Documents pour Mot-clé : TPIR (formation)

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Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D T 737 29 avril 1994 Polisi, Denis Lettre au secrétaire général des Nations Unies : Demande d'un Tribunal International FPR
D 33028 25 mai 1994 Campagne "Solidarité France-Rwanda" [Rwanda : témoigner et réagir ! - Communiqué de presse - Appel pour l'arrêt immédiat du génocide au Rwanda et le soutien au mouvement démocratique - Rwanda : nous savions ! (Joseph Limagne) - Lettre à M. Juppé] Agir Ici
D T 7363 June 15, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Bringing the Guilty to Justice US UN Mission
D T 29872 30 juin 1994 20:00:00 Poivre d'Arvor, Patrick Les soldats français ont procédé à leurs premières évacuations de Tutsi dans la région de Kibuye TF1
D 18399 9 juillet 1994 Lettre ouverte au gouvernement L'Humanité
D T 1110 July 13, 1994 Bohlen, Avis T. Consultations with France on Rwanda War Crime Issues US Embassy Paris
D T 24803 July 26, 1994 Rwanda Plans Prosecutions The New York Times
D T 2792 July 26, 1994 Gray, Jerry At Rwanda Border, Mass Graves And the Start of a Journey Home The New York Times
D T 7517 July 26, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda War Crimes US DOS
D T 8117 July 27, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal - Russian Demarche US UN Mission
D T 14466 29 juillet 1994 Les « conseils » de M. Balladur L'Humanité
D T 2797 August 3, 1994 Gray, Jerry Rwanda Plans to Try Thousands For Massacres, New Leader Says The New York Times
D T 6498 August 12, 1994 Harriman, Pamela A/S Shattuck's meeting with French on Rwanda US Embassy Paris
D T 6715 August 13, 1994 Harriman, Pamela DRL/MLA Director Rosenblatt's Meeting with Belgian Official on Rwanda Tribunal and Monitors US Embassy Paris
D T 7420 August 18, 1994 Spiegel, Daniel L. Rwanda: Initial Meeting With Commission Of Experts US UN Mission Geneva
D 26526 19 août 1994 Hazan, Pierre L'historique Convention sur le génocide était inappliquée. Car inapplicable Le Nouveau Quotidien
D 129 23 août 1994 Causeret, Charley Rwanda - Création d'un Tribunal Pénal International Quai d'Orsay
D T 8367 August 24, 1994 Memorandum Regarding USG Proposal for a UNSC Resolution on Detention of Persons Suspected of Having Committed Crimes against International Humanitarian Law in Rwanda Burundi US DOS
D T 876 24 août 1994 Carle, Françoise Situation au Rwanda après le retrait des troupes françaises Présidence de la République (France)
D T 7615 August 26, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Submission of Report to Un Commission of Experts on Rwanda US DOS
D T 7955 August 26, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. Demarche For International Tribunal In Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 1734 26 août 1994 Un million de morts ? Le Monde
D T 7834 August 30, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 8118 August 31, 1994 Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal Demarche To GoT US DOS
D T 7303 September 1, 1994 Resolution Establishing War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda US DOS
D 25874 September 13, 1994 Army accelerates move into Southwest AFP
D T 7246 September 13, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Proposed Un Security Council Resolution Authorizing Detention of Suspected Rwandan War Criminals US UN Mission
D T 34294 September 15, 1994 The Aftermath of Genocide in Rwanda. Absence of Prosecution, Continued Killings HRW
D T 937 September 15, 1994 The Aftermath of Genocide in Rwanda. Absence of Prosecution, Continued Killings HRW
D T 7978 September 19, 1994 Harriman, Pamela French Perspective on Rwanda War Crimes US Embassy Paris
D T 7530 September 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 8116 September 23, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes US UN Mission
D T 7304 September 28, 1994 Christopher, Warren Resolution Establishing War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda US DOS
D T 6490 September 29, 1994 Albright, Madeleine A/S Shattuck Discussions With Secretariat, ICRC, and missions regarding Haiti, Rwanda, Burundi, China, Turkey, and funding for UN Human Rights activities US UN Mission
D T 8086 September 30, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Resolution And Statute Establishing War Crimes US UN Mission
D T 7494 October 4, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 5240 5 octobre 1994 00:05:00 Large accord au Conseil de sécurité pour la création d'un tribunal international sur le Rwanda AFP
D T 7493 October 5, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 8115 October 19, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda War Crimes US DOS
D T 7560 October 19, 1994 Whitehead, Robert E. Rwandan Position On Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal US Embassy Kigali
D T 7564 October 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Views On War Crimes Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 6799 October 20, 1994 Whitehead, Robert E. Follow-up Demarches On Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal Resolution: Prime Minister and Justice Minister US Embassy Kigali
D T 6693 October 22, 1994 Whitehead, Robert E. Contacts With Gor On War Crimes Tribunal US Embassy Kigali
D T 7550 October 29, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Concerns About Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 1762 1er novembre 1994 Bassir Pour, Afsané Rwanda : Le gouvernement ne souhaite plus la création d'un tribunal international Le Monde
D T 7971 November 2, 1994 Christopher, Warren Follow-up Demarche To GOR On Tribunal US DOS
D T 7526 November 2, 1994 Whitehead, Robert E. Rwanda War Crimes Investigations US Embassy Kigali
D T 34230 November 9, 1994 Rwandan Genocide To Be In The Dock [Press release] HRW
D T 32735 January 7, 1995 Thomas, Annie Zaire/Rwanda clash, clarifies setting up of court AFP
D T 32736 January 7, 1995 Thomas, Annie End of meeting, communique AFP
D T 32737 January 8, 1995 Thomas, Annie Rwanda's neighbours challenge Kigali on reconciliation AFP
D T 32765 January 16, 1995 War crimes court readies mission to Rwanda AFP
D T 33083 February 17, 1995 Boutros-Ghali recommends Tanzania for international court for Rwanda AFP
D T 33092 February 19, 1995 Humanitarian concerns must precede political needs: Ogata AFP
D T 33107 February 22, 1995 Rwanda tribunal to be headquartered in Tanzania AFP
D T 33149 February 28, 1995 UN calls for arrest of those responsible of genocide in Rwanda AFP
D T 29895 March 10, 1995 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Tribunal - Nominations for Judges US UN Mission
D T 33383 20 novembre 1995 Moutot, Anne Le Rwanda condamné à épargner des coupables Libération
D T 24301 March 2009 Kaufman, Zachary, D. After Genocide: Transitional justice, post-conflict reconstruction, and reconciliation in Rwanda and beyond [Extrait : « The United States Role in the establishment of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda »]
V T 34157 28 avril 2024 [1994, Rwanda] Épisode 4 : La France aide les génocidaires à fuir Survie

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