Vendredi 10 juin 1994
Vingt-deux religieux rwandais massacrés
Sept sœurs et deux prêtres ont péri dans le massacre de 70 personnes par des Hutus dans la capitale. A Kabgayi, des rebelles tutsis ont abattu treize prêtres, dont deux évêques et l'archevêque de Kigali.
According to the UNAMIR spokesperson, seven sisters and two priests sheltering persecuted Tutsi in the Saint-André college in Nyamirambo, still under the control of pro-government Hutu militiamen, perished in the massacres of 70 people. In addition, thirteen priests, including the Archbishop of Kigali, were shot dead in Kabgayi by RPF rebels according to this movement's radio which made the news public, presenting it as a blunder. The Pope notably urged the international community "to do everything [...] to pave the way for a negotiated agreement".
The article is illustrated by a photograph with the following comment: "Man confiscates machetes in refugee camp, Rukumbeli".
fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024