Fiche du document numéro 31501

Janvier 2020
Rwanda 2019. Bibliographie
François Lagarde

R WAN DA 2 0 1 9

The University of Texas at Austin
5 janvier 2020


Sur le modèle des précédentes, cette bibliographie recense les publications portant en tout ou
en partie (conséquente), sur le Rwanda qui ont paru pendant l’année 2019.
Elle est organisée par sujets ou disciplines: Histoire, Population, Agriculture, Environnement,
Economie, Politique, Droit, Société, Arts et Lettres, Santé Publique. Un dernier chapitre recense
les travaux de recherche universitaire (PhD et Masters), tous sujets confondus, et les book
reviews. Les publications sont scientifiques, universitaires, para-universitaires, officielles
(gouvernementales, non-gouvernementales, institutionnelles) ou littéraires mais pas
journalistiques, faute de place. Les publications des éditions EUE, LAP et Scholars’ Press sont
classées à part (10.5); ce sont pour la plupart des travaux de licence ou de maîtrise, rarement de
A priori, et sauf pour quelques livres et chapitres de livres qu’il faut se procurer sur papier,
pratiquement toutes les entrées citées ici sont accessibles, avec ou sans paywall, sur Internet.
Une bibliographie s’efforce d’être complète mais ne pourra jamais l’être tout à fait, à l’heure
des digital databases. Les publications en kinyarwanda ou dans des langues autres que le
français et l’anglais nous échappent en grande partie. Il reste que la masse des publications est
écrite en anglais. On aura négligé d’insérer tel rapport d’institution ou d’ONG ou telles pages de
ce qu’on appelait “la littérature grise” et qui aujourd’hui abondent sur Internet. Le chapitre Santé
Publique, la section “Natural Sciences” (10.2), la liste des PhDs/Masters, les book reviews sont
sans doute incomplets. Croit-on avoir terminé le travail? Une ultime recherche montrera que le
puits du savoir est sans fond, on trouvera toujours des citations nouvelles.
Une section peut être rattachée à son chapitre par défaut ou de force. Le classement est aussi
pratique qu’il est épistémologique. La bibliographie entend lister tout ce qui mérite d’être connu
(browse or read) par un chercheur, mais la matière est si diverse qu’on a rangé certaines entrées
comme on a pu.
Les entrées surlignées en gris sont des livres. On ne cite chaque entrée qu’une fois, ce qui fait
qu’un article ou un livre pouvant être a prori listé dans deux sections (ex. Femme et Economie,
ou Politique et Société) n’apparaît que dans un seul chapitre. La search key fait fonction d’index
et permettra de retrouver les citations pertinentes listées hors de leurs chapitres “naturels”.
Même si pratiquement toutes les entrées moissonnées dans les catalogues et les bases de
données ont été vérifiées (Google Scholar est riche mais regorge de petites erreurs quand
Worldcat reste la meilleure des databases gratuites), des erreurs et surtout des omissions sont
inévitables. On est prié de nous en excuser et de nous le signaler.
Happy reading!
François Lagarde



1 History; Genocide; Témoignage
1.1 History (ancient, modern, contemporary)
1.2 Genocide
1.3 Témoignages; Mémoires; Biographies


2 Population
2.1 Demography
2.2 Women; Genre
2.3 Youth
2.4 Refugees; Migration
2.5 Twa


3 Agriculture; Environment
3.1 Agriculture; Agronomy
3.2 Forestry
3.3 Coffee
3.4 Livestock
3.5 Land
3.6 Parks
3.7 Environment; Resources


4 Economy
4.1 Economy; Development
4.2 Technology
4.3 Finances; Banking; Taxation
4.4 Poverty
4.5 Architecture; Urbanism; Kigali
4.6 Tourism


5 Politics
5.1 Rwanda: Politics



5.2 Policy; eGovernment
5.3 EAC; East Africa
5.4 Regional and International Politics
6 Society; Miscellany
6.1 Society; Culture; Miscellany
6.2 Memory; Memorials
6.3 Reconciliation
6.4 Media; Social Media
6.5 Education
6.6 Religion


7 Law.
7.1 Rwanda; Gagaca
7.2 International; ICTR
7.3 Human Rights


8 Languages; Literature; Arts
8.1 Languages
8.2 Literature
8.3 Arts


9 Public Health; Nutrition
9.1 Management; Policy; Education
9.2 Public Health; Medicine
9.3 Mental Health
9.4 Nursing
9.5 Nutrition; Food


10 Research; Doctorate, Master Theses; Reviews
10.1 Research
10.2 Natural sciences
10.3 Primatology
10.4 Doctoral Dissertations; Master’s Theses
10.5 EUE; LAP; Scholars’ Press
10.6 Book Reviews




1.1 History (ancient, modern, contemporary)
Chemouni, Benjamin; Mugiraneza, Asumpta, “Ideology and interests in the Rwandan Patriotic
Front: Singing the struggle in pre-genocide Rwanda”, African Affairs, 2019, adz017. https://
De Haas, Michiel, “Moving Beyond Colonial Control? Economic Forces and Shifting Migration
from Ruanda-Urundi To Buganda, 1920-60”, Journal of African History, 60-3, 2019, pp.
Lott, Gaia, “East-West and West-West competition in the Great Lakes Region, 1975-85”, Cold
War History, 19-4, 2019, pp. 511-528.
Musabyimana, Gaspard, Rwanda/RD-Congo (1996-1997): chronique d’un génocide, Bruxelles:
Editions Scribe, 2019, 172 p.
Muzungu, B.; Nyirimanzi, G., Amateka y'ingabo z'u Rwanda: Kuva kuri Ggihanga Ngomijana
kugera kuri Kigeli IV Rwabugili [L’histoire de l'armée rwandaise: de Gihanga Ngomijana à
Kigeli IV Rwabugili], Cahiers Lumières et sociétés, 61, 2019, 76 p.
Neretse, Emmanuel, Rwanda: Des FAR aux FDLR: L’incroyable histoire de la défaite et de la
disparition des Forces Armées Rwandaises, Bruxelles: Editions Scribe, 2019, 511 p.
Nsengimana, Phil. Innocent, “Rwanda: La Révolution rwandaise de 1959: 60 ans après”,
Internet:, 3 novembre 2019, 10 p.
Palmer, Jack, Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide: Burundi and Rwanda in
historical-sociological perspective, New York: Routledge, 2019, 214 p.
Straus, Scott, “The Limits of a Genocide Lens: Violence Against Rwandans in the 1990s”,
Journal of Genocide Research, 21-4, 2019, pp. 504-524.
Tamm, Henning, “Status competition in Africa: Explaining the Rwandan-Ugandan clashes in the
Democratic Republic of Congo”, African Affairs, 118-472, 2019, pp, 509-530.
Terkessidis, Mark, Wessen Erinnerung zählt? Koloniale Vergangenheit und Rassismus heute,
Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2019, 160 p. [Whose memory counts? Colonial past and
racism today]
Weitz, Eric, “Rwanda and Burundi: Decolonization and the Power of Race”, in Idem, A World
Divided: The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States, Princeton
University Press, 2019, pp. 368-403.

1.2 Genocide

Amighi, Janet Kestenberg, “Holocaust, Rwanda, and Palestine”, in Brenner, Ira (ed), The
Handbook of Psychoanalytic Holocaust Studies: International Perspectives, Milton: Routledge,
2019, pp. 219-230.
Barnes-Ceeney, Kevin; Gideon, Lior; Leitch, Laurie; et al., “Recovery After Genocide:
Understanding the Dimensions of Recovery Capital Among Incarcerated Genocide Perpetrators
in Rwanda”, Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2019, Art. 637.
Bruneteau, Bernard, Génocides: usages et mésusages d'un concept, Paris : CNRS éditions, 221 p.
Caron, Jesan-François, “Exploring the extent of ethical disobedience through the lens of the
Srebrenica and Rwanda genocides: can soldiers disobey lawful orders?”, Critical Military
Studies, 5-1, 2019, pp. 1-20.
Di Caro, Claire Bradford, “Call It What It Is: Genocide Through Male Rape and Sexual Violence
in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda”, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law,
30-1, 2019, pp. 57-91.
Donà, Giorgia, The marginalised in genocide narratives: Revisiting genocide narratives and
reconciliation initiatives, New York: Routledge, 2019, 172 p.
Dumas, Hélène, “When children remember: A history of the Tutsi genocide through the eyes of
children (1994–2006)”, International Review of the Red Cross, 101-910, 2019, pp. 37-57.
Eichelsheim, Veroni; Berckmoes, Lidewyde; Hola, Barbora; Rutayisire, Theoneste; Richters,
Annemiek, “Before my time? Addressing the intergenerational legacies of the genocide against
the Tutsi in Rwanda”, Intervention, 17-1, 2019, pp. 31-39.
Fallah, Katherine, “Gender and the Genocide in Rwanda: Women as Rescuers and Perpetrators”,
State Crime, 8-1, 2019, pp. 135-139.
Fournet, Caroline, “Nothing must remain: the (in)visibility of atrocity crimes and the
perpetrators’ strategies using the corpses of their victims”, in Smeulers, Alette; Weerdesteijn,
Maartje; Holá, Barbora (eds), Perpetrators of international crimes: Theories, methods, and
evidence, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 241-255. [, Argentina, BosniaHerzegovina, Rwanda]
Geheran, Michael; Frey, David, “Leadership in war and Genocide: Roméo Dallaire in Rwanda”,
in Gutmann, Martin (ed), Historians on Leadership and Strategy: Case Studies from Antiquity to
Modernity, Springer, 2019, pp. 15-40.
Gendron, Sarah, “In Plain Sight: the Ethics of Proximity in the Holocaust and the Rwandan
Genocide”, in Dihal, Kanta (ed), Perspectives on Evil: From Banality to Genocide, Leiden: Brill,
2019, pp. 55-73.
Gnaoré, Karin, Can good come out of evil? An analysis of the development during, before and
after the Genocide of 1994 in Rwanda, Internet: Amazon, 2019, 82 p.
Gribbin, Robert, “The Rwandan Genocide Revisited”, Internet: American Diplomacy, Nov. 2019,
6 p.


Häfele, Elias, Der Völkermord in Ruanda: Hintergründe und Erklärungsversuche, Norderstedt:
Books on Demand, 2019, 36 p. [The genocide in Rwanda: background and attempts to explain it]
Hankel, Gerd, Ruanda 1994 bis heute: Vom Umgang mit einem Völkermord, Springe (Germany):
Klampen Verlag, 2019, 169 p. [Rwanda 1994 to today: dealing with a genocide]
Hodler, Roland, “The Economic Effects of Genocide: Evidence from Rwanda”, Journal of
African Economies, 28-1, 2019, pp. 1-17.
Irlam, Shaun, “Terrortories Geographies of Genocide in Rwanda”, CR: The New Centennial
Review, 19-2, 2019, pp. 93-116.
Jessee, Erin, “Beyond perpetrators: complex political actors surrounding the 1994 genocide in
Rwanda”, in Smeulers, Alette; Weerdesteijn, Maartje; Holá, Barbora (eds), Perpetrators of
international crimes: Theories, methods, and evidence, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press,
2019, pp. 153-173.
Jessee, Erin, “Oral History and the Rwandan Genocide”, Brown Journal of World Affairs, 25-2,
2019, pp. 169-184.
Jopp-van Well, E.; Schaarschmidt, D.; Bizimana, J-D.; et al., “Opfer des Völkermords in
Murambi, Ruanda/Victims of the genocide in Murambi, Rwanda”, Rechtsmedizin, 29-4, 2019,
pp. 266-273.
Journal of Genocide Research, “Forum: Calculating Mortality in the Rwandan Genocide”, 2019
[January 1, 2020] :
Tissot, Roland, “Beyond the ‘Numbers Game’: Reassessing Human Losses in Rwanda During the
1990s”, 9 p. DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2019.1703250
Meierhenrich, Jens, “How Many Victims Were There in the Rwandan Genocide? A Statistical
Debate”, 11 p.
McDoom, Omar Shahabudin, “Contested Counting: Toward a Rigorous Estimate of the Death Toll in
the Rwandan Genocide”, 11 p.
Verpoorten, Marijke, “How Many Died in Rwanda?”, 10 p.
Armstrong, David II; Davenport, Christian; Stam, Allan, “Casualty Estimates in the Rwandan
Genocide”, 8 p.
de Walque, Damien, “Relative Measures of Genocide Mortality: Benefits and Methodological
Considerations of Using Siblings’ Survival Data”, 4 p.
Guichaoua, André, “Counting the Rwandan Victims of War and Genocide: Concluding Reflections”,
17 p.

Kelley, Chris, Rwanda 25 Years Later: A primer on the 1994 Rwandan Genocide and what's
happened since then, Internet: Independently published, 2019, 98 p.
Khumalo, Njabulo Bruce, “Silenced genocide voices in Zimbabwe's archives: Drawing lessons
from Rwanda's post-genocide archives and documentation initiatives”, Information
Development, 35-5, 2016, pp. 795-805.
McFall, Kelly, The needs of others: Human rights, international organizations, and intervention
in Rwanda, 1994, New York: WW Norton, [2018], 2019, 168 p.


Macgill, Christine, The hope that remains: Canadian survivors of the Rwandan Genocide,
Montréal: Véhicule Press, 2019, 188 p.
Mafeza, Faustin, “Involvement of Rwandan Government Officials in the Massacres of Tutsi in
Gisenyi Former Prefecture Prior 1994”, Socialsci Journal, 3, 2019, pp. 8-17.
Médecins sans frontières, Du Rwanda au Zaïre: MSF au cœur des violences, 9 novembre 2019,
Paris: MSF, 2019.
Murwanashyaka, Amir, “The Influence of the Mass Media in Unsocial Welfare Violence and
Rwanda 1994 Genocide of Tutsis: A Case Study of Radio Station”, European Journal of Political
Science Studies, 3-1, 2019, pp. 80-94. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3534519
Newman, Michael, “A dysfunctional United Nations and the Rwanda genocide”, The Political
Quarterly, 90-2, 2019, pp. 329-331.
Neville, Leigh, “Operation ‘Tamar’: Rwanda, 1994-95”, in Idem, The Australian army at war
1976-2016, Osprey Publishing, 2019, ch. 2a.
Nshimiyimana, Denys, The Long Journey: The Genocide perpetrated against Tutsis, a burden
for Rwanda, Internet: Book Writing Incorporated, 2019, 85 p.
Onana, Charles, Rwanda, la vérité sur l’opération Turquoise: Quand les archives parlent enfin,
Paris: L’Artilleur, 2019, 580 p.
Paige, Tamsin Phillipa, “Rwandan Civil War and Genocide 1993-94 (Resolutions 812 (1993),
846 (1993), 872 (1993), 893 (1994), 909 (1994), 912 (1994), and 918 (1994))”, in Idem, Petulant
and Contrary: Approaches by the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council to the
Concept of 'threat to the peace' under Article 39 of the UN Charter, Leiden: Brill J. Nijhoff,
2019, pp. 132-140.
Park, Donghyun, “Recep Erdoğan, and the Rwandan Genocide”, in Idem, Capitalism in the 21st
Century: Why Global Capitalism Is Broken and How It Can Be Fixed, World Scientific
Publishing Co., 2019, pp. 177-181.
Perazzo, Silvia, “La Guerra Civil Ruandesa: Antesala del genocidio”, Relaciones
Internacionales, 28-56, pp. 179-200.
Pine, Lisa, “Genocide in Rwanda”, in Idem, Debating genocide, London/New York :
Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 202 p. ch 7.
Prabavathi, C., “External Involvement an the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda”, in Thilakavathy, M.;
Maya, R. (Eds), Facets of Contemporary History, Triplicane (India): MJP Publishers, 2019, pp.
Richards, Hannah; Baele, Stephane; Coan, Travis, “Studying ‘Radio Machete’: Towards a
Robust Research Programme”, Journal of Genocide Research, 21-4, 2019, pp. 525-539.
Ricci, Sandrine, Avant de tuer les femmes, vous devez les violer! Rwanda, rapports de sexe et
génocide des Tutsi, Paris: Syllepse, 2019, 221 p.


Richmond, Amy, Galgano, Francis, “The 1994 Rwandan Genocide”, in Galgano, Francis (ed),
The Environment-Conflict Nexus Climate Change and the Emergent National Security
Landscape, Springer, [2018] 2019, pp. 155-166.
Servenay, David, “Génocide au Rwanda: l’historiographie en terrain miné; quand silence et
révisionnisme empêchent la vérité de se faire jour”, Revue du Crieur, 12, 2019, pp. 64-81.
Simonsson, Olov, God rests in Rwanda: The role of religion in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda,
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Historica Upsaliensia, Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet,
2019, 312 p.
Sitkin, Rachel; Lee, Bandy; Lee, Grace, “To destroy a people: Sexual violence as a form of
genocide in the conflicts of Bosnia, Rwanda, and Chile”, Aggression & Violent Behavior, 46,
2019, pp. 219-224.
Staub, Ervin, “Witnesses/Bystanders: The Tragic Fruits of Passivity, the Power of Bystanders,
and Promoting Active Bystandership in Children, Adults, and Groups”, Journal of Social Issues,
Wallis, Andrew, Stepp’d in blood: Akazu and the architects of the Rwandan genocide against the
Tutsi, Winchester, UK: Zero Books, 2019, 726 p.
Van Beemen, Olivier, “Rwanda: Brewing Beer for Mass killers”, in Idem, Heineken in Africa : a
multinational unleashed, London: Hurst & Company, 2019, ch. 13. [translation of Heineken in
Afrika, Amsterdam: Prometheus 2016; cf. Heineken en Afrique: une multinationale décomplexée,
Paris: Rue de l'échiquier, 2018]
1.3 Témoignages; Mémoires; Biographies
Armada, Alfonso, Cuadernos africanos, Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 2019, 520 p. [travel]
Association URUGO IWACU, Parcours atypique pendant l'hécatombe rwandaise: Des relations
professionnelles à une amitié vraie, Internet: Independently published, 24 février 2019, 145 p.
Bideri, Diogène, Rwanda, 1994: la couleur d'un génocide, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2019, 220 p.
Bosco, Jean-Jacques, Nobody Knows What Happened in Rwanda: Hope and Horror in the 1994
Genocide, Victoria, BC: Tellwell Talent, 2019, 204 p.
Bailleux, Uzzias, Désobéir pour sauver, Edilivre, 2019, 152 p.
Butare, Innocent, Une jeune femme sur un bateau ivre: Agathe Uwilingiyimana du Rwanda,
Bamanda (Cameroun): Langaa Research and Publishing, 2019, 166 p.
Chatain, Joël, Osez ça: d’après le témoignage de Rosie Murekatete, Rwanda 1994, Crouy-surOurcq: Joël Chatain, 2019, 216 p.
Collectif; sous la dir. de Florence Prudhomme1, Cahiers de mémoire, Kigali, 2019, Paris:
Classiques Garnier, 2019, 425 p. Sommaire:
Directeur d'ouvrage: Prudhomme, Florence; Directeur d'ouvrage adjoint: Muller, Michelle; Traducteurs: Kanyana
Kabale, Bernard; Mukantagara, Odette.


