Excerpt from U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Secretary's Morning Summary
of a largely Russian operation. They probably also believe they have laid the
political groundwork for a unilateral Russian initiative if the UN determines there
is still insufficient progress for deployment of a UN force. The outcome of UN
meetings on April 12 in Geneva may bring Russian policy into sharper focus.
Thailand: Khmer Rouge Connections
. ê
Burundi/Rwanda: Presidents Killed
The aircraft carrying Burundian President Ntyaramira and Rwandan
President Habyarimana was reportedly shot down last night as it prepared to land
in Kigali, according to Embassy Kigali. The Rwandan military sealed off the
crash site, disarmed Belgian UN peacekeepers at the airport, and confirmed to the
UN that all aboard the plane had been killed. :
À military delegation-informed the UN Secretary-General’s special
representative in Rwanda that the military intended to take power temporarily and
resisted his suggestion that it work closely with existing governmental authorities.
Embassy Kigali today reported sporadic gunfire in the capital. Bujumbura is
reported to be calm.
Comment: It is not known who shot down the plane, whether hard-line Hutu
Rwandan soldiers, the former rebels of the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF),
or someone else seeking to fan Hutu-Tutsi tensions. The incident may also spark
an upsurge of violence in Burundi.
Dept: of State, RPS/IPS, Margaret P. Grafeld, Dir
( } Release (K) Excise ( ) Deny (x) Declassify
Burundi, in the wake of ethnic bloodshed that claimed 30-50,000 lives after
the assassination of the previous president in an October coup attempt, has been
extremely tense and riven by mistrust between the Tutsi Military and the
° Rwanda has been gripped by ethnic and political tension owing to the
inability of rival factions to agree on the composition of a multiparty, multi-ethnic
transition government called for in the peace agreement that ended the 1990-93
civil war. Because of Habyarimana's failure to swear in a government, Rwanda
lacks a constitutional successor.
| Angola: Government Hesitates
: Comment: The £Overnment’s hesitation stems from its fear that UNITA will
rénége On the agreement, as it did on the 1990 Bicesse Accords. Washington’s
Opportunities for patronage and graft.
Savimbi, who has not yet scen the proposal, is Staking out the high ground
simply by indicating his Willingness to come t6 an agreement. If the government
approves the accord, his tune may change.
PENORD/EXDIS April 7, 1994
SC-12246-94 51