Home page France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi Last update :
July 7, 2024

The FAR and militias will not be disarmed in the safe humanitarian zone. "The issue of the demilitarization of FAR and militia within the protected perimeter may arise. At this stage, it is proposed not to fix this mission to the Turquoise force"

Number: 360
Date: 4 juillet 1994
Title: Objet : Rwanda ; concept de zone humanitaire protégée ; contenu, évolution
Source: Quai d'Orsay
Public records: FM
Abstract: This note on the "protected humanitarian zone", prepared by the services of François Léotard and Alain Juppé, plans to prohibit access to this zone for both the FAR and the RPF and " to the militias of each party".
Comment: This note on the "protected humanitarian zone", prepared by the services of François Léotard and Alain Juppé, plans to prohibit access to this zone for both the FAR and the RPF and "the militias of each party >". But what about the FAR and the militias that are already there? We read in the Rules of Conduct: "The question of the demilitarization of the FAR and the militias located inside the protected perimeter may arise. At this stage, it is proposed not to set this mission to the Turquoise force". The FAR will therefore be able to use the area as a refuge, as a transit corridor towards the combat zones to the north and, ultimately, as an airlock towards the Zaire refuge. This is in contradiction with the firm ban on the RPF from entering the area. This failure to disarm the FAR and the militias is incompatible with the notion of a humanitarian zone that is current at the United Nations. We understand why France avoided asking for an explicit agreement from the Security Council.
