Source : HRW

1 à 66 de 66 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D 6009 27 janvier 1993 Des Forges, Alison Outbreak of Violence Follows Human Rights Investigation in Rwanda HRW
D 34462 March 1993 Report of the International Commission of Investigation on Human Rights Violation in Rwanda since October 1, 1990 (January 7-21, 1993) - Final Report HRW
D 22025 June 1993 Beyond the Rhetoric. Continuing Human Rights Abuses in Rwanda HRW
D T 33925 10 décembre 1993 An-Na'im, Abdullahi Lettre à Son Excellence Juvénal Habyarimana, Président de la République Rwandaise HRW
D T 21029 January, 1994 Smyth, Frank Arming Rwanda HRW
D 941 January 1994 Smyth, Frank Arming Rwanda HRW
D T 34268 February 18, 1994 An-Na'im, Abdullahi Letter to His Excellency Juvenal Habyarimana, President of the Rwandan Republic HRW
D T 34273 15 mars 1994 Déclaration de cinq organisations internationales de Droits de l'Homme [Amnesty international, Centre international des Droits de la personne et du développement démocratique, Human Rights Watch/Africa, Fédération internationale des Droits de l'Homme et Union interafricaine des Droits de l'Homme] concernant le blocage actuel de l'application de l'accord de paix au Rwanda HRW
D T 34270 March 16, 1994 An-Na'im, Abdullahi Letter to The Honorable Jose Ayala Lasso, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights HRW
D T 33938 April 12, 1994 Press Advisory - Rwanda: foreign forces, foreign weapons, and abuse HRW
D T 34291 April 15, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D T 34259 April 15, 1994 An-Na'im, Abdullahi Letter to Colonel Gatsinzi, Commander-in-Chief of the Rwandan Armed Forces HRW
D T 34260 April 15, 1994 An-Na'im, Abdullahi Letter to Colonel Alexis Kanyarengwe, President of the The Rwandese Patriotic Front HRW
D T 34228 April 19, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D T 34263 April 19, 1994 Roth, Kenneth Letter to His Excellency Colin Keating, President of the UN Security Council HRW
D T 34217 April 20, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D T 34218 April 22, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D T 33927 25 avril 1994 An-Na'im, Abdullahi Lettre à Madame Agathe Habyarimana HRW
D T 33926 26 avril 1994 Publication Immédiate [Communiqué de presse faisant suite à la lettre adressée à Agathe Habyarimana le 25 avril 1994] HRW
D T 33928 April 26, 1994 Burkhalter, Holly Letter to The Honorable Bruno Delaye, counsellor to the President of the Republic of France HRW
D T 33940 27 avril 1994 Publication Immédiate [Communiqué de presse dénonçant la réception par les autorités françaises de deux représentants du GIR] HRW
D T 34271 April 27, 1994 Roth, Kenneth Letter to José Ayala Lasso, High Commissioner for Human Rights HRW
D T 34229 April 29, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D T 672 Mai 1994 Génocide au Rwanda HRW
D T 34285 May 4, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Statement before the House Foreign Affairs Subc. on Africa HRW
D T 34258 May 8, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Letter to Mr. Jose Ayala Lasso, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights HRW
D T 34264 May 10, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Letter to Mr. Jose Ayala Lasso, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights HRW
D T 20639 May 11, 1994 Representatives of Rwanda's Genocidal Government Expected in New York; Militia Groups Ordered to Halt the Slaughter during Kigali Visit by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights HRW
D 17364 May 16, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Human Rights Watch/Africa today called upon the Clinton administration [Increased UN force in Rwanda] HRW
