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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

Dans les rues de Kigali, des cadavres et encore des cadavres tués par balles ou mutilés à coups de machettes, victimes des combats mais aussi des règlements de compte tout simplement parce qu'ils ne font pas partie de la même ethnie

Card Number 29873

Piquet, Laurence
Leymergie, William
Haumant, Stéphane
Laudrin, Caroline
Mousset, Benoît
Boisserie, Philippe
12 avril 1994
Time zone
Journal de 7 heures 30 [3:45]
Dans les rues de Kigali, des cadavres et encore des cadavres tués par balles ou mutilés à coups de machettes, victimes des combats mais aussi des règlements de compte tout simplement parce qu'ils ne font pas partie de la même ethnie
94 orphelins de Masaka rapatriés par des parachutistes sont arrivés à Paris.
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Public records
Journal télévisé
- Most of the French have managed to leave Rwanda. The return of 325 survivors to Roissy is expected in the morning. Westerners are fleeing the fighting. But also Rwandans: nearly a hundred orphans have arrived in Paris.
- The evacuation was decided in half an hour. These 94 orphans from Masaka, a small town about fifteen kilometers from the Rwandan capital, were not a priority. But French people from Kigali, who were to be repatriated to Roissy, decided to leave their places on the air force Airbus. Some of the orphans are in the process of adoption in France.
- In recent days, armed men had twice forced the doors of the orphanage. They shot nine people, molested Sister Edith, stole the money. Repatriated by paratroopers, supported by the Red Cross, the five French nuns, the 30 Rwandan employees and the children were accommodated this night in a reception center in Créteil. Without really knowing what awaits them in the coming days.
- French Embassy in Kigali yesterday [April 11]: diplomatic documents are burned as in any urgent situation. This morning the French Ambassador and all the staff left the official building to board a plane.
- Because the situation is in danger of degenerating: in the streets of Kigali, corpses and more corpses shot dead or mutilated with machetes, victims of the fighting but also of the settling of scores simply because they are not part of the same ethnicity. In a city devastated by looting, yellow trucks pick up bodies in indifference.
- Yesterday [April 11] most Westerners were able to flee the country by road or by the airlift set up by the French and Belgian soldiers.
- This morning the rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, with a Tutsi majority, are at the gates of Kigali: 4,000 men ready to launch an assault on the capital.
- Philippe Boisserie: "The French ambassador has decided to close his embassy. A little over half an hour ago, a number of cars under very heavy escort arrived on the airport tarmac with everything the embassy staff as well as some Rwandan employees. So there is in fact no longer a French representative in Kigali at the moment and therefore in Rwanda. […] The early morning is the occasion of intense fighting. And In fact this morning it was very calm. There is a very strong fog over the whole city. And so we absolutely do not hear any mortar or cannon fire. But it is a silence that is a little bit illusory and I think that very soon, unfortunately, everything should start again. […] From the moment the French ambassador decided to leave his embassy, ​​from the moment when the last escorts of Westerners and foreigners were in taking place, everyone is aware that the bloodbath is almost inevitable".