En 1994, la parole a tué, pp. 17-18;
Mukayiranga, Spéciose, “Pourquoi tant de haine”, pp. 21-49
Bazizane, Béata, “Le chagrin n’est pas un pleur incessant”, pp. 51-72.
Mukarutabana, Mélanie, “Une infinie amertume”, pp. 73-95
Mukaturatsinze, Ziada, “De l’enfance au génocide”, pp. 97-117
Nyirahabineza Françoise, “Les blessures du cœur”, pp. 119-143
Nyirabakungu Athanasie, “L’histoire tragique de ma famille”, pp. 145-154
Nyarwaya François, “Le vol de mon enfance”, pp. 155-165
Mukamazera Julienne, “Exilée dans mon propre pays”, pp. 167-179
Mukamurigo, Perpétue, “L’amour a refroidi”, pp. 181-193
Mukagasana, Monique, “Un deuil sans consolation”, pp. 195-213
Mukansigaye Irène “La cruauté inouïe des Interahamwe”, pp. 215-240
Rutaganda Gilbert, “Vous êtes partis sans laisser ni traces ni photos”, pp. 241-253
Mukakabera, Domina, “Je n’ai pas fait le deuil des miens”, pp. 255-261
Kantarama, Patricia, “Je ne retournerai jamais à Mugambazi”, pp. 263-277
Mukankuranga, Béatrice, “Sois glorifié Seigneur, tu m’as sauvée”, pp. 279-294
Mudahogora Ernestine, “La chair à vif”, pp. 295-315
Mukabera, Marianne, “Je n’ai jamais connu la paix”, pp. 317-330
Mukantagara, Odette, “Nous avions des rêves plein la tête”, pp. 331-351
Ndejuru, Radegonde, “Un souvenir d’enfance”, pp. 353-359
Incimatata, Oreste, “Comprendre comment on en est arrivé là”, pp. 361-381.

Daniel-Ange; Smaragde Mbonyintege (Préface); Henryk Hoser (Postface), Rwanda: au fond
de l'enfer, le ciel ouvert: Pour 100 jours d'horreur, voici 300 témoignages de splendeur!, Nouanle-Fuzelier: Édition des Béatitudes (EDB), 2019, 355 p.
Dazin, François-Jean, Il dit qu’il est nègre, mais personne ne le croit, Internet: Independently
Published, 2019, 150 p.
de Brouwer, Anne-Marie; Ka Hon Chu, Sandra; de Volder, Eef je; Muscati, Samer, And I live
on: The resilience of Rwandan genocide survivors of sexual violence, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal
Publishers, 2019, 264 p.
Durand, Alice Gahunga, Demande à Jesus: L’incroyable histoire vraie d'une rescapée du
Génocide contre les Tutsis du Rwanda, Internet: Independently published 2019, 51 p.
Faucheux, Amélie; Mukansoro, Émilienne, “J’habite un ailleurs dont il n’y a pas d’exil:
Vingt-cinq ans après le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda”, Esprit, 2019/5, 2019, pp. 129-136.
Fondation Auschwitz, Témoigner: Entre Histoire et Mémoire, 128, 2109: Dossier: Kwibuka
[Souviens-toi], 25 ans après, comment se souvenir du génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda:
Crahay, Frédéric, Rappel historique des faits essentiels
Moreas, Mélanie, Contenu et élaboration du dossier
Braeckman, Colette, “Souvenirs lancinants du Rwanda”
Moreas, Mélanie, “Mémoires du Front patriotique rwandais. Confidences d’Eulade Bwitare”;

Ruyuki, Claire; Rwayitare, Providence; Van Hoof, Béatrice, “Regards croisés au féminin. Parcours de
trois rescapées”
Mazina, Déogratias, “Le génocide des Tutsis du Rwanda, un crime avéré dont certains continuent à
banaliser ou à nier l’évidence”
Rovetta, Ornella, “‘Il a tué par ordre’: Témoignages et jugement dans le premier procès devant le
Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (1995-1998)”
Frère, Marie-Soleil, “Mutations de l’espace journalistique rwandais : les multiples facettes d’un
système médiatique ‘post-genocide’”
Moreas, Mélanie, Post-face.

Gahunga Durand, Alice, Demandez à Jésus, Paris: Éditions du Panthéon, 2019, 104 p.
Gicali, Marie-Josée, On n’oublie jamais rien: Le génocide comme je l'ai vécue (sic),
Coffragants/Alexandre Stanké, 2019, Livre audio, 5 h 21 m.
Grayson, Hannah; Hitchcott, Nicki; Blackie, Laura; Joseph, Stephen; Foreword by Esther
Mujawayo-Keiner, After the Genocide in Rwanda: Testimonies of Violence, Change and
Reconciliation, London: IB Tauris, 2109, 224 p.
Habonimana, Charles, Moi, le dernier Tutsi, Paris: Plon, 2019, 189 p.
Hron, Madelaine, “Imbabazi, Kwicuza & Christian Testimonials of Forgiveness”, in
Grayson, H.; Hitchcott, N, (eds), Rwanda since 1994: Stories of change, Liverpool: Liverpool
University Press, 2019, pp. 211-231.
Kopf, Martina, “Scattered Testimony: Locating the Rwandan Genocide in Transnational
Witnessing”, in Adejunmobi, Moradewun; Coetzee, Carli (eds), Routledge Handbook of African
Literature, Routledge, 2019, ch. 24.
Krapf, Johanna, On the Run: The Odyssey of a Rwandan Family, Internet: TwentySix, 2019,
180 p.
Laperrière, Steven, Martha, hidden strengths, Saint-Lambert (Québec): Éditions La Roupille,
2019. Trad. de Idem, Martha, les forces cachées, 2018.
Larcher, Laurent, Rwanda, ils parlent: témoignages pour l’histoire: Guillaume Ancel, Alain
Juppé, Bernard Kouchner, le général Lafourcade, l’amiral Lanxade, Florence Parly, Hubert
Védrine, Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 2019, 787 p.
Makombe, Theo; Makombe, Briana, The Race for Life: Memoirs of a Rwandan Genocide
Survivor, Missional Challenge Publishing, 2019, 252 p.
McIntosh, Carey, “Rwanda”, in Idem, Beans, Bugs & Bombs: Remembrances from a life on
the move, Internet: Carey McIntosh, 2019, pp. 382-385.
Mukagasana, Yolande; May, Patrick; translation by Zoe Norridge, Not my time to die: A
testimony, Kigali: Huza Press, 2019, 210 p.
Muyenzi, John; Gahaya, Celestin (illustrator), We are all the Same Species: A Former
Rwandan Refugee's Observations and Reflections on the Survival of Mankind, Internet: Kindle
Edition, 2019, 73 p.


Ndamyumugabe, Phodidas, Preaching from the grave: The amazing story of how God saved
a young man's life on multiple occasions during the Rwandan genocide and used him to witness
to killers, Nampa: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2019, 159 p.
Ndikumana, Faustin, El K Way: Gorillas and Rwanda, Independently published, 2019, 230 p.
Nearing, Derrick, Walking Them Home: A Soldier's Journey in Postwar Rwanda, Victoria,
BC: FriesenPress, 2019, 228 p.
Nordkvist, D’amour, My Father Never Walked on Water: An Exceptional Story about an
Excep-tional Man, LYS (Sweden), 2019, 264 p.
Nsengimana, Albert, Ma mère m'a tué: survivre au génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda, Paris:
Hugo, 2019, 155 p.
Ntahontuye, Ndereyehe Karoli, Rwanda: Achieving real sovereignty: Vision and
determination are the keys to success, Bruxelles: Editions Scribe, 420 p.
Ndungutse, Pierre, Mes cinquante ans de calvaire, Internet: Independently published, 2019,

138 p.

Rawson, David, “Predicting and preventing intrastate violence lessons from Rwanda: An
FSO and former ambassador to Rwanda reflects on the ability to predict and prevent intrastate
violence”, Foreign Service Journal, 96-7, 2019, pp. 34-38.
Reid, Sonia, L’improbable destin d'Irène: Ce qui nous arrive ne définit pas ce que nous
sommes, Québec: Le Dauphin Blanc, 2019, 180 p.
Rudasingwa, Theogene, “Lessons From a Life in Rwandan Politics”, Brown Journal of World
Affairs, 25-2, 2019, pp. 199-208.
Rutagengwa, Jean Bosco, Love prevails: One couple's story of faith and survival in the
Rwandan genocide, Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 2019, 191 p.
Rydztröm, Birgitta, Rwanda: the country that was reborn, Gemla (Sweden): Lindströms
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Sano, Lewis, Rwanda Inhumanness, Internet: Xlibris US, 2019, 156 p.
Ségeral, Nathalie, “The Kristallnacht Paradigm in Narratives by Survivors of the Rwandan
and Rohingya Genocides”, in Ross, Steven; Gruner, Wolf; Ansell, Lisa (eds), New Perspectives
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American Life, Purdue University Press/USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in
American Life, 17, 2019, pp. 311-332.
Seminega, Tharcisse, trad. Irène Bertho, L’amour qui enraya la haine: Comment ma famille
survécut au génocide du Rwanda, Esch-sur-Alzette: Editions Schortgen, 271 p. Cf. Idem, No
greater love: how my family survived the genocide in Rwanda, Davenport, Iowa : GM&A
Publishing, 2019, 294 p.
Sherman, Karen, Brick by brick: Building hope and opportunity for women survivors
everywhere, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019, 288 p.


Stahl, Antje; Harder, Matthias, Heine, Olaf, Rwandan daughters, Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag ,
2019, 208 p.
Ternon, Yves, Préface par Gérard Chaliand, Frère arménien, frère juif, frère tutsi: les
combats d'une vie, Paris : L'Archipel, 2019, 180 p.
Uwimana, Denise, From red earth: Rwandan story of healing and forgiveness, Walden, NY:
Plough Publishing House, 2019, 220 p.
Uwineza, Celine, Untamed: Beyond Freedom: Based on a true story of an African child, a
Rwanda daughter, Independently Published, 2019, 160 p.



2.1 Demography
Kraehnert, Kati; Brück, Tilman; Di Maio, Michele; Nisticò, Roberto, “The Effects of
Conflict on Fertility: Evidence From the Genocide in Rwanda”, Demography, 56-3, 2019, pp.
Muhoza, Dieudonné Ndaruhuye, “The heterogeneous effects of socioeconomic and cultural
factors on fertility preferences: evidence from Rwanda and Kenya”, Journal of Population
Research, 36-4, 2019, pp. 347-363.
Sebikabu, Daniel Ruturwa; Kabano, Ignace, “The Determinants of Population Growth in
Rwanda”, Journal of Economic Science Research, 2-3, 2019, pp. 37-44.
2.2 Women; Genre
Abouzeid, Rania, “How women are stepping up to remake Rwanda”, National Geographic,
236-5, 2019, pp. 82-93.
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Berry, Marie, “War, women, and the aftermath: Finding resilience in Rwanda, Bosnia, and
Nepal”, in Blumberg, Rae; Cohn, Samuel (eds), Gender and development: The economic basis of
women's power, London: SAGE Publications, 2019, pp. 189-204.
Bigler, Christine; Amacker, Michele; Ingabire, Chantal; Birachi, E., “A view of the
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unequal dependents on a mountain system and their well-being”, Journal of Rural Studies, 69,
2019, pp. 145-155.
Bizimana, Benjamin, “A Rethinking of Upward Mobility Among Educated Women in the
Public Sector in Rwanda”, Journal of Education and Development, 3-2, 2019, 11 p.
Burnet, Jennie, “Rwanda: Women’s Political Representation and Its Consequences”, in
Franceschet, Susan, Krook, Mona Lena, Tan, Netina (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Women’s
Political Rights, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 563-576.
Hategekimana, Prudence; Macharia, Susan; Ndolo, Urbanus, “Avega Interventions and Post
Traumatic Growth Among Genocide Widows in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda”, The
International Journal of Social and Development Concerns, 8, 2019, pp. 32-43.


Keig, Jordan Alison, “The Effects of Exposure to Female Political Leadership on Women’s
Equality in Post-Genocide Rwanda”, UGA Journal of Economics, 2019, 1-2, 12 p.
Labenski, Sheri, “Female perpetrators in the former Yugoslav Republic and Rwanda:
disrupting common understandings”, in Mouthaan, Solange; Jurasz, Olga, Gender and war:
international and transitional justice perspectives, Cambridge: Intersentia, 2019, pp. 41-64.
Madsen, Diana, “Friction or flows? The translation of Resolution 1325 into practice in
Rwanda”, Conflict Security & Development, 19-2, 2019, pp. 173-193.
Mbonigaba, Celestin, “Factors Leading Female Labour Force Involvement in Rwanda”,
Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal [sic], 1-2, 2019, pp.
30-39. DOI:
Moreland, Patricia; White, Rebecca; Riggle, Ellen; Gishoma, Darius; Hughes, Tonda,
“Experiences of minority stress among lesbian and bisexual women in Rwanda”, International
Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 8-4, 2019, pp. 196-211.
Mutagoma, Mwumvaneza; Nyirazinyoye, Laetitia; Sebuhoro, Dieudonne; et al., “Sexual and
physical violence and associated factors among female sex workers in Rwanda: a cross-sectional
survey”, International Journal of STD & AIDS, 30-3, 2019, pp. 241-248.
Ngabonziza, J.; Sibomana, E.; Niyibizi, E.; Ndayambaje, I., “Gender Identity Construction
Through Traditional and Modern Lenses: Rwandan Narratives and MDGs Perspectives”, Studies
in Media and Communication, 7-1, 2019, pp. 95-102.
Okech, Awino, “Gender and state-building conversations: the discursive production of gender
identity in Kenya and Rwanda”, Conflict, Security & Development, 2019, 15 p.
Okonya, Joshua; Mudege, Netsayi; Rietveld, Anne; et al., “The Role of Women in
Production and Management of RTB Crops in Rwanda and Burundi: Do Men Decide, and
Women Work?”, Sustainability, 11-16, 2019, Art. 4304.
Stern, Erin; Carlson, Katie, “Indashyikirwa Women’s Safe Spaces: Informal Response for
Survivors of IPV within a Rwandan Prevention Programme”, Social Sciences MDPI, 8-3, 2019,
pp. 1-15. [Intimate Partner Violence]
Svobodova, Karolina, “Impact of gender policy on post-conflict reconstruction and security
in Rwanda”, African Security Review, 28-2, 2018, pp. 124-138.
Umutoni-Bower, Louise, “The Incorporation of Women in Rwandan Politics”, in Grayson,
H.; Hitchcott, N, (eds), Rwanda since 1994: Stories of change, Liverpool: Liverpool University
Press, 2019, pp. 83-103.
Umuziranenge, G., “Environmental Justice and Women Empowerment in Nyungwe National
Park (Rwanda): Case Study of Kitabi Women Handcrafts Cooperative”, Journal of Environment
and Climate Change, 9-2, 2019, pp. 77-87.
Woody, Karen; Stemler, Abbey, “The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Rebuilding a Nation:
The Rwandan Model”, Minnesota Journal of International Law, 28-2, 2019, pp. 367-400


Woolner, Leah; Denov, Myriam; Kahn, Sarilee, “‘I Asked Myself If I Would Ever Love My
Baby’: Mothering Children Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda”, Violence Against Women, 25-6,
2019, pp. 703-720.
2.3 Youth
Abimpaye, Monique; Dusabe, Caroline; Nzabonimpa, Jean Providence; et al., “Improving
parenting practices and development for young children in Rwanda: Results from a randomized
control trial”, International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2019, Art. UNSP
Awiti, Alex; Orwa, Caleb, “Identity, values and norms of East Africa’s youth”, International
Journal of Adolescence & Youth, 24-4, 2019, pp. 421-437.
Bilgili, Özge; Loschmann, Craig; Fransen, Sonja; Siegel, Melissa, “Is the Education of Local
Children Influenced by Living near a Refugee Camp? Evidence from Host Communities in
Rwanda”, International Migration, 57-4, 2019, pp. 291-309.
Chin, Yoo-Mi; Cunningham, Scott; Pham, Van, “The Long-Term Effects of the Rwandan
Genocide on Child Work”, SSRN 3314506, 2019, 35 p.
Coast, Ernestina; Jones, Nicola; Francoise, Umutoni Marie; et al., “Adolescent Sexual and
Reproductive Health in Ethiopia and Rwanda: A Qualitative Exploration of the Role of Social
Norms”, SAGE Open, 9-1, 2019, Art. 2158244019833587.
Denov, Myriam; Kahn, Sara, “‘They Should See Us as a Symbol of Reconciliation’: Youth
Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda and the Implications for Transitional Justice”, Journal of
Human Rights Practice, 11-1, 2019, pp. 151-170.
Gerde, Hope; Apol, Laura; Skibbe, Lori; Bucyanna, Carol, “Creating high-quality early
childhood education in Rwanda: Teacher dispositions, child-centred play, and culturally relevant
materials”, Early Child Development and Care, 2019.
Grant, Andrea Mariko, “Bringing The Daily Mail to Africa: Entertainment websites and the
creation of a digital youth public in post-genocide Rwanda”, Journal of Eastern African Studies,
13-1, 2019, pp. 106-123.
Habiyaremye, François; Rwunganira, Samuel; Musanabaganwa, Clarisse; et al., “Tobacco
use and associated factors among Rwandan youth aged 15-34 years: Findings from a nationwide
survey, 2013”, PLoS One, 14-10, 2019, 8 p.
Kahn, Sarilee; Denov, Myriam, “‘We are children like others’: Pathways to mental health and
healing for children born of genocidal rape in Rwanda”, Transcultural Psychiatry, 56-3, 2019,
pp. 510-528.
Nayak, Sameera Shukanta; Kshtriya, Sowmya; Neugebauer, Richard, “Trauma alleviation
treatment for unaccompanied children after the Rwandan Genocide: A cautionary tale”,
Intervention, 17-1, 2019, pp. 23-30.


