This report consists of 15 appeal cases, illustrating AI's main concerns in Rwanda. It includes cases from between April and July 1994, when the interim government was in power, and since the new government came to power in July. The cases are: Agathe Uwilingiyimana, first woman prime minister of Rwanda, killed with her husband on 7 April; Jeannette Nsebone, a young Tutsi girl whose parents were massacred; Immaculee, a 16-year-old girl, severely wounded and orphaned in the massacre at Nyarubuye Parish, 14 April; Father Marcel, a Hutu and Catholic priest, killed in April; "Simeon", a wounded Tutsi dragged from an ICRC ambulance and killed on 14 April; Felicitas Niyitegeka, a Catholic nun, killed for sheltering Tutsis; Etienne, a young boy, killed in Butare; Felicite Dusabi, a Tutsi teacher, attacked by militia members; Jean-Marie Vianney Tavaro, a displaced person; Sister Beninga, a Tutsi nun, "disappeared"; Brother Celestin, a Tutsi priest, killed in early June; Bishop Thadee Nsengiyumva, President of Rwanda's Conference of Catholic Bishops, killed in early June; Violette Mukubutera, a Hutu woman who survived an attack in which her baby was killed; Julienne Mukanyarwaya, a Hutu woman forced to join the Interahamwe; and Sylvestre Kamali, possible prisoner of conscience.