Attention : ce document exprime l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montre tolérant à son égard.
Friday April 15, 1994
RTLM transcript April 15, 1994
Interview with Jean Shyirambere Barahinyura. Interview with a captured RPF soldier.
Case No: ICTR-99-52-T Exhibit No: P103/70 B-R Date admitted: 4-6-2003 Tendered by: Prosecutor
Transcription d'une émission de radio
- I cannot understand why they are scared to file a complaint
against Belgium whilst that country has blatantly attacked us; that
is obvious. The Inyenzi are fighting us in collaboration with the
Belgians; earlier on you talked about the media.
- -Hum!
- ...on radio and television stations. Who did all this? Is it not the
Belgians? It is the Belgians who made all those plans in the case of
the ammunition found in the houses of Shamukiga,
Sebera and company among others, do you understand?