Nsabimana, Epaphrodite; Rutembesa, Eugène; Wilhelm, Peter; Martin-Soelch, Chantal,
“Effects of Institutionalization and Parental Living Status on Children’s Self-Esteem, and
Externalizing and Internalizing Problems in Rwanda”, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 2019, Art.
442. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00442.
Tirrell, Jonathan; Dowling, Elizabeth; Ganseret, Patricia; et al., “Toward a measure for
assessing features of effective youth development programs: Contextual safety and the ‘big
three’ components of positive youth development programs in Rwanda”, Child & Youth Care
Forum, 2019, 22 p.
Ullmann, Elisabeth, “Childhood Dreams Lost: War-traumatized Children in Rwanda”, in
Ullmann, E.; Hilweg, W. (eds), Childhood and Trauma: Separation, Abuse, War, Taylor &
Francis, 2019, 8 p.
Umuziranenge, Gloriose; Muhawenayo, Jacqueline; Muvunyi, Serge, “Youth Employment
Opportunities: The Role of Urban and Rural Informal Polytechnic Centers, Agakiriro”, in Gatwa,
Tharcisse; Mbonyinkebe, Deo (eds), Home-Grown Solutions: Legacy to Generations in Africa:
Drawing Resources from the Rwandan Way of Life, Vol.1, Geneva:, 2019, pp.
2.4 Refugees; Migration
Ahimbisibwe, Frank; Ingelaere, Bert; Vancluysen, Sarah, “Rwandan refugees and the
cessation clause: the possibilities for local integration in Uganda”, in Geenen, Sara; Bisoka,
Aymar Nyenyezi; Ansoms, An (eds), Conjonctures de l'Afrique Centrale 2019, Paris:
L’Harmattan, 2019, pp. 411-433.
Asquith, Linda, Rebuilding Lives After Genocide: Migration, Adaptation and Acculturation,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 220 p. [Bosnia, Holocaust, Rwanda]
Barrett, Helen; Marshall, Julie; Goldbart, Juliet, “Refugee children with communication
disability in Rwanda: providing the educational services they need”, Forced Migration Review,
60, 2019, pp. 36-38.
Fajth, V.; Bilgili, O.; Loschmann, C.; Siegel, M., “How do refugees affect social life in host
communities? The case of Congolese refugees in Rwanda”, Comparative Migration Studies, 7,
2019, Art. 33.
Iyakaremye, Innocent; Musabyimana, Pudentienne; Umutoni, Jane, “Patriarchal family
relationship under threat during forced migration: The case of Burundians in Mahama refugee
camp, Rwanda”, Health Psychology Report, 7-3, 2019, pp. 229-241.
Karooma, Cleophas, “Research fatigue among Rwandan refugees in Uganda”, Forced
Migration Review, 61, 2019, pp. 18-19.
Kok, Saskia; Rogers, Richard, “Social media and Rwandan migration: a moral epistemology
of return”, in Mitchell, K.; Jones, R.; Fluri, J. (eds), Handbook on Critical Geographies of
Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, pp 327-343.


Loschmann, C.; Bilgili, O.; Siegel, M., “Considering the benefits of hosting refugees:
Evidence of refugee camps influencing local labour market activity and economic welfare in
Rwanda”, IZA: Journal of Development and Migration, 9, 2019, Art. 5.
Republic of Rwanda, Ministry in Charge of Emergency Management, Socio-Economic
Inclusion of Refugees and Host Communities Project (SEIRHCP): Environmental And Social
Management Framework (ESMF): Final report, Kigali: MINEMA, 2019, 217 p.
Yotebieng, Kelly; Syvertsen, Jennifer; Awah, Paschal Kum, “Cessation Clauses, Uncertain
Futures and Wellbeing among Rwandan Urban Refugees in Cameroon”, Journal of Refugee
Studies, 32-3, 2019, pp. 436-455.
Yotebieng, K.; Fakult, N.; Awah, P.; Syvertsen, J., “Precarious hope and reframing risk
behavior from the ground up: insight from ethnographic research with Rwandan urban refugees
in Yaoundé, Cameroon”, Conflict and health, 13-1, 2019, art. 18.
2.5 Twa
Anthony, Christopher, ‘Finding Peace In A World Where You Mean Nothing’: The
Implications of ‘One Rwanda’ on Rwandan LGBTI and Twa Minorities, 2019 Undergraduate
Awards, Western University (Canada), 2019, 21 p.
Laws, Meghan; Ntakirutimana, Richard; Collins, Bennett, “‘One Rwanda for all Rwandans’:
(Un)Covering the Batwa in Post-Genocide Rwanda”, in Grayson, H.; Hitchcott, N, (eds),
Rwanda since 1994: Stories of change, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019, pp.
Vanhees, Katrijn, “Politics of oneness and Twa's struggle for land: questioning identity
discourses in Rwanda”, in Corradi, Giselle; de Feyter, Koen; Desmet, Ellen; Vanhees, Katrijn
(eds), Critical indigenous rights studies, London/New York: Routledge, 2019, pp. 46-64.



Agriculture; Environment

3.1 Agriculture; Agronomy
Basset-Mens, Claudine; Rhino, Béatrice; Ndereyimana, Assinapol; et al., “Eco-efficiency of
tomato from Rwamagana district in Rwanda: From field constraints to statistical significance”,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 2019, pp. 420-430.
Baudron, Frédéric; Ndoli, Alain; Habarurema, Innocent; Silva, João Vasco, “How to increase
the productivity and profitability of smallholder rainfed wheat in the Eastern African highlands?
Northern Rwanda as a case study”, Field Crops Research, 236, 2019, pp. 121-131.
Clay, Nathan; King, Brian, “Smallholders’ uneven capacities to adapt to climate change amid
Africa’s ‘green revolution’: Case study of Rwanda’s crop intensification program”, World
Development, 116, 2019, pp. 1-14.
Csorba, Adam; Szegi, Tamas; Fodor, Hella; et al., “Characterization of rice agriculture in the
Southern Province of Rwanda by means of microwave remote sensing”, Physics and Chemistry
of the Earth, 112-SI, 2019, pp. 58-65.
Dawson, Neil; Martin, Adrian; Camfield, Laura, “Can agricultural intensification help attain
Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from Africa and Asia”, Third World Quarterly, 40-5,
2019, pp, 926-946.
Dusengemungu, Leonce; Igiraneza, Clement; Uwimbabazi, Sonia, “Plant biotechnology: A
key tool to improve crop production in Rwanda”, African Journal of Biotechnology, 18-3, 2019,
pp. 68-76.
Echodu, Richard; Edema, Hilary; Wokorach, Godfrey; et al., “Farmers’ practices and their
knowledge of biotic constraints to sweetpotato production in East Africa”, Physiological &
Molecular Plant Pathology, 105, 2019, pp. 3-16.
Franke, A.; Baijukya, F.; Kantengwa, S.; et al., “Poor Farmers-Poor Yields: Socio-Economic,
Soil Fertility and Crop Management Indicators Affecting Climbing Bean Productivity in
Northern Rwanda”, Experimental Agriculture, 55-SI, 2019, pp. 14-34.
Habiyaremye, Alexis, “Rural Innovation Adoption Pitfalls: The Case of Interrupted Diffusion
of Sericulture Among Rwandan Farmers”, in Jacobs, Peter (ed), Equitable rural socioeconomic
change: Land, climate dynamics, and technological innovation, Cape Town: HSRC Press, 2019,
Haugerud, Angelique, “Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Agricultural Research in
Rwanda”, in Brokensha, David (ed), Anthropology of Development and Change in East Africa,
Routledge, 2019, Ch.7, 24 p.

Jaisli, Isabel; Laube, Patrick; Trachsel, Sonja; et al., “Suitability evaluation system for the
production and sourcing of agricultural commodities”, Computers & Electronics in Agriculture,
161, 2019, pp. 170-184.
Johnson, Jean-Martial, “Farmers’ perceptions on mechanical weeders for rice production in
sub-saharan Africa”, Experimental agriculture, 55-1, 2019, pp. 117-131.
Karemangingo, Charles; Fashaho, Aloys; Uwihirwe, Judith, “Comparison of bioslurry to
common nitrogen sources on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield and yield components in
Andisols and Oxisols of Northern Rwanda”, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 14-6,
2019, pp. 335-344.
Katungi, Enid; Larochelle, Catherine; Mugabo, Josephat; Buruchara, Robin, “Climbing bean
as a solution to increase productivity in land-constrained environments: Evidence from Rwanda”,
Outlook on Agriculture, 48-1, 2019, pp. 28-36.
Kitinoja, Lisa; Odeyemi, Olubukola; Dubey, Neeru; et al., “Commodity system assessment
studies on the postharvest handling and marketing of tomatoes in Nigeria, Rwanda and
Maharashtra, India”, Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, 2, 2019, 14 p. doi:
Kuria, Anne; Barrios, Edmundo; Pagella, Tim; et al., “Farmers’ knowledge of soil quality
indicators along a land degradation gradient in Rwanda”, Geoderma Regional, 16, 2019, Art.
UNSP e00199.
Maniraho, Leonidas; Mushimiyimana, Isaie; Twagirumukiza, Aloys; et al., “Effect of
Herbagreen Foliar Fertilizer on Growth and Productivity of Maize in the Mid-altitude Zone of
Rwanda”, Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 4-4, 2019, 10 p.
Meador, John Elliot; O’Brien, David, “Placing Rwanda's agriculture boom: trust, women
empowerment and policy impact in maize agricultural cooperatives”, Food Security, 11-4, 2019,
pp. 869-880.
Mivumbi, Michel; Wangping, Yang; Xiaoling, Yuan, Impact of FDI Inflow in Agriculture at
Rural Development on Economic Growth, Rwanda, 2019, 25 p. SSRN:
Mukamuhirwa, Alphonsine; Hovmalm, Helena Persson; Ortiz, Rodomiro; et al., “Effect of
intermittent drought on grain yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in Rwanda”.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2019.
Muoki, P.; Kwikiriza, N., Incentives and disincentives to investment in orange-fleshed
sweetpotato: The case of a pro-poor public-private partnership in Rwanda, Lima (Peru): Scaling
up Sweetpotato through Agriculture and Nutrition Project (SUSTAIN), International Potato
Center, 2019, 34 p.
Musabanganji, E.; Ruranga, C.; Nzabanita, J.; et al. “Productivity and competitiveness of
Rwandan agriculture: A case study of the maize sector’, AGROFOR International Journal, 4-1,
2019, pp. 32-40.

Musabanganji, Edouard; Maniriho, Aristide; Kayisire, Pascal; Nyalihama, Christian,
“Regional Trade and Competitiveness of Rwandan Agriculture: Empirical Analysis of Selected
Priority Foodstuffs”, 5th EPRN Annual Economic Research Conference, Kigali Convention
Centre, Kigali, 12 March 2019, 24 p.
Musabyimana, Tharcisse, “Farmers’ and Researchers’ Perceptions on Mediated
Communication of Agricultural Research Results by Rwanda Agriculture Board”, The Journal of
Development Communication, 30-1, 2019, pp. 53-62.
Mushonga, Borden; Hategekimana, Landouard; Habarugira, Gervais; et al., “Characterization of the Beekeeping Value Chain: Challenges, Perceptions, Limitations, and Opportunities
for Beekeepers in Kayonza District, Rwanda”, Advances in Agriculture, 2019, Art. 5982931, 9 p.
Mwongera, C.; Mutua, J.; Koech, N; et al., Climate risk assessment for selected value chain
commodities in Rwanda, Cali: International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2019, 73 p.
Ndayambaje, Benjamin; Amuguni, Hellen; Coffin-Schmitt, Jeanne; et al., “Pesticide
Application Practices and Knowledge among Small-Scale Local Rice Growers and Communities
in Rwanda: A Cross-Sectional Study”, International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, 16-23, 2019, e4770.
Ndoli, Alain; Baudron, Frederic; Sida, Tesfaye Shiferaw; et al., “Do Open-Pollinated Maize
Varieties Perform Better Than Hybrids in Agroforestry Systems?”, Experimental Agriculture,
55-4, 2019, pp. 649-661.
Ngaboyisonga, C.; Nizeyimana, F.; Gafishi, M., et al., “Combining ability for grain yield and
silking of maize inbred lines derived from three open pollinated varieties released for mid
altitudes of Rwanda: Comparison of Diallel and North Carolina Design II”, African Crop Science
Journal, 27-1, 2019, pp. 59-75.
Ngiruwonsanga, Innocent; Maniragaba, Abias; Muhirwa, Fabien, “The Cation Exchange
Capacity, pH of Soil in Mwogo Marshland, and the Rice Plantation in Huye District-Rwanda”,
International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research, 5-2, 2019, pp. 36-40.
Nsabimana, A.; Bali, R.; Surry, Y.; Ngabitsinze, J., “Income and food Engel Curves in
Rwanda: A household microdata analysis”, Agricultural and Food Economics, 11, 2019.
Ntakirutimana, Jean-Marie; Mburu, David Mwehia; Mulyungi, Patrick; Ntaganira, Eric,
“Social Economic Factors Affecting Sugar Cane Production in Rwanda”, International Journal
of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 4-10, 2019, pp. 45-51.
Ochieng, Justus; Knerr, Beatrice; Owuor, George; et al., “Food crops commercialization and
household livelihoods: Evidence from rural regions in Central Africa”, Agribusiness, 2019,
Ohmstedt, Uwe, Identification of potential feeds and forages technologies for scaling
together with scientists, private sector, development partners and farmers (in Kenya, Rwanda,
Tanzania and Ethiopia), Nairobi: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), 2019, 3p.

Ruhimbana, Charles; Mutlu, Nedim, “Marker-assisted pyramiding potyvirus resistance genes
into Rwandan common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes”, Mediterranean Agricultural
Sciences, 32-3, 2019, pp. 381-385.
Rukundo, Placide; Ndacyayisenga, Theophile; Ntizo, Senkesha; et al., “Yield and yield
components of CIP advanced potato clones under Rwandan agro-ecologies”, Journal of Applied
Biosciences, 136, 2019, pp. 13909-13920.
Rutebuka, Jules; Kagabo, Desire Mbarushimana; Verdoodt, Ann, “Farmers’ diagnosis of
current soil erosion status and control within two contrasting agro-ecological zones of Rwanda”,
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 278, 2019, pp. 81-95.
Silvestri, Silvia; Macharia, Martin; Uzayisenga, Bellancile, “Analysing the potential of plant
clinics to boost crop protection in Rwanda through adoption of IPM: The case of maize and
maize stem borers”, Food Security, 11-2, 2019, pp. 301-315.
Turamyenyirijuru, Adrien; Nyagatare, Guillaume; Gesimba, Robert; Birech, Rhoda, “Potato
(Solanum tuberosum L.) Tuber Yield and Yield Components as Influenced by Different Levels of
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Rwanda”, Agricultural Science Digest, 39-3, 2019, pp.
Uwamahoro, F.; Berlin, A.; Bylund, H.; et al., “Management strategies for banana
Xanthomonas wilt in Rwanda include mixing indigenous and improved cultivars”, Agronomy for
Sustainable Development, 39, 2019.
Uwamahoro, F.; Bucagu, C.; Berlin, A.; Bylund, H.; Yuen, J., “Host Range and Banana
Cultivars’ Susceptibility To Xanthomonas Campestris Pv. Musacearum In Rwanda”, African
Crop Science Journal, 27-3, 2019, pp. 463-478.
Uwiringiyimana, Ernest; Ngabonziza, Didier; Rukangantambara, Hamudu; et al., “Shortterm effect of reducing conventional tillage intensity on some physical and chemical properties
of volcanic soils in Rwanda”, African journal of agricultural research, 14-20, 2019, pp. 877-886.
Vanlauwe, Bernard, “Beyond averages: new approaches to understand heterogeneity and risk
of technology success or failure in smallholder farming”, Experimental agriculture, 55-S1, 2019,
pp. 84-106. [Kenya; Rwanda]
Warinda, Enock; Nyariki, Dickson M.; Wambua, Stephen; et al., “Impact of smallholder
farmers' welfare through participation in on-farm regional projects in East Africa”, Agrekon:
Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa, 2019,
3.2 Forestry
Clay, Nathan, “Fixing the ecosystem: Conservation, crisis and capital in Rwanda's Gishwati
Forest”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2-1, 2019, pp. 23-46.


