira: Head of the Military College in Rwanda
Paul Rusesabagina: Rwandan hotel manager of the Hôtel des Mille Collines
Colonel Ephrem Rwabalinda: Rwandan Army Colonel, part of the Crisis Committee after the
genocide started
Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim: Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity, Tanzania (19892001)
Nicolas Sarkozy: President of France (2007-2012)
Mobutu Sese Seko: President of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) (1965-1997)
Captain Sherif: UN military observer from Senegal
Paul Simon: US Senator, Illinois (1985-1997)
Lamin Sise: DPKO legal officer
Donald Steinberg: Director for Africa, US National Security Council (1993-1995)

Father Guy Theunis: Belgian missionary priest
Colonel Isoa Tikoka: UN Military Observer during the Arusha Peace negotiations, later UNAMIR
Chief Military Observer
Josip Broz Tito: President of Yugoslavia (1953-1980)
Jean-Pierre Turatsinze: writer of the so-called “genocide fax”, the informant who gave information
to General Dallaire in January 1994
Faustin Twagiramungu: Prime Minister Designate for the Broad-Based Transitional Government,
member of the MDR (1994-1995)
Agathe Uwilingiyimana: Prime Minister of the interim government in Rwanda, MDR Party, killed the
first day of the genocide (July 1993-April 1994)
Aloys Uwimana: Rwandan Ambassador to the US (1994)
Frans van Daele: Political Director, Belgian Foreign Ministry (1994)
Brigitte Vasset: MSF Director of Operations
Edward (Ned) Walker: Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations
Jennifer Welsh: current Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General for the Responsibility to
Protect (appointed in 2013)
Jozef Zieleniec: Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic (1993-1997)



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