Fiche du document numéro 384

Lundi 28 mars 1994
Le Rwanda, problèmes actuels, solutions
Ferdinand Nahimana appelle à la défense civile
This text written in 1993 and republished on March 28, 1994 calls for civil defense against "the number one enemy of Rwanda and democracy" which is the RPF, in other words "the league Tutsi". The defense of the country requires the involvement of all Rwandans. "Indeed, the country needs more than ever the physical strength of its children". In particular, young people in war-affected areas must receive "appropriate military counter-guerrilla training" and have "sufficient weapons". "The country must be helped to make available weapons and other light equipment that can be used directly in the defense of the population". "If this civil defense is organized quickly, there is no doubt that the enemy of Rwanda will find it difficult [sic] to infiltrate everywhere in the country and strike at any place he wants". He invites the leaders of the political parties to encourage the population to support the action of the armed forces, he asks the religious leaders to "clearly show that the enemy of the people and of his country, of democracy and plurality remains the RPF which is waging war against Rwanda". Addressing the country's elites, it is up to them to lead "the last offensive to defeat the enemy of Rwanda, and establish victory, guarantee of democracy". They must denounce the aims of Museveni who "is using the RPF to build the 'hima empire'". This call for combat is surprising given that the conflict with the RPF has ceased since the Arusha accords of August 1993. But no allusion is made to these peace accords. Believing that the RPF should not be considered the equal of Rwanda, Nahimana ignores these peace agreements and preaches the fight for "the final victory over Museveni and his boys of the RPF-Inkotanyi".
Extrait de
Hervé Deguine, Un idéologue dans le génocide rwandais. Enquête sur Ferdinand Nahimana, Mille et une nuits, 2010.


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