Rwanda : la France en appelle aux Nations unies
Paris va saisir le Conseil de sécurité pour une «intervention ponctuelle à caractère humanitaire». Une initiative qu'Européens et Africains jugent ambiguë. Hier la France a démenti l'information du quotidien belge «le Soir» affirmant que deux soldats français auraient abattu l'avion du président rwandais début avril.
While the intervention that France plans to carry out in Rwanda appears politically ambiguous, the revelations of the newspaper "Le Soir", according to which two DAMI soldiers would have committed the attack of April 6, 1994, revive the controversy over the past role. of France in this country.
It will be noted that the author asserts in this article that it was French soldiers who, on April 10, 1994, recovered the "black box" of the plane. He legitimately wonders why the data from this black box has still not been made public.