Fiche du document numéro 32830

Thursday June 24, 1993
Kigali [Postponing of the signing ceremony]
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Tuesday's decision not to allow Nsengiyaremye to retain office is subject to further negotiations and he will remain premier until the new government including the rebels is formed, informed sources said.

The postponing of the signing ceremony came after the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday decided to send a team of military and civilian observers to the Rwanda-Uganda border to verify that no supplies are being sent to the rebels.

The team will include 81 military and 24 civilian observers, according to the resolution introduced by France and approved unanimously.

The bulk of the FPR rebels were drawn from exiles serving in the Ugandan army. Hundreds of thousands of the Tutsis who traditionally ruled Rwanda have lived abroad since the Hutus rose up against their former overlords in the years around independence from Belgium in 1962.

The war has claimed hundreds of lives on top of the tens of thousands killed in earlier ethnic strife and left more than 900,000 people displaced inside Rwanda itself.

Mwinyi has already sent invitations for the signing ceremony to Presidents Daniel arap Moi of Kenya, Melchior Ndadaye of Burundi, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire and Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.

Also invited are the current chairman of the OAU, Senegalese President Abdou Diouf, OAU Secretary-general Salim Ahmed Salim, U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and representatives from the United States, Belgium, Germany and France.

In Cairo for an OAU ministers meeting to prepare for a summit of the pan-African body next week, Salim described the postponement as a "setback," adding: "I would hope it is only a temporary thing while issues are resolved."

"It is important that the RPF and the government understand time is a very valuable commodity," he declared.

One senior African official in Cairo, however, said it was possible the peace accord would be signed at the OAU summit itself, which begins in the Egyptian capital on June 28.

mgu-bur/nb/mt AFP AFP SEQN-0005

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