Fiche du document numéro 20704

Tuesday April 19, 1994
[The situation in Kigali is deteriorating further. Refugees under UN protection shelled by the governmental army which is starting to slip out of control of the defense minister. Contact with Uganda delegation]
Fonds d'archives
Document diplomatique, TD
2595 - 19-04

Gharekhan informed SC members that the situation in Kigali is
deteriorating further. The fighting is intensifying. Shelling has been
directed at buildings which shelter refugees under UN protection. The
Rwandese army is responsible. The attacks stopped after a protest of
the UNAMIR Commander.

According to Gharekhan the chances of renewing the peace process are
vanishingly small. According to the SRSG in Rwanda the governmental
party is ready to negotiate a ceasefire. The RPF leadership has,
however, refused UNAMIR’s initiative to negotiate, pointing out that
the govt party had not met its conditions (in our view partially
justified). They also recommended that Unamir not continue in its
mediation efforts.

Gharekhan observed that in view of the unclear situation and the
fragmentation of Hutu command whose units are starting to slip out of
control of the defense minister, Unamir personnel is in direct

He also mentioned that the SG is preparing a report on Unamir for the
SC in which he will recommend withdrawing (partially or completely) UN
and Unamir personnel. The report will be debated on April 24 and a
resolution is expected on Thursday.

[The CZ delegation] contacted the Mission of Uganda to get a clearer
view of its Govt on the Rwanda conflict. The conversation indicated
that Uganda doesn’t want to be dragged into the conflict and accused
of fanning it. It considers the conflict as an internal Rwanda
matter. On the other hand, it respects the right of Rwanda refugees in
Uganda (largely Tutsis) to return home and join the fighting.

Uganda is ready to join peace negotiations but only with the agreement
of both belligerent parties and the UN. It would prefer to leave the
role of the main mediator to Tanzania and the OAU. It supports UN’s
continued presence in Rwanda and is in favor of continuing the UNOMUR
mission under its current mandate.


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