Mardi 5 juillet 1994
Gikongoro, aux abords de la zone de sécurité
Le FPR s'est arrêté devant le «sanctuaire» français. Mais les militaires de l'opération Turquoise, qui protègent encore les populations des milices, attendent les organisations humanitaires.
After the fall of Butare, the RPF took control of the surrounding villages, but it said it did not want to push its advantage until it came into contact with the French forces. For his part, General Germanos, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces in charge of operations, impatiently awaits help from humanitarian organizations.
The photograph accompanying the article shows "Refugees leaving Butare for Gikongoro under the care of a Hutu militiaman".
fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024