Dumont, Emilie Smith; Gassner, Anja; Agaba, Genevieve; et al., “The utility of farmer
ranking of tree attributes for selecting companion trees in coffee production systems”,
Agroforestry Systems, 93-4, 2019, pp. 1469-1483.
Rwaburindi, Jean-Claude; Wanzala, Fredah; Mulyungi, Patrick, et al. “Drivers of Small
Holder Farmers’ Decision to Adopt Agroforestry in Rulindo District, Rwanda”, International
Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 4-9, 2019, pp. 15-24.
Sida, T.; Baudron, F.; Ndoli, A.; Tirfessa, D.; Giller, K., “Should fertilizer recommendations
be adapted to parkland agroforestry systems? Case studies from Ethiopia and Rwanda”, Plant
and Soil, 2019, 16 p.
Uwineza, Claire; Yujun, Sun; Ndekezi, Augustin, “Farmer’s Perceptions on Importance and
Role of Agroforestry Species in Karago, Rwanda”, International Journal of Sciences, 5-1, 2019,
pp. 72-79.
3.3 Coffee
Bayisenge, Rachel; Shengde, Hu; Harimana, Yves; et al., “Gender Equality, Agriculture and
Rural Development: Evidence from Nyamasheke Coffee Production in Rwanda”, International
Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 7-1, 2019, pp. 29-40.
Behuria, Pritish, “The domestic political economy of upgrading in global value chains: How
politics shapes pathways for upgrading in Rwanda’s coffee sector”, Review of International
Political Economy, 2019,
Bigirimana, Joseph; Adams, Christopher; Gatarayiha, Celestin, “Occurrence of potato taste
defect in coffee and its relations with management practices in Rwanda”, Agriculture,
Ecosystems & Environment, 269, 2019, pp. 82-87.
Bigirimana, Joseph; Uzayisenga, Bellancile; Guta, Larry, “Population distribution and
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4.4 Poverty
Gacinya, John, “Poverty as a factor in human trafficking in Rwanda”, American Journal of
Social Sciences and Humanities, 4-1, 2019, pp. 163-177. DOI: 10.20448/801.41.163.177

Heshmati, Almas; Rashidghalam, Masoomeh, “Measurement and Analysis of Poverty in
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4.5 Architecture; Urbanism; Kigali
Achieng, Nyawanda Marygorretty; Mulyungi, Patrick, “Time Series Modeling of
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Journal of Science and Research, 8-6,2019, pp. 506-513.
Bachofer, Felix; Braun, Andreas; Adamietz, Florian; et al., “Building Stock and Building
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Bolin, Annalisa, “A Ghost Map of Kigali”, Anthropology & Humanism, 44-1, 2019, pp.
Gubic, Ilija; Baloi, Oana, “Implementing the New Urban Agenda in Rwanda: Nation-Wide
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Kabera, Telesphore; Wilson, David C.; Nishimwe, Honorine, “Benchmarking performance of
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Mbereyaho, Leopold; Gershome, Abaho; Mutabaruka, Jean de Dieu; et al.,“Investigation on
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Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment, 2-1, 2019, 17 p.
Mbereyaho, Leopold; Mutabaruka, Jean de Dieu; Gershome, Abaho; et al., “Strength,
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Michieletto, Manlio; Adedayo, Olatunde; Mukanya, Victor Bay, “African Housing
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Planning, 4-3, 2019, pp. 265-290.
Mugiraneza, Theodomir; Ban, Yifang; Haas, Jan, “Urban land cover dynamics and their
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Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 13, 2019, pp. 234-246.
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2019 International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI
2019), 2019.
Nkubito, Fred; Baiden-Amissah, Andrew, “Regulatory planning and affordable housing in
Kigali City: Policies, challenges and prospects”, Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science,
Technology and Environment, 2-1, 2019, 27 p.
Otioma, Chuks; Madureira, Ana Mafalda; Martinez, Javier, “Spatial analysis of urban digital
divide in Kigali, Rwanda”, Geojournal, 84-3, 2019, pp. 719-741.
Ramage, Michael; Hall, Timothy J.; Gatoo, Ana; et al., “Rwanda Cricket Stadium:
Seismically stabilised tile vaults”, Structures, 18, 2019, pp. 2-9.
Raskin, Laura, “Ruhehe Primary School”, Architectural Record., 207-3, 2019, pp. 64-67.
Steel, Griet; Birch-Thomsen, Torben; Cottyn, Ine; et al., “Multi-activity, Multi-locality and
Small-Town Development in Cameroon, Ghana, Rwanda and Tanzania”, European Journal of
Development Research, 31-1, 2019, pp. 12-33.


Towler, Ian; Mills, Brandon; Lofts, Matthew; et al., “Rutaka footbridge in Rwanda: a low
technology deck launch”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 172-3, 2019, pp.
4.6 Tourism
Becker, Annette, “Dark tourism: The ‘heritagization’ of sites of suffering, with an emphasis
on memorials of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi of Rwanda”, International Review of
the Red Cross, 101-910, 2019, pp. 317-331.
Kalulu, Ronald; Kabera, Callixte; Tushabe, Emmy, “Environmental Conservation and its
influence on Tourism Development in Rwanda: Case Study of Rwanda Environment
Management Authority (REMA)”, Proceedings of International Conference on the Future of
Tourism (ICFT), 16th-17th April 2019, 2019, 20 p.
Korstanje, Maximiliano, “Investigating the Challenges of Promoting Dark Tourism in
Rwanda”, Rosa Dos Ventos: Turismo e Hospitalidade, 11-3, 2019, pp. 719-722.
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National Park in Rwanda”, Tourism Planning and Development, 2019.

Nevill, Hermione; Sorgo, Hamidou; Grava, Lars, Creating a New Tourism Licensing and
Grading System: Lessons from Rwanda, Washington, D.C: The World Bank, 2019, 28 p.
Odunga, Pius; Manyara, Geoffrey; Yobesia, Mark, “Estimating the direct contribution of
tourism to Rwanda's economy: Tourism satellite account methodology”, Tourism and Hospitality
Research, 2019, Article Number: UNSP 1467358419857786
Odunga, Pius, “Impact of Tourism on the Economy of Rwanda: Tourism Collective
Consumption Multilier Effects”, African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 5-2,
2019, pp.122-128.



5.1 Rwanda Politics
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Rwanda-Uganda: No Breakthrough Yet, 56-9, Oct 2019, pp. 22429C-22430A.
Rwanda-Uganda: Pact Signed, 56-8, Sept 2019, pp. 22394B-22395C.
Rwanda-Uganda: Presidents Commit to Talks, 56-7, Aug 2019, pp. 22357A-22357C.
Rwanda-Uganda: Twenty Deported. 56-6, July 2019, pp. 22321B-22322C.
Rwanda-Uganda: Worsening Relations, 56-5, June 2019, p. 22286C.
Rwanda: Genocide Remembrance, 56-4, May 2019, p. 22274B.
Rwanda-Uganda: Escalating Row, 56-3, Apr 2019, pp. 22214A-22215C.
Rwanda-Israel: New Embassy, 56-2, March 2019, pp. 22207B-22208C.
Rwanda-South Africa: Ex-Spy Murder Probe, 56-1, Feb 2019, pp. 22142A-22143C.
Rwanda: France Drops Habyarimana Attack Probe, 55-12, January 2019, p. 22129B.
Rwanda: Rwigara Acquitted, 55-12, Januray 2019, pp. 22129A-22129C.

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6.2 Memory; Memorials
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Viebach, Julia, “Of other times: Temporality, memory and trauma in post-genocide Rwanda”,
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6.3 Reconciliation
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Way of Life, Vol.1, Geneva:, 2019, pp.165-189.
Ordóñez-Carabaño, Ángela; Prieto-Ursúa, María; Dushimimana, Fidèle, “Reconciling the
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Journal of Peace, 2019,
Prieto-Ursua, Maria; Ordonez, Angela; Dushimimana, Fidele, “¿Cómo es posible? Procesos
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Hawdon, James (eds), Reconciliation After Civil Wars: Global Perspectives, Routledge, 2019,
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Vanderheyden, Jennifer, “Extraordinary Forgiveness”, in Dihal, Kanta (ed), Perspectives on
Evil: From Banality to Genocide, Leiden: Brill, 2019, pp, 93-114.


6.4 Media; Social Media
Knight, Caitlin, “Emotionality and Professionalism: Exploring the Management of Emotions
by Journalists Reporting on Genocide”, Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological
Association, 2019, Article Number: UNSP 0038038519882608
McIntyre, Karen; Sobel, Meghan, “How Rwandan Journalists Use WhatsApp to Advance
Their Profession and Collaborate for the Good of Their Country”, Digital Journalism, 7-6, 2019,
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Moon, Ruth, “Beyond Puppet Journalism: The Bridging Work of Transnational Journalists in
a Local Field”, Journalism Studies, 20-12, 2019, pp. 1714-1731.
Mudaheranwa, Benjamin; Mutambuka, Deo; Habimana, Theogene; Habinshuti, Patrice,
“Television Advertising Strategy and Customer Loyalty in Insurance Sector in Rwanda”,
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3-4, 2019, pp. 98-102.
Ngaboyamahina, Marius; et Yi, Sun, “The Impact of Sentiment Analysis on Social Media to
Assess Customer Satisfaction: Case of Rwanda”, 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on
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Ntakirutimana, Emmanuel; Andala, Hesbon, “Relationship between Social Media Usage and
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2019, p. 1-18.
Sobel, Meghan; McIntyre, Karen, “The State of Journalism and Press Freedom in
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Thompson, Allan; Dallaire, Roméo; Centre for International Governance Innovation (eds),
Media and mass atrocity : the Rwanda genocide and beyond, Waterloo (Canada) : Centre for
International Governance Innovation, 2019, 637 p.
Thompson, Allan, “The Rwanda Case”, pp. 1-16;
Dallaire, Roméo, The Media and the Rwanda Genocide”, pp. 17-32
Doyle, Mark, “Reporting the Genocide”, pp. 33-52
Bond, Catherine, “Listening Carefully, Looking Harder: The Role of Language in Media Coverage
during the Rwandan Genocide, 1994”, pp. 53-74
Thompson, Allan, “The Genocide Video”, pp. 75-96
Straus, Scott, “What Is the Relationship between Hate Radio and Violence? Rethinking Rwanda’s
“Radio Machete”, pp. 97-132
Reyntjens, Filip, “The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Information and Communication Strategy”, pp.
Cottle, Simon, “Beyond Rwanda? Reporting Atrocity in a Changing Communications Environment”,
pp. 159-182
Rukesha, Paul, “Digitizing Genocide: The Work of the Genocide Archive of Rwanda”, pp. 183-204
Frohardt, Mark; Orlando, Paula, “The Role of the Media in Fostering a Culture of Critical
Engagement in the Context of Mass Atrocities: Examples from Rwanda, Colombia and South Sudan”,
pp. 205-235
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York, Geoffrey, “Social Media in Africa: An Emerging Force for Autocrats and Activists”, pp.
415-430 […]
Ingelaere, Bert, “Radio and Rwandan Rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, pp. 597-614.

6.5 Education
Akimana, Violaine; Hwang, Gee-Hyun, “Key Factors Affecting Students’ Satisfaction and
Intention to Use e-Learning in Rwanda's Higher Education”, Journal of Digital Convergence,
17-5, 2019 pp. 99-108.
Bahati, Bernard; Fors, Uno; Hansen, Preben; et al., “Measuring learner satisfaction with
formative e-assessment strategies”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
14-7, 2019, pp. 61-79.
Basabose, J.; Habyarimana, H., “Peace Education in Rwandan Secondary Schools: Coping
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Baxter, Aryn, “Engaging Underrepresented International Students as Partners: Agency and
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Education, 23-1, 2019, pp. 106-122.
Bertram, Carol, “What is powerful knowledge in school history? Learning from the South
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Bier, Rebecca; Chibwana, Christopher; Lokur, Radhika; et al., Addressing the youth skills
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6.6 Religion
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7.1 Rwanda; Gacaca
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Mbonyinkebe, Deo, Home-Grown Solutions: Legacy to Generations in Africa: Drawing
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Komezusenge, Deogratias, “Protection of Database Under Rwandan Intellectual Property
Law”, 2019, 26 p. SSRN:
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7.2 International; ICTR
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International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 32-4, 2019,
pp. 801-818.


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Sterio, Milena; Scharf, Michael (eds), The Legacy of Ad Hoc Tribunals in International
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Cambridge University Press, 2019:
Sterio, Milena, “The Yugoslavia and Rwanda Tribunals: A Legacy of Human Rights Protection and
Contribution to International Criminal Justice”, pp. 11-24;
Gordon, Gregory, “Atrocity Speech Law Comes of Age: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the
International Speech Crimes Jurisprudence at the Ad Hoc Tribunals”, pp. 104-160;
Scharf, Michael, “The Once and Future Doctrine of Joint Criminal Enterprise”, pp 161-179;
McDermott, Yvonne, “The Tribunals’ Fact-Finding Legacy”, pp 180-196;
Oosterveld, Valerie, “The Legacy of the ICTY and ICTR on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence”, pp
Witmer-Rich, Jonathan, “The Defense of Duress to Killing Innocents: Assessing the Mixed Legacy of
the ICTY and the ICTR”, pp 221-248;
Dutton, Yvonne, “Sentencing Policies of the Ad Hoc Tribunals”, pp. 249-268;
de Guzman, Margaret, “Mixed Messages: The Sentencing Legacies of the Ad Hoc Tribunals” pp.
Scharf, Michael, “Combatting Chaos in the Courtroom: Lessons From The ICTY and ICTR for the
Control of Future War Crimes Trials”, pp. 286-304;
Ford, Stuart, “The Impact of the Ad Hoc Tribunals on the International Criminal Court”, pp. 307-325;
Williams, Paul; Larkin, Kimberly, “Twenty-Four Years On: The Yugoslavia and Rwanda Tribunals’
Contributions to Durable Peace”, pp. 326-356.

Terris, Daniel, The trials of Richard Goldstone, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press,
2019, 367 p.
7.3 Human Rights
• Amnesty International, London, 2019:
“Rwanda: Police officers remain free while protesting Congolese refugees face jail time”, 22
February 2019;
“Rwanda: Investigate Killings of Refugees”, 22 February 2019;
“Rwanda: Opposition Politician Found Dead”, 18 March 2019;
“25 years after Rwanda genocide, politics of demonization as dangerous as ever”, 7 April 2019;
“Global rise of ‘politics of demonization’ shows world has failed to learn lessons from 1994 Rwanda
genocide”, 7 April 2019;
“Using digital verification methods to investigate human rights violations in Rwanda”, 30 avril 2019;

“Rwanda: Ensure justice for opposition politician stabbed to death”, 24 September 2019.

• Freedom House, “Rwanda”, in Democracy in Retreat: Freedom in the World 2019,
Washington, DC: Freedom House, 2019.
• Human Rights Watch, New York, 2019:
Rwanda: 25 Years On: Solidarity With Victims Justice Efforts Continue for 1994 Genocide, New
York: HRW, 2019, 10 p.
Congo Warlord Gets 30 Years: Persistence Over Many Years Helps Bring Bosco Ntaganda to Justice,
November 7, 2019;
Rwanda: Killing Is Latest Attack on Opponents: World Leaders at UN Should Call for Credible
Investigations, September 24, 2019;
DR Congo: Warlord Sought by ICC Killed: Sylvestre Mudacumura’s Forces’ Victims Entitled to
Justice, Redress, September 20, 2019;
Rwandans Charged With Murder of Exiled Critic: South African Prosecution Offers Chance for
Justice in Karegeya Killing, September 13, 2019;
Rwanda: Disappearances Require Credible Investigations: Month Later, Journalist and Opposition
Member Still Missing, August 15, 2019;
No Space for Criticism of Rwanda: President Challenged on Rights Record at Development Meeting,
June 27, 2019;
Submission by Human Rights Watch to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on Rwanda
83rd pre-sessional working group, 2019, March 25, 2019;
Another Mysterious Opposition Death in Rwanda: Death of Anselme Mutuyimana Follows String of
Attacks on Opposition, March 12, 2019;
Rwanda: A Year On, No Justice for Refugee Killings: Police Shot Dead at Least 12 During Protest,
February 23, 2019;
Remembering Alison Des Forges, 10 Years Later: Rights Champion Wrote Definitive Account of
Rwandan Genocide, February 12, 2019;
Hope for Justice for Murdered Rwandan Critic: Inquest Began in South Africa for Killing of Patrick
Karegeya, January 16, 2019.



8.1 Languages
Breyo, Alexandre, Je me débrouille en kinyarwanda: Parler kinyarwanda tout de suite,
Internet, 2019, 66 p.
Eyssette, Jeremie, “The Democratic Republic of the Congo's Linguistic Temptation: A
Comparative Analysis with Rwanda's Switch-to-English”, Journal of Asian and African Studies,
2019, Article Number: UNSP 0021909619885974
Gafaranga, Joseph, “Language choice and direct speech presentation in Kinyarwanda news
articles”, International Journal of Bilingualism, 23-5, 2019, pp. 921-941.
Nassenstein, Nico, “Kinyarwanda and Kirundi: On Colonial Divisions, Discourses of
National Belonging, and Language Boundaries”, Modern Africa, 7-1, 2019, pp. 11-40
Overdulve, C.; Gooday, M., Peck, D.; Coupez, A.; Kamanzi, Th., Apprendre la langue
Rwanda, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2019 (1975), 382 p.
8.2 Literature
• Novels
Beamish, Daniel, Truth, by omission, Blackstone Publishing, 2019, 288 p.
Desmoulins, Cécile, Bazungu, Paris: Robert Laffont, 2019, 432 p.
Drummond, Denis, La vie silencieuse de la guerre, Paris: Cherche midi, 2019, 312 p.
Hood, Kim, They All Fall Down, Dublin: Betimes Books, 2019, 370 p.
Kabarari, Valens, Basculement Rwanda 94: A l’aube d’un génocide: “Une histoire fictive
syncopée par la voix d’un témoignage”, Saint-Denis (France): Edilivre, 2019, 72 p.
Ngamije, Rémy, The Eternal Audience of One, Chicago: Jacana Media, 2019, 200 p.
Sempiga, Olivier, Birth of Another Heroine, Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse UK, 2019, 234 p.
Smadja, Yoan, J’ai cru qu’ils enlevaient toute trace de toi, Paris: Belfond, 2019, 216 p.
Umubyeyi Mairesse, Beata, Tous tes enfants dispersés, Paris: Autrement, 2019, 242 p.
• Short Stories
Collectif; préface de Pierre Astier, Nouvelles du Rwanda, Paris: Magellan & Cie, 2019, 126 p.
Umubyeyi Mairesse, Beata, “Elle écrit”
Ndwaniye, Joseph, “De l'autre côté du miroir”

Rafiki, Daniel, “Versus”
Rugamba, Dorcy, “Il y a des sourires dont la grâce parle à l’esprit”,
Rudakubana, Darla, “L'adieu à la peur et à la culpabilité”
Ruhorahoza, Kivu, “L’homme dans le miroir”.

