Home page France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi Last update :
July 7, 2024

Documents showing that France has allowed the Tutsi's genocide

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
T G Date Author Abstract Source
D*13 octobre 1990Galinié, RenéFrench Defense Attaché supports organized peasants in self-defense groupsAmbassade de France, Kigali
D 24 octobre 1990Galinié, RenéThe French military attaché in Kigali informs Paris of the preparation of the Tutsi's genocideAmbassade de France, Kigali
D 20 juin 1991Quesnot, ChristianGeneral Quesnot proposes to withdraw a company from Rwanda. Mitterrand opposesPrésidence de la République (France)
D 23 février 1993Quesnot, Christian"After […] the withdrawal of our troops, President Habyarimana should not be able to remain at the head of the State"Présidence de la République (France)
D 3 mars 1993Denoix de Saint Marc, RenaudSaved by the French army, Habyarimana is "disoriented and out of breath". Mitterrand decides to resort to the United Nations and hopes to be able to change his soldiers into peacekeepersPrésidence de la République (France)
D 2 avril 1993Denoix de Saint Marc, RenaudFrançois Léotard: "RPF advance with troops in plain clothes". One more reason for French soldiers to equate Tutsi with RPF combatantsPrésidence de la République (France)
D 8 avril 1994Germanos, RaymondClaiming that the presidential guard eliminates Tutsi from Kigali, Operation Order Amaryllis recognizes de facto that genocide has begunEMA
D*11 avril 1994Boisbouvier, ChristopheFrench ambassador Marlaud states on Radio France internationale that the new rwandan government is conform with the Arusha peace agreementsRFI
D*13 avril 1994Bentégeat, HenriAdmiral Lanxade: "Now it is the Tutsis who will massacre Hutus in Kigali". Juppé and Mitterrand agree to withdraw the peacekeepersPrésidence de la République (France)
D 6 mai 1994Artiges, GuyColonel Vincent, head of Belgian military technical cooperation, incriminates Hutus opposed to the Arusha Accords, including Colonel Nsabimana, for the attack on Habyarimana's planeAuditorat militaire belge
D*16 mai 1994Rwabalinda, EphremGénéral Huchon: "We must provide without delay all the evidence proving the legitimacy of the war waged by Rwanda in order to return international opinion in favour of Rwanda"FAR
D*22 mai 1994Sindikubwabo, ThéodoreTheodore Sindikubwabo, Interim President, thanks François Mitterrand for his support "until today"Présidence de la République (Rwanda)
D 24 mai 1994Quesnot, ChristianGeneral Quesnot: "The coming to power of a minority similar to the Khmer Rouge is a guarantee of regional instability"Présidence de la République (France)
D 28 mai 1994Barril, PaulBarril support contract with the Interim rwandan government: Barril commits to supply 20 men and ammunition for US $ 3,130,000
P June 1994Turnley, PeterFrench soldier training new recruits for the Rwandan army or militia during Operation TurquoiseCORBIS
D 15 juin 1994Bentégeat, HenriFrançois Mitterrand decides on Operation Turquoise and proposes that it go as far as Kigali to protect certain sitesPrésidence de la République (France)
D 16 juin 1994Juppé, Alain"France requires that those responsible for these genocides be tried"Libération
D*22 juin 1994François Mitterrand : "If this country were to come under the Tutsi domination, a very minority ethnic group, which finds its base in Uganda […] it is certain that the process of democratization would be interrupted"Présidence de la République (France)
D 22 juin 1994Bentégeat, HenriFrançois Mitterrand : "Our intervention does not seem desired by anyone, even by those we want to save. No doubt they prefer that there are no witnesses to their victory"Présidence de la République (France)
D 22 juin 1994Germanos, Raymond"Be prepared to gradually control the extent of Hutu country towards Kigali [and] induce [Rwandan local authorities] to restore their authority"EMA
D*25 juin 1994Rosier, JacquesColonel Rosier meets two ministers organizing genocide. "The straw men have fallen," he reportsCOS
D 29 juin 1994Isnard, Jacques"A Tutsi can become an RPF fighter"Le Monde
D 4 juillet 1994The FAR and militias will not be disarmed in the safe humanitarian zone. "The issue of the demilitarization of FAR and militia within the protected perimeter may arise. At this stage, it is proposed not to fix this mission to the Turquoise force"Quai d'Orsay
D 15 juillet 1994Almost all political figures of the government folded in Gisenyi is held responsible for the massacres. There is no provision for arrest and trialQuai d'Orsay
D 15 juillet 1994The Élysée, in the person of Hubert Védrine, opposes the arrest of the ministers of the Rwandan interim Government refugees in the humanitarian zonePrésidence de la République (France)
D 19 juillet 1994France invites the representative of Rwanda to leave the Security CouncilQuai d'Orsay
D 1998"The perpetrators used Soviet-made SA 16s (based on missile debris found at the scene of the attack)". Why did the French soldiers, who went to the crash site and collected these exhibits, never put them to justice?Min. Défense, Paris
D 22 avril 1998Quilès, PaulGeorges Martres : "Colonel Serubuga, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Army, rejoiced at the RPF attack, which would serve as justification for the killings of Tutsi"MIP
D 13 mai 1998Quilès, PaulAmbassador Jean-Michel Marlaud acknowledges being involved on April 8, 1994 in a meeting at the France's Embassy to form the Rwandan interim governmentMIP
D 7 juillet 1998French military technical assistants were on the scene of the wreckage of the presidential plane about fifteen minutes after the attackEMA
D 20 octobre 1998Lefort, Jean-ClaudeJean-Claude Lefort, vice-president of the Parliamentary Information Mission: "The field of suspects is reduced to those who had access to the crash zone in the hours following the attack"MIP