D T 34219 May 16, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Letter to The Honorable William J. Clinton HRW
D T 34216 May 16, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D 17356 May 17, 1994 Human Rights Watch announced today that a lawsuit was filed against Jean Bosco Barayagwiza, the Rwanda leader of the extremist CDR political party HRW
D T 34272 May 19, 1994 For Immediate Release [Press release] HRW
D 22023 May, 1994 Genocide in Rwanda April-May 1994 HRW
D 21965 May, 1994 Genocide in Rwanda [Extrait pp. 10-13] HRW
D T 33946 9 juin 1994 Recommandations pour le Rapporteur spécial HRW
D 22036 Juin 1994 Human Rights Watch/Africa déplore l'arrestation de l'abbé André Sibomana HRW
D T 34294 September 15, 1994 The Aftermath of Genocide in Rwanda. Absence of Prosecution, Continued Killings HRW
D T 937 September 15, 1994 The Aftermath of Genocide in Rwanda. Absence of Prosecution, Continued Killings HRW
D T 34230 November 9, 1994 Rwandan Genocide To Be In The Dock [Press release] HRW
D T 800 December 1994 Rwanda - A New Catastrophe? HRW
D T 34261 December 13, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Letter to General Paul Kagame, Vice-President of the Republic of Rwanda HRW
D T 34262 December 13, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Letter to His Excellence Pasteur Bizimungu, President of the Republic of Rwanda HRW
D T 34269 December 20, 1994 Des Forges, Alison Letter to His Excellence Faustin Twagiramungu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda HRW
D T 621 May 1995 Austin, Kathi L. Rwanda/Zaire. Rearming with Impunity HRW
D 921 Mai 1995 Austin, Kathi L. Rwanda/Zaire. Rearming with Impunity HRW
D 18486 May 1995 Austin, Kathi L. Rwanda/Zaire. Rearming with Impunity HRW
D 18494 May 29, 1995 Human Rights Watch Condemns Rearming of Rwanda's Genocidal Forces in Exile HRW
D 24611 September 1996 Nowrojee, Binaifer Shattered Lives HRW
D 15840 September 20, 1996 Hiltermann, Joost Letter to Sharon Courtoux HRW
D 11309 October 3, 1996 Hiltermann, Joost Arms to Rwanda: Libel suit against Human Rights Watch withdrawn HRW
D T 30569 March 1999 Des Forges, Alison “Leave None to Tell the Story”. Genocide in Rwanda HRW
D 6079 Mars 1999 Des Forges, Alison Aucun témoin ne doit survivre. Le génocide au Rwanda HRW
D 8946 Mars 1999 Des Forges, Alison Aucun témoin ne doit survivre. Le génocide au Rwanda [Extrait pp. 788-791] HRW
D 24749 March 1999 Des Forges, Alison “Leave None to Tell the Story”. Genocide in Rwanda [Extrait : « French Soldiers: A Private Initiative? »] HRW
D 24750 March 1999 Des Forges, Alison “Leave None to Tell the Story”. Genocide in Rwanda [Extrait : « French Support for Habyarimana »] HRW
D 24751 March 1999 Des Forges, Alison “Leave None to Tell the Story”. Genocide in Rwanda [Extrait : « "Vive la Coopération Franco-Rwandaise" »] HRW
D 18710 March 1999 Des Forges, Alison “Leave None to Tell the Story”. Genocide in Rwanda HRW
D 8652 March 2003 Rwanda lasting wounds: Consequences of Genocide and War for Rwanda's Children HRW
D T 30583 2004 Ten Years Later HRW
D 582 Avril 2006 Le génocide rwandais : comment il a été préparé HRW
D T 15094 24 juillet 2007 Des Forges, Alison Rwanda : Les décès de détenus ternissent l'Etat de droit HRW
D 23902 14 août 2009 Roth, Kenneth Lettre de Kenneth Roth au procureur Boubacar Jallow HRW
D 16743 28 juin 2016 Brody, Reed Enabling a Dictator HRW
D 16742 28 juin 2016 Thulliez, Henri Allié de la France, condamné par l'Afrique HRW
D T 24531 4 avril 2019 Rwanda : Solidarité avec les victimes 25 ans plus tard HRW

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