N’Zila, Netty, “Marie pleine de grâce”, in Idem, Femmes d’horizon: Nouvelles lesbiennes,
Laval, Québec: Homoromance Editions, 2018, chap. 1-8.
Ranaivoson, Dominique; Le Lay, Maëline (eds), Chroniques des Grands Lacs: RD Congo Rwanda - Burundi, Sépia, 2019, 184 p. (Nouvelles de Désiré Bigirimana (Débig); Jean de la
Croix Hakizimana; Élise Rida Musomendera)
• Theater
Ilunga, Lulla Alain, Un Mwami au Rwanda, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2019, 116 p
• Bande dessinée
Baumeister, Hannah, “Drawing on genocide”, Law & Humanities, 13-1, 2019, pp. 3-28.
Debomy, Frédéric; Prost, Emmanuel, Full stop: Le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda, Paris:
Éditions Cambourakis, 2019, 80 p.
Delorme, Isabelle, “La mémoire à vif d’un grand reporter sur le génocide des Tutsi au
Rwanda”, in Idem, Quand la bande dessinée fait mémoire du XXe siècle: les récits mémoriels
historiques en bande dessinée, Dijon: Les Presses du réel, 2019.
in’t Veld, Laurike, The representation of genocide in graphic novels: Considering the role of
kitsch, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019, 230 p.
• Literary Criticism
Amougou, Louis Bertin, “The memory of the Rwandan genocide two decades after ‘Rwanda:
writing as a duty to memory’: Psychological disorders and duty to justice for an exemplum in
Eugene Ebode's Souveraine magnifique”, Romanica Olomucensia, 31-2, 2019, pp. 161-175.
Anyaduba, Chigbo Arthur, “Genocide and Postcolonial African Literature”, Cambridge
Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry, 6-3, 2019, pp. 423-442.
Apap, Anabel, Écrire par devoir de mémoire : la tragédie du Rwanda vue par le collectif
"Écrire par devoir de mémoire", Caen: Passage(s), 2019, 168 p.
Brezault, Eloise, “Memory-Traces’ in the Works of Felwine Sarr and Bruce Clarke: What
Stories of Change Can Commemorate the Genocide Against the Tutsi?”, in Grayson, H.;
Hitchcott, N, (eds), Rwanda since 1994: Stories of change, Liverpool: Liverpool University
Press, 2019, pp. 21-40.
Foster, Kendrick, “Give Thy Thoughts A Tongue: Theater and Conflict Resolution”, Harvard
International Review, 40-2, 2019, pp. 24-27.
Gallimore, Rangira Béa; Herndon, Gerise (eds), Art from Trauma: Genocide and Healing
beyond Rwanda: In honor of Chantal Kalisa, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019:
Jacobs, Margaret, “Baby Steps”, pp. 3-6;


Herndon, Gerise, “Speaking Nearby Genocide”, pp. 7-14;
Ledford, Natalia, “Chantal’s Voice: A Guiding Light”, pp. 15-20;
Roost, Laura; Lowry, Ryan; McMahon, Patrice, “Bittersweet Realities: Field Research, Human
Rights, and Questioning Intentions”, pp. 21-32;
Kalisa, Chantal, “Theater and the Rwandan Genocide”, pp. 41-50;
Gallimore, Rangira Béa, “Ingoma Nshya: Forbidden Fruit Brings Healing and Empowerment to
Rwandan Female Drummers”, pp. 51-72;
Cazenave, Odile; Célérier, Patricia-Pia, “The Films of Kivu Ruhorahoza: Staging a New Sense of
Direction?”, pp. 75-92;
Rocca, Anna, “Héla Ammar: Art and Beyond”, pp. 93-108;
Dauge-Roth, Alexandre, “Filming with Orphans of the Genocide: A Transformative Dialogue through
a Double-Lens Approach”, pp. 109-126;
Hitchcott, Nicki, “Gender-Based Violence in Monique Ilboudo’s Fiction”, pp. 143-160;
Semujanga, Josias, “Narrating Itsembabwoko and the Quest for Empathy”, pp. 161-178;
Caporale, Marzia, “Preserving Memories, Celebrating Lives: War, Motherhood, and Grief in
Scholastique Mukasonga’s La femme aux pieds nus”, pp. 217-230.

Gilbert, Catherine, “Writing as Reconciliation: Bearing Witness to Life After Genocide”, in
Grayson, H.; Hitchcott, N, (eds), Rwanda since 1994: Stories of change, Liverpool: Liverpool
University Press, 2019, pp 147-167.
Hitchcott, Nicki, “The (Un)Believable Truth about Rwanda”, Australian Journal of French
Studies, 56-2, 2019, pp. 199-215.
Nchouwat Njoya, Zounkaraneni, Zwischen deutschem Kolonialismus und postkolonialen
Genozid: Eine Analyse Hans Christoph Buchs Roman Kain und Abel in Afrika: RuandaVergangenheitsaufarbeitung im neuen historischen Afrikaroman, München : GRIN Verlag, 2019,
97 p. [Between German colonialism and postcolonial genocide: An analysis of Hans Christoph
Buch's novel "Cain and Abel in Africa": Rwanda dealing with the past in a new historical novel
about Africa]
8.3 Arts
• Arts
Di Giovine, Michael; West Chester University Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology; C
& R Glass, Inc.; Chester County Historical Society (West Chester, Pa.), Rwanda Nziza, beautiful
Rwanda, West Chester, PA : West Chester University, 2019, 165 p. [Exhibit Catalog]
Lloyd, Moya, “Whose names count? Jacques Ranciere on Alfredo Jaar's Rwanda Project”,
Contemporary Political Theory, 18-3, 2019, pp. 311-330.
• Photography
Marinovich, Greg, Shots from the edge: A photojounalist's encounters with conflict and
resilience, Penguin Random House South Africa, 2019, 228 p.
Norridge, Zoe, “Photography, Film and Visibly Wounded Genocide Survivors in Rwanda”,
Journal of Genocide Research, 21-1, 2019, pp. 47-70.

• Dance
Mezur, Katherine, “Whale’s Tails and Rose Petals: Tanztheater’s Souvenir Bodies and
Butoh’s Rwanda”, in Brandstetter, G.; Egert, G.; Hartung, H. (eds), Movements of interweaving:
Dance and corporeality in times of travel and migration, Routledge, 2019, ch. 2.
• Music
Mwambari, David, “Music and the politics of the past: Kizito Mihigo and music in the
commemoration of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda”, Memory Studies, February 2019,

• Film
Mendoza, Abraham; Brown, Sara; Herr, Aleis, “Does the Film Hotel Rwanda Accuretely
Depict the Rwandan Genocide?”, in Bartrop, Paul (ed), Modern Genocide Analyzing the
Controversies and Issues, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2018, pp. 247-254.
Moss, Barbara; Afolabi, Mary, “‘Truth’ in Films about the Rwandan Genocide”, in Friedman,
J.; Hewitt, W. (eds), The history of genocide in cinema: Atrocities on screen, London, IB Tauris,
2019, ch. 16.
Patrice-Al’om, Blessing, “Conflict-Induced Migration: The Treble Effect of Film as a Tool
for Socio-Political Stabilization: Taking Cue From Hotel Rwanda”, in Nyam, Esther Akumbo;
Idoko, Festus (eds), Examining the social and economic impacts of conflict-induced migration,
IGI Global, 2019, 23 p.
Shepard, Meredith, “From the Revenge Quest to the Reconciliation Journey:
Munyurangabo's Redefining of Warriorship in Rwanda”, Journal of Commonwealth and
Postcolonial Studies, 7-1, 2019, pp. 65-80. [Lee Isaac Chung’s Kinyarwanda-language film
Yardumian, Aram, “A Finer-Grained Truth: Film and Justice in the Post-Genocide
Landscapes of Cambodia and Rwanda”, Quarterly Review of Film & Video, 36-7, 2019, pp.



9.1 Management; Policy; Education
Binagwaho, A.; Scott, K.; Dushime, T.; et al., “Creating a pathway for public hospital
accreditation in Rwanda: progress, challenges and lessons learned”, International Journal for
Quality in Health Care, 2019. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzz063
Cancedda, Corrado; Binagwaho, Agnes, “The Human Resources for Health Program in
Rwanda: A Response to Recent Commentaries”, International Journal of Health Policy and
Management, 8-7, 2019, pp. 459-461.
Eberly, L.; Rusangwa, C.; Ng’ang'a, L.; et al., “Cost of integrated chronic care for severe
non-communicable diseases at district hospitals in rural Rwanda”, BMJ Global Health, 4-3,
Gasatura, Florence Mukakabano, “Medical Students’ Perceptions on Skills Laboratory
Training for Clerkship preparedness at the University of Rwanda: A Pilot Study”, Rwanda
Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2-1, 2019, pp. 25-29.
Hitimana, R.; Lindholm, L.; Mogren, I.; et al., “Incremental cost and health gains of the 2016
WHO antenatal care recommendations for Rwanda: Results from expert elicitation”, Health
Research Policy and Systems,17, 2019. doi: 10.1186/s12961-019-0439-9.
Kabakambira, J.; Bitwayiki, R.; Mujawamariya, G.; et al., “Kigali car free day: An
innovative model in the fight against non-communicable disease pandemics”, Rwanda Medical
Journal, 76-3, 2019, 5 p.
Liu, Kai; Subramanian, S.; Lu, Chunling, “Assessing national and subnational inequalities in
medical care utilization and financial risk protection in Rwanda”, International Journal for
Equity in Health, 18, 2019, Art. 51.
Liu, Kai; Cook, Benjamin; Lu, Chunling, “Health inequality and community-based health
insurance: A case study of rural Rwanda with repeated cross-sectional data”, International
Journal of Public Health, 64-1, 2019, pp. 7-14.
Muhimpundu, M.; Uwinkindi, F.; Ntaganda, E.; et al., “Road map for leadership and
management in public health: A case study on noncommunicable diseases program managers’
training in Rwanda”, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 57-2, 2019, pp.
Musabwasoni, Sandra; Oudshoorn, Abe, “Considering Healthcare Insurance to Uninsured
Individuals in Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2-1. 2019, pp.59-61.
Ndagijimana, Deogratias; Mureithi, Connie; Ngomi, Nicholas Njau, “Quality and Safety
Management of Health Care Service Delivery among Public Hospitals in Rwanda: a Cross!69

Sectional Survey”, International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health,
3-2, 2019, pp. 95-106.
Ndikumana, C.; Tubey, R.; Kwonyike, J., “Involvement in decision-making processes and
retention of health workers: findings from a cross-sectional study in the Rwandan Public District
Hospitals”, Pan African Medical Journal, 34, 2019. doi:10.11604/pamj.2019.34.129.16514
Nkundabatware, Jean Damascene, “The Effects of the Performance Based Financing (PBF)
on Health Institutions Performance in Rwanda”, 2019, 8 p. SSRN:
Nnamuchi, Obiajulu; Odinkonigbo, Jirinwayo Jude; Obuka, Uju Beatrice; Agu, Helen,
“Successes and Failures of Social Health Insurance Schemes in Africa: Nigeria versus Ghana and
Rwanda: a Comparative Analysis”, Annals of Health Law, 28-1, 2019, pp. 127-148.
Quinn, Ashlinn; Williams, Kendra; Thompson, Lisa; et al., “Compensating control
participants when the intervention is of significant value: experience in Guatemala, India, Peru
and Rwanda”, BMJ Global Health, 4-4, 2019, Article Number: UNSP e001567.
Rutayisire, Erigene; Nsabimana, Jean-Aime; Habtu, Michael, “Knowledge and Practice for
Bio-medical Waste Management Among Healthcare Personnel at Kabgayi District Hospital,
Rwanda”, Journal of Public Health International, 1-4, 2019, pp. 36-44.
Scott, K.; Dushime, T.; Rusanganwa, V.; et al., “Leveraging massive open online courses to
expand quality of healthcare education to health practitioners in Rwanda”, BMJ Open Quality,
8-4, 2019, e000532.
Tsuchiya, Jessica; Nsengiyumva, Kanyamanza; Mumporeze, Rehema, “Improving
Communication and Organization through Shift Leader Handover Report”, Rwanda Journal of
Medicine and Health Sciences, 2-1, 2019, pp. 66-69.
Uwamahoro, C.; Aluisio, A.; Chu, E.; et al., “Evaluation of a modified South African Triage
Score as a predictor of patient disposition at a tertiary hospital in Rwanda”, African Journal of
Emergency Medicine, 2019, 6 p.
Woldemichael, Andinet; Gurara, Daniel; Shimeles, Abebe, “The Impact of Community Based
Health Insurance Schemes on Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Spending: Evidence from Rwanda”,
IMF Working Papers 19/38, Washington DC: IMF, 2019, 38 p.
9.2 Public Health; Medicine
Arpadi, S.; Lamb, M.; Nzeyimana, I.; et al., “Better Outcomes Among HIV-Infected
Rwandan Children 18-60 Months of Age After the Implementation of ‘Treat All’”, Journal of
acquired immune deficiency syndromes, 80-3, 2019, pp. 74-83.
Banzi, Wellars; Rotich, Titus; Ntaganda, Jean-Marie, “Mathematical modelling of the effects
of peer-educators’ campaign on the dynamics of HIV/AIDS in Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal of
Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment, 2-1, 2019, 19 p.

Cousins, Sophie, “The past and present violence of Rwanda’s HIV epidemic”, The Lancet
HIV, 6, 2019.
Donenberg, G.; Cohen, M.; Ingabire, C.; et al., “Applying the Exploration Preparation
Implementation Sustainment (EPIS) Framework to the Kigali Imbereheza Project for Rwandan
Adolescents Living With HIV”, JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 82,
2019, pp. 289-298.
Dzinamarira, Tafadzwa; Pierre, Gashema; Rujeni, Nadine, “Is HIV Self-Testing a Potential
Answer to the Low Uptake of HIV Testing Services Among Men in Rwanda? Perspectives of
Men Attending Tertiary Institutions and Kimisagara Youth Centre in Kigali, Rwanda”, Global
Journal of Health Science, 11-11, 2019, pp. 67-72.
Dzinamarira, Tafadzwa, “The Call to Get More Men Tested for HIV: A Perspective on What
Policy Makers Need to Know for Implementing and Scaling up HIV Self-Testing in Rwanda”,
Global Journal of Health Science, 11-10, 2019, pp. 29-33. DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v11n10p29
Muhoza, Benjamin; Remera, Eric; Shi, Qiuhu; et al., “Secondary data use in Rwanda:
Leveraging OpenMRS for global HIV research”, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,
264, 2019, p. 1732. doi: 10.3233/SHTI190620
Mukanyangezi, M.; Rugwizangoga, B.; Manzi, O.; “Persistence rate of cervical human
papillomavirus infections and abnormal cytology in Rwanda”, HIV Medicine, 20-7, 2019, pp.
Mukanyangezi, M.; Manzi, O.; Tobin, G.; et al., “Sexual risk behaviour in a cohort of HIVnegative and HIV-positive Rwandan women”, Epidemiology & Infection, 147, 2019, e54, 9 p.
Murenzi, Gad, “Preliminary Xpert® HPV testing results from a large study of women living
with HIV in Rwanda”, Journal of Virus Eradication, 5-Suppl 1, 2019, pp. 6-7.
Ndagijimana, J.; Ribakare, M.; Mugwaneza, P.; et al., “Viral load detection and management
on first line ART in rural Rwanda”, BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, 2019, Art. 8.
Nsanzimana, S.; Semakula, M.; Remera, E.; et al., “Retention in care and virological failure
among adult HIV+ patients on second-line ART in Rwanda: a national representative study”,
BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, 2019, Art. 312.
Ntale, R.; Rutayisire, G.; Mujyarugamba, P.; et al., “HIV seroprevalence, self-reported STIs
and associated risk factors among men who have sex with men: A cross-sectional study in
Rwanda, 2015”, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 95-1, 2019, pp. 71-74.
Ross, J.; Sinayobye, J.; Yotebieng, M.; et al., “Early outcomes after implementation of “treat
all” in Rwanda: an interrupted time series study”, Journal of the International AIDS Society,
22-4, 2019, e25279, doi: 10.1002/jia2.25279.
Tumusiime, David; Stewart, Aimée; Venter, Francois; et al., “The effects of a
physiotherapist-led exercise intervention on peripheral neuropathy among people living with
HIV on antiretroviral therapy in Kigali, Rwanda”, The South African journal of physiotherapy,
75-1, 2019, 11 p. doi: 10.4102/sajp.v75i1.1328.


• Anesthesia
Tuyishime, E.; Durieux, M.; Banguti, P., “The Rwanda Anesthesia Residency Program: A
Model for GME in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”, Journal of Graduate Medical
Education, 11-4, 2019, pp. 20-21. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-18-01031
• Cardiology
Baumann, A.; Hooley, C.; Proctor, E.; et al., “Dissemination and Implementation Program in
Hypertension in Rwanda: Report on Initial Training and Evaluation”, Global Heart, 14-2, 2019,
pp. 135-141.
Hopkinson, Dennis, “Acute coronary syndrome in Rwanda: an educational intervention to
increase detection rates and improve management and outcomes”, Cardiovascular Journal of
Africa, 30-Suppl.1, 2019, pp. 55-56.
Peprah, Emmanuel; Iwelunmor, Juliet; Price, LeShawndra, “Assessing Stakeholder
Engagement for Translation Research and Implementation Science in Low-and Middle-Income
Countries: Lessons From Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, and
Vietnam”, Global Heart, 14-2, 2019, pp. 99-101. doi: 10.1016/j.gheart.2019.05.009
Sibomana, J.; McNamara, R.; Walker, T., “Patient, clinician and logistic barriers to blood
pressure control among adult hypertensives in rural district hospitals in Rwanda: a crosssectional study”, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 19-1, 2019. doi: 10.1186/s12872-019-1203-3
• Diabetes
Kabeza, Claudine; Kanagasabai, Thirumagal; Kateera, Brenda; et al., “The impact of
educational camp on glycemic control of Rwandan type 1 diabetes youth”, Rwanda Journal of
Medicine and Health Sciences, 2-1, 2019, pp. 21-24.
Kabeza, C.; Harst, L.; Schwarz, P.; Timpel, P., “Assessment of Rwandan diabetic patients’
needs and expectations to develop their first diabetes self-management smartphone application
(Kir’App)”, Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 10, 2019, 19 p.
doi: 10.1177/2042018819845318
Lygidakis, C.; Uwizihiwe, J-P.; Kallestrup, P.; et al., “Community- and mHealth-based
integrated management of diabetes in primary healthcare in Rwanda: the protocol of a mixedmethods study including a cluster randomised controlled trial (D²Rwanda)”, BMJ Open, 9-7,
2019, e028427.

