Fiche du document numéro 20714

Friday May 27, 1994
[Agreement of both sides to discuss a ceasefire. RGF units begin to leave Kigali]
Fonds d'archives
Document diplomatique, TD
3111 – 27-­‐05

Amb Gharekhan informed that SG’s special envoy I. Riza who was joined
by gen. Baril, military advisor for PKOs, completed their mission in
Rwanda and would be returning to New York over the weekend. They met
twice with RPF representatives in Mulindi and twice with
representatives of the RGF in Kigali. This apparently resulted in an
agreement of both sides to meet on Monday 30 May under the auspices of
UNAMIR to discuss a possible ceasefire. UNAMIR has prepared a draft
agreement which in addition to a ceasefire includes the control of the
militias, protection of civilians, cessation of broadcast of the
private radio station Mille Collines and the question of protection of
the Kigali airport.

The military situation is tense and unpredictable. During their stay
in Kigali, the parties upheld the ceasefire both in the capital and in
its vicinity so that for the first time in a long time, UNAMIR
observers had the chance to travel outside Kigali. According to latest
information, the RPF is stabilizing its position at Kigali airport and
in the city, RGF units are starting to leave the capital. The RPF is
attaining important military successes also in the south of the
country. The RGF is apparently fortifying the provincial town of
Butare as their last stronghold. Under UNAMIR control, some 400 Hutus
have been moved to a Kigali zone controlled by the RGF and 300 Tutsis
to a zone under the RPF.

Ghana, Ethiopia, Senegal and Zimbabwe gave the SG written assurances
of their readiness to contribute troops for Rwanda. Ghana can
strengthen its units right away, others are negotiating with Western
countries on providing military equipment.

After their return, Riza and Baril will inform the SC. They will also
prepare a report for the SG which should form the basis for the SG’s
report for the SC, for it to be able to consider UNAMIR’s readiness
for the second phase of the operation.


fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024