Source : CIA

1 à 18 de 18 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D 19600 August 1, 1962 Central Intelligence Bulletin [Rwanda: Belgium troops to be withdrawn soon] CIA
D 19602 November 9, 1967 Weekly Summary [Mercenaries leave the Congo (Kinshasa)] CIA
D 19601 November 17, 1967 Central Intelligence Bulletin [New snags are delaying evacuation of mercenaries and Katangans from Rwanda] CIA
D 19603 May 19, 1979 National Intelligence Daily [France: Franco-African Conference in Rwanda] CIA
D T 19599 17 January 1986 European Review [French-German Eurocopter agreement with three version helicopter, one of which equiped with air-to-air Mistral] CIA
D 25883 October 12, 1990 Africa Review - Rwanda : Tutsi Exiles Challenge Rwandan Stability CIA
D 25887 October 22, 1990 Barrows, Walter L. CIA National Intelligence Officer for Africa : Special Warning and Forecast Report : Rwanda (U) CIA
D 25881 November 16, 1990 Warning and forecast report - Sub-Saharan Africa CIA
D 25882 December 17, 1990 Uganda-Rwanda : Museveni's Role In the Rebel Invasion CIA
D 25885 6 July 1992 Foreign Broadcast Information Service Abidjan : Radio Announces Rwandans, Others to Meet in Arusha CIA
D 19622 April 7, 1994 Rwanda-Burundi : Presidential Deaths To Renew Fightings CIA
D T 19647 April 8, 1994 Harvin, Michael Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense. Subject: Rwanda - Current Situation - Next Steps CIA
D T 19626 April 8, 1994 Rwanda: Security Deteriorating CIA
D 733 19 April 1994 Belgian Peacekeepers Leaving CIA
D T 19604 April 28, 1994 Memorandum - Subject: The Massacres in Rwanda CIA
D 25886 May 13, 1994 Rwanda and Burundi: Societies in Crisis CIA
D T 30849 July 13, 1994 Rwanda: Security Conditions at Kigali Airport CIA
D 25884 March 11, 1996 Africa Review - Democracy in Central Africa - France: Mixed Signals on Democracy in Cenral Africa CIA

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