Meharry, P.; Tengera, O.; Rulisa, S.; et al., “Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus
among women attending antenatal care at public health centers in Rwanda”, Diabetes Research
and Clinical Practice, 151, 2019, pp. 252-259.
Mukeshimana, M.; Chironda, G., “Depression and Associated Factors Among the Patients
with Type 2 Diabetes in Rwanda”, Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 29-6, 2019, pp.


Cyuzuzo, Callixte, “Epidemiological Pervasiveness of Entamoeba histolytica among the
patients attending Nyanza district hospital, Rwanda in 2018”, International Journal of
Epidemiologic Research, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, 2019.
M’kumbuzi, V.; Kagwiza, J.; Biraguma, J.; et al., “Epidemiology of spinal deformities
among secondary school children in Rwanda”, African Journal for Physical Activity and Health
Sciences, 25-1, 2019, pp. 93-104.
• Epilepsy
Van Steenkiste, F., Nsanzabaganwa, W.; Uwacu, B.; et al., “An ambispective cohort study on
treatment outcomes of patients with epilepsy in a tertiary epilepsy center in Rwanda and
recommendations for improved epilepsy care”, Epilepsia Open, 4-1, 2019, 123-132. doi:
• Hepatitis
Gupta, N.; Mbituyumuremyi, A.; Kabahizi, J.; et al., “Treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus
infection in Rwanda with ledipasvir–sofosbuvir (SHARED): a single-arm trial”, The Lancet
Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 4-2, 2019, pp. 119-126.
Mathur, P.; Comstock, E.; Makuza, J.; et al., “Implementation of a unique hepatitis C care
continuum model in Rwanda”, Journal of Public Health, 41-2, 2019, e203-e208. doi: 10.1093/
Twagirumugabe, T.; Saguti, F.; Habarurema, S.; et al., “Hepatitis A and E virus infections
have different epidemiological patterns in Rwanda”, International Journal of Infectious
Diseases, 86, 2019, pp. 12-14.
Umutesi, J.; Liu, C.; Penkunas, M.; et al., “Screening a nation for hepatitis C virus
elimination: a cross-sectional study on prevalence of hepatitis C and associated risk factors in the
Rwandan general population”, BMJ Open, 9-7, 2019, e029743.
Umutesi, G.; Shumbusho, F.; Kateera, F.; et al., “Rwanda launches a 5-year national hepatitis
C elimination plan: A landmark in sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of Hepatology, 70-6, 2019, pp.
• Homeopathy
Von Wedel, Elisabeth, “Unterwegs in der Schweiz Afrikas: Die Homöopathie findet ihren
Weg nach Ruanda : Einblicke in die erste Phase eines Auslandsprojekts der Homöopathen ohne
Grenzen”, Allgemeine homöopathische Zeitung, 264-2, 2019, pp. 6-11. [Out and about in
Switzerland in Africa: Homeopathy finds its way to Rwanda: Insights into the first phase of a
project abroad by Homeopaths Without Borders] DOI: 10.1055/a-0828-0684
• Hygiene
Waterkeyn, Juliet; Matimati, Regis; Muringaniza, Andrew; et al., “Comparative Assessment
of Hygiene Behaviour Change and Cost-effectiveness of Community Health Clubs in Rwanda


and Zimbabwe”, in Rozman, Urška, (ed.) Hygiene for Human Health and Infection Control.
London, IntechOpen, 2019.
• Leukemia
Bigirimana, J.; Nguyen, C.; Deboer, R.; et al., “Ten Years of Treating Chronic Myeloid
Leukemia in Rural Rwanda: Feasible Approaches for Low-Resource Settings”, Blood, 134, 2019.
• Malaria
Asingizwe, D.; Poortvliet, M.; Koenraadt, C.; et al., “Role of individual perceptions in the
consistent use of malaria preventive measures: Mixed methods evidence from rural Rwanda”,
Malaria Journal, 18, 2019, Art. 270.
Hakizimana, Emmanuel, Integrated vector management (IVM) as a tool for community
empowerment towards malaria elimination in Rwanda, PhD Thesis, Wageningen University,
Uwimana, Aline; Penkunas, Michael; Nisingizwe, Marie-Paul; et al., “Efficacy of
artemether-lumefantrine versus dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the treatment of
uncomplicated malaria among children in Rwanda: an open-label, randomized controlled trial”,
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 113-6, 2019, pp. 312-319.
• Miscellany
Byukusenge, M.; Li, L.; Uwanyirigira, M.; et al., “Complete Genome Sequences of 20
Nontyphoidal Salmonella Isolates from Rwanda”, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8-12,
2019, e00016-19. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00016-19
Chironda, G.; Ngendahayo, F.; Mudasumbwa, G.; et al., “Renal replacement therapy (RRT)
in Rwanda: Benefits, challenges and recommendations”, Rwanda Medical Journal, 76-3, 2019,
pp. 1-6.
Garbern, S.; Mbanjumucyo, G.; Umuhoza, C.; et al., “Validation of a wearable biosensor
device for vital sign monitoring in septic emergency department patients in Rwanda”, Digital
Health, 2019.
Geus, D.; Sifft, K.; Habarugira, F.; et al., “Co-infections with Plasmodium, Ascaris and
Giardia among Rwandan schoolchildren”, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 24-4,
2019, pp. 409-420.
Mckay, William; Lee, Danyela; Masu, Adolphe, et al., “Surveys of post-operative pain
management in a teaching hospital in Rwanda, 2013 and 2017”, Canadian Journal of Pain, 3-1,
2019, pp. 190-199.
Mucyo, W.; Sebatunzi, O.; Musoni, E.; et al., “Kikuchi-fujimoto disease in Rwanda: A rare
disease with a common presentation”, Rwanda Medical Journal, 76-1, 2019, pp. 1-4.
Pindyck, Talia; Tate, Jacqueline; Bonkoungou, Isidore; et al., “Timeliness of rotavirus
vaccination at sentinel sites in four early-adopter African countries”, Vaccine, 37-40, 2019, pp.
6002-6007 [Burkina Faso; Ghana; Rwanda; Zimbabwe]

Ruberanziza, E.; Owada, K.; Clark, N.; et al., “Mapping Soil-Transmitted Helminth Parasite
Infection in Rwanda: Estimating Endemicity and Identifying At-Risk Populations”, Tropical
Medicine and Infectious Disease, 4-2, 2019, e93. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed4020093
Sutherland, T.; Moriau, V.; Niyonzima, J-M.; et al., “The “Just Right” Amount of Oxygen:
Improving Oxygen Utilization in a Rwandan Emergency Department”, Annals of the American
Thoracic Society, 16-9, 2019, pp. 1138-1142. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201811-763QI.
Tuyishimire, J.; Okoya, F.; Adebayo, A.; Humura, F.; Lucero-Prisno, D., “Assessment of selfmedication practices with antibiotics among undergraduate university students in Rwanda”, Pan
African Medical Journal, 33, 2019. doi:10.11604/pamj.2019.33.307.18139
Uwineza, A.; Muhorakeye, A.; Hitayezu, J.; Cartledge, P., “Developing a core outcome set
for a congenital abnormalities surveillance programme in Rwanda: a Delphi consensus study”,
F1000Research, 8, 2019.
• Obstetrics; Gynecology; Reproductive Health
Bijlmakers, Leon; Sayinzoga, Felix; Tetui, Moses; et al., “Understanding variation in
maternal health service coverage and maternal health outcomes among districts in Rwanda”,
PLoS ONE 14-10, 2019, e0223357.
Janoowalla, Hannah; Keppler, Hannah; Asanti, Daniel, et al., “The impact of menstrual
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• Peritonitis
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• Podoconiosis
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• Schistosomiasis
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• Sexual Health
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• Stunting
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• Surgery
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• Thrombosis
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•Youth Health
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9.3 Mental Health
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9.4 Nursing
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Cotton, Philip, “Foreword”;
Meharry, Pamela, “Editorial: Graduate Nursing Research”, p. 85
Kayiranga, Dieudonné; Uwimana, Marie-Chantal; Nyirazigama, Alice; et al., “Perceptions of
adolescent parenting among high school adolescent students from selected rural and urban schools in
Rwanda”, pp. 86-95;
Uwingabire, Fauste; Gowan, Marcella, “Birth asphyxia at a district hospital in Kigali, Rwanda”, pp.
Mukarubayiza, Marie-Rose; Gowan, Marcella, “Educational intervention to increase parental care of
preterm neonates at district hospital in Kigali”, pp. 105-111.
Ryamukuru, David; Ndateba, Innocent; Mukamana, Donatilla; et al., “Assessment of anxiety in
patients awaiting surgery in a referral hospital in Rwanda”, pp. 112-117
Uwayezu, Marie-Goretti; Gishoma, Darius; Sego, Ruth; et al., “Anxiety and depression among cancer
patients: prevalence and associated factors at a Rwandan referral hospital”, pp. 118-125
Ntakirutimana, Christian; Umuziga, Providence; Nikuze, Bellancille; et al., “Vasectomy is family
planning: factors affecting uptake among men in eastern province of Rwanda”, pp. 126-137.
Muteteli, Claudine; Tengera, Olive; Gowan, Marcella, “Neonatal pain management among nurses and
midwives at two Kigali hospitals”, pp.138-146


Cishahayo, Emeline Umutoni; Tuyisenge, Marie-Jeanne; Mwiseneza, Marie-Josée; et al., “Perceived
effects of burnout on patients and its management among nurses in the Intensive Care Unit and
Emergency Department of a Rwandan University Teaching Hospital”, pp. 147-153
Rumagihwa, Liberatha; Bhengu, Busisiwe Rosemary, “Oral care practices of nurses on ventilated
patients in Kigali Intensive Care Unit”, pp.154-159;
Maniriho, Fulgence; Rajeswaran, Lakshmi; Collins, Anita; Chironda, Geldine, “Assessment of nurses’
perceptions and adherence to five moments of hand hygiene in selected units at a University Teaching
Hospital in Rwanda”, pp. 160-171
Bagweneza, Vedaste; Musabirema, Priscille; Mwiseneza, Marie-Josée; et al., “Diabetes health
education: nurses’ knowledge of essential components at a Rwandan hospital”, pp. 172-177
Tuyisenge, Marie-Jeanne; Umuziga, Providence; Umutoni, Emeline Cishahayo; et al., “Hemodialysis
care by nurses: exploration of performance factors at four nephrology units in Rwanda”, pp. 178-184
Ngendahayo, Flavien; Mukamana, Donatilla; Ndateba, Innocent; et al., “Chronic Kidney Disease
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Musabyimana, Catherine; Mukankusi, Juliet Norah; Collins, Anita; et al., “Clinical learning
environment and supervision: satisfaction levels of University of Rwanda Students”, pp. 194-201.

9.5 Nutrition; Food
Agho, Kingsley E.; Mukabutera, Christine; Mukazi, Monica; et al., “Moderate and severe
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Vaiknoras, Kate; Larochelle, Catherine; Birol, Ekin; Asare-Marfo, Dorene; Herrington,
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Wenger, Michael; Rhoten, Stephanie; Murray-Kolb, Laura; et al., “Changes in Iron Status
Are Related to Changes in Brain Activity and Behavior in Rwandan Female University Students:
Results from a Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial Involving Iron-Biofortified Beans”, The
Journal of Nutrition, 149-4, 2019, pp. 687-697.
Williams, Pamela; Schnefke, Courtney; Flax, Valerie; et al., “Using Trials of Improved
Practices to identify practices to address the double burden of malnutrition among Rwandan
children”, Public Health Nutrition, 22-17, 2019, pp. 3175-3186.



10.1 Research
Johnstone, Lyn, “Landscapes of Desire: The Effect of Gender, Sexualized Identity, and
Flirting on Data Production in Rwanda and Zimbabwe”, in Idem, The politics of conducting
research in Africa: Ethical and emotional challenges in the field, Palgrace Macmillan, 2019, pp.
Malik, Aditi, “The promise of interpretive methods in tightly controlled political settings”,
SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2, 2019, 11 p. doi:10.4135/9781526495600
Mukama, Evode; Nkusi, Laurent (eds), Ubushakashatsi Mu Bumenyi Nyamuntu N'imibanire
Y'abantu 2, Cape Town: African Minds,182 p.
10.2 Natural Sciences
Cairncross, Bruce, Minerals & gemstones of East Africa: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania
and Uganda, Cape Town: Struik Nature, 2019, 160 p.
Dehling, Maximilian, “Partitioning of morphospace in larval and adult reed frogs (Anura:
Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius) of the Central African Albertine Rift”, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 280,
2019, pp. 65-77.
Dewitt, Langley; Gasore, Jimmy; Rupakheti, Maheswar; et al., “Seasonal and diurnal
variability in O 3, black carbon, and CO measured at the Rwanda Climate Observatory”,
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,19-3, 2019, pp. 2063-2078.
Elbeltagy, Ahmed; Bertolini, Francesca; Fleming, Damarius; et al., “Natural Selection
Footprints Among African Chicken Breeds and Village Ecotypes”, Frontiers in Genetics, 10,
2019, Art. 376.
Gasangwa, Ivan; Takatoshi, Ueno, “The first record of eucalyptus shoot psyllid Blastopsylla
occidentalis Taylor (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and its parasitoids, Psyllaephagous spp.

Research Methods in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Research in developed countries is often considered as a means to
pave the way towards sustainable development in different areas of the society including science and technology, the economy,
governance and security. Researchers in developing countries rarely have the opportunity to use their indigenous languages to
design, plan and conduct research. Nor do they communicate in their indigenous languages to share their insights and learnings
from other parts of the world with colleagues or students. Utilising the languages that researchers, students and teachers,
policymakers, the community, and others interested in research understand better can help to generate new knowledge embedded
in local realities where sustainable development needs to take root. That is why this book is in Kinyarwanda. The authors hope
that writing this book in Kinyarwanda will increase research capacity in the humanities and social sciences in Rwanda and in the
region. And that it will increase interaction between all key stakeholders in the planning and conducting of research as well as in
analysing, monitoring and evaluating the research process and its outputs [From the Publisher]


(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in Rwanda”, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 7-3, 2019,
pp. 43-46.
Göbel, Tanja; Bodner, Martin; Robino, Carlo; et al., “Mitochondrial DNA variation in SubSaharan Africa: forensic data from a mixed West African sample, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast),
and Rwanda”, Forensic Science International: Genetics, 44, 2019 [2020], p. 102202.
Goodship, A.; Dace, A.; O’Hare, P.; et al., “Geology and genesis of the Musha-Ntunga SnTa-Li-Nb vein-pegmatite deposit, Rwanda: first results from deep drilling of a coltan mine in
Rwanda and first detailed description of Li minerals”, Applied Earth Science, 128-2, 2019, pp.
Kayitete, L.; Hoek, Y.; Nyirambangutse, B.; Derhé, M., “Observations on regeneration of the
keystone plant species Hagenia abyssinica in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, African
Journal of Ecology, 57-2, 2019, pp. 274-278.
Mukarugwiro, J.; Newete, S.; Adam, E., “Mapping distribution of water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes) in Rwanda using multispectral remote sensing imagery”, African Journal
of Aquatic Science, 44-4, 2019, pp. 339-348.
Ngirinshuti, Leonce; Tabaro, Simon Rukera; Johanson, Kjell, “The Trichoptera diversity of
Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda, with description of a new species in the family Pisuliidae”,
European Journal of Taxonomy, 576, 2019, 11 p.
Niyomubyeyi, Olive; Pilesjö, Petter; Mansourian, Ali, “Evacuation Planning Optimization
Based on a Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm”, ISPRS international journal of
geo-information, 8-3, 2019. doi:10.3390/ijgi8030110
Njoroge, Anne, “Genotyping of Phytophthora infestans in Eastern Africa Reveals a
Dominating Invasive European Lineage”, Phytopathology, 109-4, 2019, pp. 670-680.
Nsengimana, Olivier; Becker, Matthew; Ruhagazi, Deo; Niyomwungeri, Jean, “Minimum
population size and distribution of Grey Crowned Cranes Balearica regulorum in Rwanda: an
aerial and ground survey”, Ostrich, 90-1, 2019, pp. 79-83.
Siebert, Asher; Dinku, Tufa; Vuguziga, Floribert; et al., “Evaluation of ENACTS-Rwanda: A
new multi-decade, high-resolution rainfall and temperature data set-Climatology”, International
Journal of Climatology, 39-6, 2019, pp. 3104-3120.
Umereweneza, Daniel; Muhizi, Theoneste; Kamizikunze, Theoneste; et al., “Chemical
Composition and Antifungal Activity of Essential Oils Extracted from Leaves of Eucalyptus
Melliodora and Eucalyptus Anceps Grown in Rwanda”, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants,
22-1, 2019, pp. 151-158.
Uwiduhaye, Jean d'Amour; Mizunaga, Hideki; Saibi, Hakim, “A case history: 3-D gravity
modeling using hexahedral element in Kinigi geothermal field, Rwanda”, Arabian Journal of
Geosciences, 12-3, 2019, Art. 86.
Villeneuve, Michel; Gaertner, Andreas; Kalikone, Christian Buzera; et al., “U-Pb ages and
provenance of detrital zircon from metasedimentary rocks of the Nya-Ngezie and Bugarama

Groups; a key for the evolution of the Mesoproterozoic Kibaran-Burundian Orogen in Central
Africa”, Precambrian Research, 328, 2019, pp. 81-98.
Volynkin, Anton, “Siccia imana, a new species from Rwanda (Lepidoptera: Erebidae:
Arctiinae)”, Zootaxa, 4571-2, 2019, pp. 285-289.
Wang, Yu-Sheng; Fang-Hao Wan; Gui-Fen Zhang; Hu Tian; Tian-Mei Dai, “Phenacoccus
madeirensis green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): New geographic records and rapid
identification using a species-specific PCR assay”, Crop protection, 116, 2019, Pp. 68-76.
[China, Rwanda]
Wouters, Sander; Muchez, Philippe; Dewaele, Stijn; et al., “Gold mineralization in the
Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankole belt (Byumba, Rwanda): new insights from petrography and
trace element mapping”, 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral
Deposits 27-30 August, 2019, 2019, pp. 659-662.
10.3 Primatology
Akayezu, Providence; Van Duren, Iris; Groen, Thomas; et al., “Abundance and spatial
distribution of the main food species for mountain gorillas in the Virunga Massif, Rwanda”,
Biodiversity and Conservation, 28-13, 2019, pp. 3597-3620.
Haggblade, Marlene; Smith, Woutrina; Noheri, Jean-Bosco, “Outcomes of snare-related
injuries to endangered mountain gorillas (gorilla beringei beringei) in Rwanda”, Journal of
wildlife diseases, 55-2, 2019, pp. 298-303.
Matthews, J.; Ridley, A.; Niyigaba, P.; et al., “Chimpanzee feeding ecology and fallback food
use in the montane forest of Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda”, American Journal of
Primatology, 81-4, 2019.
Mcfarlin, Shannon; Baiges-Sotos, Laura; Galbany, Jordi; et al., “Skeletal aging in Virunga
mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, American
Journal of Physical Anthropology, 168, 2019.
Samedi, M.; Eckardt, W.; Derhé, M; et al., “Effect of mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei
beringei) population growth to their key food plant biomass in Volcanoes National Park,
Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment, 2-1, 2019, 19 p.
Van der Hoek, Yntze; Emmanuel, Faida; Eckardt, Winnie; et al., “Recent decline in
vegetative regeneration of bamboo (Yushania alpina), a key food plant for primates in Volcanoes
National Park, Rwanda”, Scientific Reports, 9, 2019, Art. No 13041.
10.4 Doctoral Dissertations; Master’s Theses
Agriculture; Agroscience
Bashangwa Mpozi, Bosco, Innovations agricoles endogènes: le cas du fruit de la passion au
Burundi et comparaison avec le Rwanda et le Kenya, Thèse de doctorat, Gembloux Agro-Bio
Tech Université de Liège, 2019.


