Une quête, un combat même, c'est ce que mène la journaliste canadienne Judi Rever depuis des années. Ce qui guide cette enquêtrice : décrypter le génocide au Rwanda dans toute sa complexité. Même quand celle-ci dérange. Son livre l'Eloge du sang
, paraît cette semaine aux éditions Max Milo.
Most of the assertions in this article are inaccurate or biased.
The USA did not support the RPF before the end of the Tutsi genocide. The proofs are these cables from Ambassador Rawson of March 25 (01316) and March 28, 1994 (01335) condemning the RPF's refusal to include the CDR in the institutions provided for by the Arusha accords and the closure of the Rwandan embassy in Washington ordered only July 15, 1994 (Warren Christopher 190358).
France, has never broken with the Rwandan interim government.She only invited his representative to leave his seat at the Security Council (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, no 1991 / DAM, Paris, July 19, 1994).While their responsibility for the genocide was known, France government left stay the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense in the "safe humanitarian zone"from July 14 (TD Paris, July 15, 1994, signed Lapouge) until July 18, 1994 (Interview of Jean Kambanda, May 22, 1998, cassette 76) and organized their departure in Zaire (Képi blanc, no 549, October 1994). Operation Turquoise left the killers take more than a million people in their retreat, especially in the volcanic region of Goma where about 40,000 of them died of cholera in July. However, the mandate, which the Security Council had granted in its resolution 935 of 22 June 1994, enjoined to protect the populations by danger. Thus the media maneuver of Operation Turquoise has fully succeeded by making TV's spectators see the assassins and their accomplices for the victims of the genocide.
As the accusations of French justice collapse against Paul Kagame for ordering the attack on the president's plane (Renucci, October 18, 2018), French involvement in this attack should be on the agenda. Where have gone the parts of the plane and the missile debris collected by commander De Saint-Quentin at the scene of the crash in Kigali (Lefort note 19, October 20, 1998)?
To avoid these painful questions for the French, it is therefore urgent to launch a new media manipulation. In spite of the dismissal which must be pronounced, this lady Judi Rever accredits still the thesis of Kagame triggering the genocide to take power and affirms that he is responsible for all the massacres by infiltrating his men among the Interahamwe!
Léauthier here prefers to insist on the crimes that the RPF allegedly committed in Congo-ex-Zaire. Aldo Ajello, European Union special envoy for Central Africa, recalls that Kagame, at the time vice president, asked to "tell the international community that it must ensure disarm the people who were in the camps, separate the real refugees, the people of good faith, genocidaires. Kagame then repeated 'if no one done, I'm going to take care of it... In my own way, but don't come and criticize me'" (Colette Braeckman, October 5, 2010). Better to talk about Kagame's crimes rather than evoke the recourse by France to Serbian killers to save its great friend Mobutu (Thierry Charlier, May 31, 1997).