Berglund, Anna, Ambiguous Hopes: An Ethnographic Study of Agricultural Modernisation in
a Rwandan village, Doctoral dissertation, Lund University, 2019.
Green, Madeleine, Water management for agriculture under a changing climate: case study
of Nyagatare watershed in Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, 2019.
Habiyaremye, Cedric, Evaluating Agronomic Traits of Quinoa, Millet, and Food Barley
Varieties for Adoption in Rwanda and the U.S. Pacific Northwest, PhD Thesis, Washington State
University, 2019.
Irandagiye, Laetitia, Effect of Uptake of Climate Information Services on Food Crops
Productivity in Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, University of Nairobi, 2019.
Mukamuhirwa, Alphonsine, Grain yield and quality traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars
under intermittent drought and contrasting temperatures, Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, 2019.
Mukangango, Marguerite, Potential of Acacia angustissima, Leucaena pallida and Mimosa
scabrella in agroforestry systems on a Rwandan Ferralsol, Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, 2019.
Musabyimana, Tharcisse, Community engagement on scientific research: The process of
communicating Agricultural Research results to farmers by the Rwanda Agriculture Board, PhD
Thesis, Moi University (Kenya), 2019.
Mutangiza, Odette, The contribution of Land Use Consolidation policy to food and nutrition
security of women farmers: A case study of the farmers involved in potato farming, food
availability in Nyabihu district, Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Swedish University of Agricukural
Sciences (Uppsala), 2019.
Nezehose, Marthe, Farmers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of push pull technology to
control maize stem borer (Chilo Partellus) in Gatsibo District of Rwanda, Master’s Thesis,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), 2019.
Ngirinshuti, Emile, Effectiveness of farmer promoter approach for improving coffee farming,
case study Karongi District, Western Province of Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Wageningen
University, 2019.
Nisingizwe, Eric, Farmers’ Perspectives on Male out-Migration and the Future of Agrarian
Livelihoods in Rwanda: Case Studies from Rudashya and Kiryango Villages, Master’s Thesis,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2019.
Nsabuwera, Vincent, Social-Economic Determinants of Food Security among Smallholder
Farmers in Burera District, Rwanda, Master of Science, Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology, 2019.
Nyirahorana, Concilie, Effect of Cassava Brown Streak Disease Control Measures on
Cassava Production in Ruhango and Bugesera Districts of Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2019.


Rugimbana, Claude, Predicting Maize (Zea Mays) Yields in Eastern Province of Rwanda
Using Aquacrop Model, Master’s Thesis (MS), University of Nairobi, 2019.
Rurangwa, Edouard, The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on nursery inoculated
tissue cultured banana and initial field performance in Rwanda, Master of Science, Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2019.
Sullivan, Sean, Between the park and the colline: Lessons learned from smallholder
management in Peru and Rwanda, M.A., Catholic University of America, 2019.
Coffee; Tea
Bigirimana, Joseph, Improving Management of Potato Taste Defect in Coffee and
Elucidating Its Mechanisms of Occurrence, PhD, Michigan State University, 2019.
Ndayisaba, Eric, Le thé au Burundi des années 1950 à 2018: Politique publique de
développement, rente et appropriations, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Pau et des Pays de
l’Adour, 2019.
Uwizeye, Odette, Influence of Strategic Management Drivers on the Growth of Coffee Export
Processing Firms in Rwanda, PhD Thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology, 2019.
Kisaakye, Peter, Contraceptive histories: a comparative analysis of switching behaviour in
five East African countries, PhD, University of Cape Town, 2019. [Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda,
Tanzania, Uganda]
Papaioannou, Antigoni, A cross-sectional study examining the association between litaracy
and unmet need for contraception among women in Rwanda, MA, Uppsala Universitet
(Sweden), 2019.
Bolin, Annalisa, A country without culture is destroyed: Making Rwanda and Rwandans
through heritage, Thesis Ph.D. Stanford University 2019.
Development; Economy
Bisaga, Iwona Magdalena. Scaling up off-grid solar energy access through improved
understanding of customers' needs, aspirations and energy use of decentralised (SMART) Solar
Home Systems: A case study of BBOXX customers in Rwanda, PhD, University College London,
Farquharson, DeVynne, Sustainable Energy Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts on
Air Quality, Economics, and Fuel Consumption, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019.


Kadozi, E., Remittance inflows and economic development in Rwanda, PhD, Amsterdam
Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), 2019.
Singh, Anuj Pratap, Essays in Development and Behavioural Economics: The Role of
Insurance and Consumer Disclosure in Household Vulnerability and Financial Decision Making,
PhD, Trinity College (Dublin), 2019. [Rwanda, Viet Nam, Ireland]
Urujeni, Consolée, Comparative Analysis of Export Promotion of Rwanda and South Korea,
Master’s Thesis, Seoul National University, 2019.
Uwamahoro Kayumba, Christine, Effect of outsourcing on organizational performance in
Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Umeå University (Sweden), 2019.
Viljoen, Christie, A new institutional economics (NIE) perspective on institutional change
and leadership in Rwanda, from pre-history to post-genocide, PhD Thesis, Stellenbosch
University, 2019.
Maraia, Gerald, “A Place of a Hundred Things”: The Plurality of Literacies in Community
Context, EdD, University of Pennsylvania, 2019.
Narame, Ernestine, L’expérience scolaire des enfants perspectives croisées,
Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Lausanne, 2019.
Niyifasha, Philbert, Teachers’ attitude towards English language and students’ academic
performance in selected secondary schools in Musanze district, Rwanda, Master’s Thesis,
Kampala International University, 2019.
Takahashi, Tomoharu, Effects of Competence-based Curriculum in Secondary Education:
Focusing on critical thinking and career development of Rwandan students, Thesis or
Dissertation, Kyoto University, 2019.
Kalisa, Egide, Chemical and Biological Characterization of Air Particulate Matter in Japan,
New Zealand and Rwanda As Case Studies, PhD Thesis, Auckland University of Technology
(New Zealand), 2019.
Veerman, Nora, Fashioning Cultural Equity: A study of the materials, practices, products
and consumers of fashion company Afriek, Master’s thesis, Stockholm University, 2019.
Gacaca; Ndi Umunyarwanda
Dusenge, Betty, Rwanda community ownership of conflict transformation mechanisms after
the 1994 genocide against Tutsi, Master’s Thesis (MA), School for International Training
(Brattleboro, VT), 2019.


Allen, Cassandra Marion, Virtuous wives and loose parliamentarians: Examining the
emergence of gender equality in post-genocide Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Geneva, Graduate
Institute of International and Development Studies, 2019.
Bizimungu, Christophe, An examination of the impacts of rape myths and gender bias on the
legal process for rape in Rwanda, PhD, University of Sussex, 2019.
Goldie-Ryder, Katie, Attitudes Towards Gender Equality and Reconciliation: A Qualitative
Case Study of the Rwandan Diaspora in Sweden, Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, 2019.
Faucheux, Amélie, “Massacrer dans l’intimité : la question des ruptures de liens sociaux et
familiaux dans le cas du génocide des Tutsis du Rwanda de 1994, Doctorat, EHESS (Paris),
Gorilla beringei beringei
Gorgone, Louis, Ecological Divergence in the Medial Cuneiform and Talus of Mountain
Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei), Master’s Thesis, The George Washington University, 2019.
Wick, Charlotte, Direct and public incitement to commit genocide: lessons from the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, PhD Thesis, University of Leicester (UK), 2019.
International Community
Usainović, Jasmina, The role of the International community in the peacebuilding process in
Rwanda after the 1994 genocide, Master’s Thesis, University of Belgrade, 2019.
Politics; Government; Policy
Asiimwe, Simon Peter, The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the
Organizational Performance in the Public Institutions of Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Seoul
National University, 2019.
Gaudreault, Francis, Chasing the ‘East Asian Miracle’ in Africa? A case study analysis of the
Rwandan governance reform process since 2000, PhD, University of Ottawa, 2019.
Hakizimana, Gahamanyi William, Investigating challenges in the implementation of egovernment services: A case of Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Umeå University (Sweden), 2019.
Kapteyn, Jasper, The roots of state effectiveness: responsive authoritarianism and its politics:
A comparative case study of Ethiopia and Rwanda, Master thesis, Leiden University, 2019.

Løvgren, Rose, Politics of patience: Lessons on sovereignty and subjectivity from failed
fieldwork in Rwanda, PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, 2019.
Mukamurenzi, Solange, Designing eGovernment Service Evaluation in Rwanda, Doctoral
Thesis, Örebro Universit, 2019.
Mutimukwe, Chantal, Information privacy protection in e-government in Rwanda, Doctoral
thesis, Örebro University (Sweden), 2019.
Ntayomba, Jean Marie Vianney, Property Tax Policy in the City of Kigali (Rwanda): A Case
Study of Policy Implementation, California Baptist University, DPA (Doctor of Public
Administration), 2019.
Swinnen, Chloé, Rwanda: Quand la société civile doit ménager la chèvre et le chou... Entre
bailleurs de fonds et autorités nationales, quelle est la marge de manœuvre de la société civile
rwandaise ?, Master of Science, Université catholique de Louvain, 2019.
Wisman, Jamie, Constitutional Coups d’état and Political Violence in the Great Lakes: A
Comparative Case Study of Rwanda and Burundi, Thèse de maîtrise, Leiden University, 2019.
Xia, Xue, Extracting Cadastral Boundaries from UAV Images Using Fully Convolutional
Networks, Master’s Thesis, University of Twente (The Netherlands), 2019.
Kuria, Anne, How ‘local’ is local knowledge? The role of local knowledge in implementing
locally appropriate land restoration interventions, PhD, Bangor University (Maine), 2019.
[Rwanda, Ethiopia]
Literature; Literacy practices; Theater
Boizette, Pierre, Décolonisation des subjectivités et renaissance africaine: critique et
réforme de la modernité chez Scholastique Mukasonga, Ngugi wa Thiong’o et Valentin-Yves
Mudimbe, Thèse de Doctorat, Université Paris 10, 2019.
Durbin, Grace, Speaking the International Language of Art: A Practice as Research Study to
explore the legacy of Theatre for Development in making a new play for a social justice theatre
festival in post-conflict Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, University of Essex, 2019.
Maraia, Gerald, “A Place of a Hundred Things”: The Plurality of Literacies in Community
Context, EdD, University of Pennsylvania, 2019.
Maurer, Ayala Sarah, Subversive Survival: Reconsidering Trauma in Literary
Representations of the Holocaust, Apartheid and the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in
Rwanda, Ph.D, University College London, 2019.
Rasmont, Florence, Commémorer sur les collines: Lieux et acteurs de la mémoire du
génocide tutsi au Rwanda (1990-2001), Thèse de doctorat, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2019.


Mugwaneza, Belise, Exploring how microfinance institutions can enable access to financial
services in rural areas of Rwanda: a case study of Réseau Interdiocésain de Microfinance,
Master’s Thesis, Swedish University of Agricukural Sciences (Uppsala), 2019.
Mushimiyimana, Emmanuel, Regulation of Mining in the East African Community in the
Context of Globalisation, PhD Thesis, Universität Leipzig, 2019.
Natural Sciences
Hawinkel, Pieter, Modeling vegetation dynamics driven by climate variability and land use
changes in Rwanda, PhD Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2019.
Oral narratives
Brower, Lowell, In the Place of Sorrow: Storytelling, Sociality, and Survival in PostGenocide Rwanda and Its Refugee Camps, Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, 2019.
Peace education
Doerrer, Sarah, Impact, Implementation, and Insights of Peace Education: A Case Study of
the M.A. in Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation Program at the University of Rwanda,
PhD Thesis, Loyola Marymount University, 2019.
Van den Berg, Bart, Propaganda and mass violence in Africa: The cases of Rwanda and
Kenya, Master’s thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2019.
Public Health
Kasim, Hussein, State Effectiveness and Political Will: The Case of Malaria Control in
Uganda and Rwanda, PhD Dissertation, Carleton University (Ottawa), 2019.
Matsiko, Eric, Exploring linear growth retardation in Rwandan children: Ecological and
biological factors, PhD Thesis, Wageningen University, 2019.
Mukamurigo, Judith, Quality of intrapartum care in Rwanda: management and women's
experiences, Doctoral Thesis, University of Gothenburg, 2019.
Mukanziza, Venantie, Challenges Trainees With Visual Impairment Encounter in Learning
Orientation and Mobility: Case of Study, Masaka Rehabilitation Center For The Blind in Kigali,
Rwanda, Master’s thesis, Kenyatta University, 2019. Kasim, Hussein, State Effectiveness and
Political Will: The Case of Malaria Control in Uganda and Rwanda, PhD Dissertation, Carleton
University (Ottawa), 2019.


Musabwasoni, Marie, Assessing the Impact of Mentorship on Rwandan Nurses’ and
Midwives’ Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in Managing Postpartum Hemorrhage, Master’s Thesis,
The University of Western Ontario, 2019.
Ndayisenga, Jean Pierre, Nurse and Midwife Educators' Experiences of Translating Teaching
Methodology Knowledge into Practice in Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, The University of Western
Ontario, 2019.
Ngabo, Fidèle, Estimating the health and economic impact attributable to the pentavalent
rotavirus vaccine introduction in Rwanda, PhD Thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2019.
Rostollan, Mason Andrew, Characterization of Environmental Health Risks in Kanembwe,
Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, University of Central Arkansas, 2019.
Carlsén, Therese, Truly reconciled or latent enemies? A comparison of the political
reconciliation processes of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Uppsala
University, 2019.
Dowden, Elese Bree, A Camusian ethic for reconciliation: Forgiveness and grief in
Australia, New Zealand and Rwanda, PhD Thesis, The University of Queensland, 2019.
Mbonyumugenzi, Déogratias, Forgiveness beyond justice: A theo-ethical understanding of
Christian discipleship in post-genocide Rwanda, Master’s Thesis. Catholic Theological Union
(Chicago), 2019.
Shepard, Meredith, The Art of Reconciliation in Rwanda, PhD Thesis, Columbia University,
Refugees; Diaspora
Banyanga, Jean d’Amour, Social Suffering and Healing Among the Rwandan Diaspora in
Finland and Belgium, Doctoral Dissertation, Åbo Akademi University (Finland), 2019.
Perbo, Ingrid, Refugee repatriation: The case of Rwandan refugees in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, 2019.
Yotebieng, Kelly Ann, The Capacity to Aspire among Rwandan Urban Refugee Women in
Yaoundé, Cameroon, PhD Thesis, The Ohio State University, 2019.
Religion; Church
Biziyaremye, Gilbert, Mary’s divine motherhood in the apparitions of Kibeho: A contextual
mariology for a deeper and new evangelization in Rwanda, Doctoral Thesis, Pontificia
Universitas Urbaniana (Rome), 2019.
Fernandes, Flynn, The Cosmic Mystery of Mary and the Action of the Holy Spirit: A Study of
Marian Apparitions and Manifestations and Their Significance for the Pilgrim People of God,


Doctoral Theis (Doctor of Sacred Theology), Boston College, 2019. [Valiankanni (India);
Zeitoun (Egypt), Kibeho (Rwanda)]
Jackson, Kimberly, Lessons from Rwanda: Moving through and beyond betrayal by clergy,
D.Min. Thesis, Wesley Theological Seminary (Washington DC), 2019.
Lau, Carmen, Stories from Rwandan Churches Prior to the Genocide: A Collection of Oral
Histories, Master’s Thesis, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2019.
Nsengimana, Emile, The Church and the Awakening of Faith: Towards a Christian
Reconciliation for Peace and Justice in Rwanda, Thesis (Licentiate in Sacred Theology), Santa
Clara University, 2019.
Nicely, Stacey Ann, Variations in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultural Orientation and
the Protective Factors that Contribute to Resilience: Comparisons from Jamaica, Rwanda, and
The United States, PhD Thesis, Andrews University (Michigan), 2019.
Nibigira, Carmen, Tourism Development in the East Africa Community Region: Why Is
Tourism Development a Shared Agenda Among Only Some EAC Countries?, PhD Thesis,
Clemson University (South Carolina), 2019.
Trafic accidents
Dusabe, Esthelyne, Factors influencing motorcycle taxi crashes in the city of Kigali,
Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Universiteit Hasselt (Belgium), 2019.
Transitional Justice
Feyen, Marit, Transitional justice for female and male victims of sexual violence during the
Rwandan Genocide, Master’s Thesis, Tilburg University, 2019.
Ubudehe (catégorisation socio-économique)
Mukezamfura, Fabiola, L’usage de la catégorisation socio-économique Ubudehe de la
population rwandaise dans la politique d'accès aux soins de santé au Rwanda: Cas du Secteur
de Shyolongi dans le District de Rulindo, Master ’s Thesis, Université de Liège, 2019.
Women; Girls
Bettinelli, Sara, Women in peacebuilding: “Forming ties across family lines”: The case of
Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Leiden University, 2019.
Gikundiro, Sandrine. Women empowerment and marital satisfaction in Gasabo District,
Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, Kampala International University, 2019.


Kalonde, Chipiliro Ray, Gacaca Traditional Courts as a Tool of Women's Empowerment in
Post-genocide Rwanda: The Case of Women Judges, Master’s Thesis, University of Wyoming,
Kamanzi, John, Influence of Entrepreneurial Dimensions on Growth of Women Micro
Businesses in Rwanda, Doctoral dissertation, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology, 2019.
Nzeyimana, Celestin, Self-Confidence and Empowerment of Women with Physical Disability
Through Sitting Volleyball Participation in Rwanda, Master’s Thesis, University of Tsukuba
(Japan), 2019.
Prince, Samantha-Danielle, A critical examination of girls’ (dis)empowerment in sport for
development and peace, PhD Thesis, Bournemouth University (UK), 2019.
10.5 EUE; LAP; Scholars’ Press
• Editions Universitaires Européennes (EUE)
Arinda, Enock Bwatete, The Role of Smart Technology in Collecting Land Lease Fee in
Rwanda, Editions universitaires europeennes, 2019, 68 p.
Byamungu, Babisha Jeremie; Munyanshongor, Cyprien, Emergency contraception and
CMHS female students in Rwanda, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 52 p.
Gakima, Aline, Le genre dans un contexte post-traumatique: le cas du Rwanda: la pratique
du Gukuna, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 128 p.
Habumuremyi, Donatien, Assessment of soil carbon storage in different land use
managements: Kinoni watershed, Musanze district-Rwanda, Éditions universitaires européennes,
2019, 64 p.
Harelimana, Jean-Damascène, Evaluation of agronomic parameters and genetic
compatibility of beans: Evaluation of seven bush bean varieties under greenhouse conditions at
the university of Rwanda, Busogo campus, Editions universitaires européennes, 2019, 96 p.
Iyakaremye, Innocent, The Contribution of Leadership on the Performance of Commercial
Bank, Editions universitaires européennes, 2019, 76 p.
Khuabi, Camille Ngoma, La coopération économique entre la RDC, le Burundi et le
Rwanda: État des lieux et perspectives. Contribution pour la consolidation de la paix dans la
région des Grands Lacs africains, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 156 p.
Munyandamutsa, Jean-Paul, Horizontal Decentralization and Local Governance in Rwanda:
Pioneering Joint Action between Local Authorities and Non-State Actors, Editions universitaires
europeennes EUE, 2019, 56 p.
Muyombano, Didas; Muyombano, Aimé, Résolution du conflit unilatéral: Crise bilatérale
entre la République Démocratique du Congo et le Rwanda, Editions Universitaires Européennes,
2019, 84 p.

Ndahimana, Anastase, Estimation of production losses due to ridge-tillage in Busogo Sector:
Musanze District of Rwanda, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 64 p.
Ndamage, Ignace; Ndungutse, Pierre, Les origines du génoside (sic) des tutsi au Rwanda et
son exécution barbare, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 152 p.
Ndamage, Ignace; Ndungutse, Pierre, Les origines du génoside (sic) des tutsi au Rwanda et
son exécution barbare, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 152 p.
Ndangali, Segako Christophe, Rwanda ethnies, clans et problèmes socio-politiques: Etude
comparative des pratiques sous la royauté sacrée et le système du Front Patriotique Rwandais,
2ème Edition, Éditions universitaires européennes 2019, 536 p.
Nzogu, Prosper Ndume Pelé, Préface de Frédéric KIBASSA Maliba, Ma plume d'or pour le
pauvre Congo: Tome 2, 1ère Partie: Sous l’occupation rwandaise, Éditions universitaires
européennes, 2019, 436 p.
Okete, Serge, Applicabilité des règles de DIH au génocide rwandais, Éditions universitaires
européennes, 2019, 68 p.
Safari, Theoneste, The contribution of Irish Potatoes cultivated within cooperatives: for the
socio-economic development in the rural areas of Rwanda, Editions universitaires europeennes,
2019, 80 p.
Siborurema, Jean-Bosco, The role of Container Transport System in the Economy of
Landlocked Developing Countries: Case study of Rwanda, Éditions universitaires européennes,
2019, 56 p.
Siku, Déogratias, Analyse du système politique des pays de la CEPGL: Approche
communicationnelle et modélisation, Éditions universitaires européennes, 2019, 96 p.
• LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Dushimimana, Innocent, Statistical Analysis of Savings to Loan Ratio in Commercial Bank,
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 56 p.
Gatete, Fabrice, Evaluation of Decentralization of Common Developments Fund, LAP
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 52 p.
Habamenshi, Védaste; Nibeza, Sylvie, Rwanda’s Achievements in Implementation of
Montreal and Kyoto Protocol, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 160 p.
Habamenshi, Védaste, Deliverance, a Spiritual Battle against the Power of Darkness: The
Context of Christian Churches in Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 52 p.
Habumugisha, Vincent, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Related Diseases in Schools in
Rwanda: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 140 p.
Habyarimana, Jean-Claude, The effect of Tracnet use: An e-health web based application on
HIV/AIDS service delivery in Nyagatare district hospital of Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic
Publishing, 2019, 60 p.


Hakuzwimana, Alfred, The Effects of Exchange Rate Depreciation on Trade Balance in
Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 52 p.
Hategekimana, Celestin, Women’s empowerment in the post 1994 genocide against Tutsi in
Rwanda: A case study of the former Mayaga region, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019,
308 p.
Igihozo, Cyuzuzo Yvette, Microfinance credit and empowerment of rural women in Nyanza,
Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 92 p.
Ineza, Hervé, Strategies for Value Chain Development Contribute to Farmer's income: Case
of Red Bulb Onion Value Chain in Rubavu District- Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic
Publishing, 2019, 92 p.
Kabayiza, Alexis, Credit Needs and Gaps Among Rice Growers in Rwanda, LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2019, 92 p.
Karekezi, Claude, Role of small and medium enterprises and job opportunities in Rwanda,
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 52 p.
Kasema, Romain, The Effect of Innovation Capability on Competitiveness: of Small and
Medium Manufacturing Companies in Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 52 p.
Manirakarama, Emmanuel, Applicability of the Principle of Legality to the Crime of
Genocide, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 72 p.
Masezerano, Jean Wycliffe, Linguistic Communication and Trade Facilitation between
Rwanda and DRC: Assessing the effects in the exportation of agro-food products, LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2019, 76 p.
Mbanda, Gerald, China and Rwanda: Effective Leadership, Transformational Governance,
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 240 p.
Mbanza, Sylvestre, The Role of Subsistence Farming Cooperatives: The Case of Mwendo
Sector, Ruhango District, Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 108 p.
Mukanzigiye, Marie-Goretti, When children were trained to hate: Dark times in Rwanda:
Testimonies on hatred, discrimination, stereotypes, and genocide against the Tutsi people of
Rwanda in 1994, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 72 p.
Muyombano, Pierre; Mberia, Hellen; Nabuzale, Caroline, The Influence of Health
Communication Campaigns in Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 92 p.
Ndagijimna, Dominique, The legal analysis of the unilateral humanitarian intervention
under international law, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 84 p.
Ndakengerwa, Gasana Aimable; Uwayezu, Felicien, The Socio-Economic Development
impact of Microfinance products in Rwanda: A case study of Unguka Bank, LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2019, 56 p.
Ndushabandi, Eric Nsanzubuhoro; Kagaba, Mediatrice, IntraFamily conflicts: A constant
Challenge to Peace in Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 96 p.


Ngoboka, Godfrey, Consumer Preferences to Adopt Domestic Biogas Digester Technology,
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 212 p.
Nsanzimana, Sylvestre, ICT for development: Understanding the contribution of ICTs on
socio-economic development of Rwanda (Case study of Mukura and Tumba sectors), LAP
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 104 p.
Ntirenganya, Frederic; Ngirabakunzi, Felicien; Maniragaba, Theoneste, Factors Affecting the
HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Rwanda by Using DHS Data, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 52 p.
Nyirasebura, Dancilla, Exploring Job Satisfaction among Nurses at University Teaching
Hospital in Kigali, Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 76 p.
Nyisingize, Enock, Aligning Tertiary Education Curriculum with Workplace Competence in
Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 236 p.
Obilan, Abubakar, Teaching-Learning Methods and Students’ Academic Performance in
English Language in Public Secondary Schools in Musanze District-Rwanda, LAP Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2019, 72 p.
Rugazura, Ephraim, Rural Banking and Rural Development: A Case Study of Rwanda
Development Bank in Musanze District, Africa, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 240 p.
Rugira, Kelvin, Paths to Financing Clean and Modern Energy in Rural Areas of Rwanda,
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 96 p.
Twagirumukama, James, Impact of internal audit on strength of financial institutions in
Rwanda, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019, 68 p.
Twagirumukama, James, Auditing online: The contribution of internal audit on efficiency
and effectiveness of private companies in Rwanda: A case of UNILAK, LAP Lambert Academic
Publishing, 2019, 76 p.
• Scholars’ Press
Cyesa, Gallican, The effect of foreign aid on trade balance in Rwanda, Riga (Latvia):
Scholars’ Press, 2019, 60 p.
Katusime, Joshua, Prevalence of Bovine anaplasmosis in Girinka cattle in Rwanda: Case
study of Kibirizi sector of Nyanza district, Riga (Latvia): Scholars’ Press, 2019, 60 p.
Ndakengerwa, Gasana Aimable, The Human Capital Influence on Banking Sector
Productivity: within Rwanda, Scholars’ Press, 2019, 52 p.
Rodgers, Manana, A Critical Analysis of the Shortcomings Related to Genocide Trials: A
Comparative Case Study of Rwanda and Former Yugoslavia, Scholars’ Press, 2019, 112 p.
Ruterahagusha, Roger; Nkurikiyimana, Emmanuel, Employee Coaching and its Outcomes in
Public Institutions in Rwanda, Riga (Latvia): Scholars’ Press, 2019, 64 p.


10.6 Book Reviews
author of review

book reviewed


Admirand, Peter

Hatzfeld, Jean, Blood Papa:
Rwanda's New Generation
(translated by Joshua David
Jordan), 2018.

Human Rights Review, 20-3,
2019, pp. 393-394.

Ahearn, Scott

Cieplak, Piotr, Death, Image,
Memory: The Genocide in
Rwanda and its Aftermath in
Photography and
Documentary Film, 2018.

Genocide Studies and
Prevention, 13-2, 2019, pp.

Beachler, Donald

Bradol, Jean-Hervé; Le Pape,
Marc, Humanitarian Aid,
Genocide and Mass Killings:
Médecins Sans Frontières,
The Rwandan Experience,
1982-97, 2018.

Holocaust and Genocide
Studies, 33-2, 2019, pp.

Binagwaho, Agnes; Hinda,
Ruton; Mills, Edward

Rever, Judi, In praise of
“Rwanda and revisionist
blood: the crimes of the
history”, Lancet, 393-10169,
Rwandan patriotic front, 2018 2019, pp. 319-320

Bognitz, Stefanie

Eramian, Laura, Peaceful
selves: personhood,
nationhood, and the postconflict moment in Rwanda,

Social Anthropology, 27-2,
2019, pp. 377-378.

Bond, Kanisha

Berry, Marie, War, Women,
and Power: From Violence to
Mobilization in Rwanda and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2018

American Journal of
Sociology, 125-2, 2019, pp.

Cantrell, Phillip

Hatzfeld, Jean, Blood Papa:
Rwanda's New Generation
(translated by Joshua David
Jordan), 2018.

Africa Today, 66-1, 2019, pp.

Chakravarty, Anuradha

Longman, Timothy, Memory
and Justice in Post-Genocide
Rwanda, 2017

Journal of Modern African
Studies, 57-1, 2019, pp.


Chesnelong, Benédicte

• Bruneteau, Bernard,
Esprit, 10, octobre 2019, pp.
Génocides: Usages et
mésusages d’un concept, 2019
• Rovetta, Ornella, Un
génocide au tribunal: le
Rwanda et la justice
internationale, 2019
• Piton, Florent, Le Génocide
des Tutsi du Rwanda, 2018

Cieplak, Piotr

Gilbert, Catherine, From
surviving to living: Voice,
trauma and witness in
Rwandan women's writing,

Donà, Giorgia

Neuberger, Benyamin,
Ethnic & Racial Studies,
Rwanda 1994: genocide in the 42-13, 2019, pp. 2370-2372.
‘Land of a Thousand Hills’,

Doughty, Kristin

Sinema, Kyrsten, Who Must
Die in Rwanda’s Genocide?
The State of Exception
Realized, 2015

Fallah, Katherine

Brown, Sara, Gender and the State Crime Journal, 8-1,n
Genocide in Rwanda: Women 2019, pp. 135-139.
as Rescuers and Perpetrators,

Felicetti, Elizabeth

Uwimana, Denise, From Red
Earth: A Rwandan Story of
Healing and Forgiveness,

“Faith after genocide”,
Christian Century,136-10,
2019, pp. 38-39.

Grant, Andrea Mariko

Gilbert, Catherine, From
surviving to living: Voice,
trauma and witness in
Rwandan women's writing,

African Affairs, 118-471,
2019, pp. 411-412

Halen, Pierre

Lagarde, François, Colonialisme et révolution: histoire
du Rwanda sous la Tutelle,

Études littéraires africaines,
46, 2018, pp. 198-200.


French Studies, 73-4, 2019, p.

African Studies Review, 62-4,
2019, pp. 19-20.

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda

Seminega, Tharcisse, No
Heroism Science, 4-1, 2019,
Greater Love: How My
art. 7.
Family Survived the Genocide
in Rwanda, 2019

Hron, Madelaine

Gilbert, Catherine, From
Surviving to Living: Voice,
Trauma and Witness in
Rwandan Women's Writing,

Ingelaere, Bert

•Guichaoua, André, From War Canadian Journal Of African
To Genocide: Criminal
Studies, 53-1, 2019, pp.
Politics in Rwanda
1990-1994, 2018.
• Bradol, Jean-Hervé; Le
Pape, Marc, Humanitarian
Aid, Genocide and Mass
Killings: Médecins Sans
Frontières, The Rwandan
Experience, 1982-97, 2018.

Jessee, Erin

• Kristin Conner Doughty,
Remediation in Rwanda:
grassroots legal forums, 2016
• Bert Ingelaere, Inside
Rwanda's Gacaca Courts:
seeking justice after genocide

Africa, 89-3, 2019, pp.

Jin, Xianan

Hunt, Swanee, Rwandan
Women Rising, 2017

Feminist Review, 121-1, 2019,
pp. 96-97.


Purdeková, Andrea, Making
Ubumwe: Power, State and
Camps in Rwanda’s UnityBuilding Projects, 2015

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: an International
Journal, 13-2, 2019, pp.

Le Roux-Kemp, Andra

Longman, Timothy, Memory
and Justice in Post-Genocide
Rwanda, 2017.

Africa Today, 65-1, 2019, pp.

Mondor, Colleen

Uwimana, Denise, From Red
Earth: A Rwandan Story of
Healing and Forgiveness,

Booklist, 115-15, 2019, p. 13.


Research in African
Literatures, 50-2, 2019, pp.

Myfanwy, James

Bradol, Jean-Hervé; Le Pape, Journal of Contemporary
Marc, Humanitarian Aid,
History, 54-1, 2019, pp.
Genocide and Mass Killings: 247-249.
Médecins Sans Frontières, the
Rwandan Experience, 1982–
97, 2016

Newman, Michael

Salton, Herman, Dangerous
Diplomacy: Bureaucracy,
Power Politics & the Role of
the UN Secretariat in
Rwanda, 2017

“A dysfunctional United
Nations and the Rwanda
genocide”, Political
Quarterly, 90-2, 2019, pp.

Nyirubugara, Olivier

Dragadze, Tamara, Josefu’s
thousand hills, 2014

Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute,
25-1, 2019, pp. 172-173.

Pontalti, Kirsten

Honeyman, Catherine, The
Orderly entrepreneur: Youth,
education, and governance in
Rwanda, 2016

African Affairs, 118-470,
2019, pp. 212-213.

Salton, Herman

Thomson, Susan, Rwanda:
from genocide to precarious
peace, 2018

International Affairs, 95-1,
2019, pp. 238-239.

Sankara, Edgard

Gilbert, Catherine, From
Surviving to Living: Voice,
Trauma and Witness in
Rwandan Women's Writing,

Nouvelles Études
Francophones, 34-1, 2019,
pp. 220-224.

Selimovic, Johanna

Berry, Marie, War, Women,
and Power: From Violence to
Mobilization in Rwanda and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2018

Media, War and Conflict,
12-4, 2019, pp.504-506

Shearer, Samuel

Honeyman, Catherine, The
Orderly entrepreneur: Youth,
education, and governance in
Rwanda, 2016

African Studies Review, 62-3,
pp. 24-26


Sjoberg, Laura

Berry, Marie, Women, War,
and Power: From Violence to
Mobilization in Rwanda and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2018.

Perspectives on Politics, 17-1,
2019, pp. 310-311.

Thomson, Susan

Sinalo, Caroline Williamson,
Rwanda After Genocide:
gender, identity and posttraumatic growth, 2018.

Journal of Modern African
Studies, 57-3, 2019, pp.

Turner, Simon

Purdeková, Andrea, Making
Ubumwe: Power, State and
Camps in Rwanda’s UnityBuilding Projects, 2015

Genocide Studies and
Prevention: an International
Journal, 13-2, 2019, pp.

Williams, Joshua

Edmondson, Laura,
Modern Drama, 62-2, 2019,
Performing Trauma in Central pp. 231-234.
Africa: Shadows of Empire

Williams, Timothy

Karareba, Gilbert, Primary
school leadership in PostConflict Rwanda: A narrative
arc, 2018


Compare: A Journal of
Comparative & International
Education, 49-6, 2019, pp.


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