Home page France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi Last update :
October 7, 2024

Four days long, French troops stood by the massacre of tutsi survivors at Bisesero

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
T G Date Author Abstract Source
D*2 juin 1994Kayishema, ClémentLe préfet Kayishema annonce une attaque du FPR sur Kibuye et réclame un renfort militaire ainsi que des fusils et munitions pour la protection civilePréfecture de Kibuye
D*12 juin 1994Kayishema, ClémentPour le ratissage du secteur Bisesero, le préfet demande le soutien de la gendarmerie, des grenades, des cartouches et des cassettes de balles pour mitrailleusesPréfecture de Kibuye
D 18 juin 1994Karemera, EdouardEdouard Karemera, ministre de l'Intérieur, demande au colonel Nsengiyumva d'appuyer la gendarmerie de Kibuye dans l'opération de ratissage à Bisesero devenu un sanctuaire du FPRMin. Intérieur, Kigali
D 23 juin 1994Rosier, JacquesColonel Rosier meets Colonel Nsengiyumva, organizer of the massacres. "It's the sacred union", he reportsCOS
V June 26, 1994Amanpour, ChristianeOn June 26, 1994, journalist Sam Kiley informed Captain Eric Bucquet of the RICM on the situation of the last Tutsi survivors in Bisesero who were still being hunted downCNN
D 27 juin 1994Kiley, SamWhen the French troops left Gisenyi, houses continued to burn in the commune of Bisesero, ten miles inland from Lake Kivu near KibuyeThe Times
V 27 juin 1994Amar, PaulColonel Rosier presents the tutsi survivors hunted in Bisesero as FPR fightersFrance 2
D 27 juin 1994Gillier, MarinAccording to Marin Gillier of the marine commandos, the Tutsi of the RPF are terrorizing the region. An "assault" was launched against 1,500 of them on the morning of June 27, 1994. He received the support of Minister Eliezer Niyitegeka, organizer of the massacresCOS
V 27 juin 1994Poivre d'Arvor, PatrickA clash between RPF forces and Hutu militias, supported by the Rwandan army, took place 15 km from Kibuye, cutting the government zone in twoTF1
D 29 juin 1994Duval, Jean-RémyThe date of Diego-Duval's fax reporting his meeting with Tutsi survivors on June 27, 1994 is changed to June 29Armée française
D 27 juin 1994General Lafourcade PC informs Paris that 200 Tutsi were attacked by militiamen supervised by Rwandan soldiersPCIAT Turquoise
V 28 juin 1994Savriacouty, ClaudeSergeant Meynier tells the meeting of the Tutsi in Bisesero to Colonel Rosier who does not reactECPAD
D 29 juin 1994Wrong, MichelaFrench officials say RPF members have infiltrated near Lake Kivu and are harassing villages south of Kibuye, aiming to cut off the government zoneReuters
D 29 juin 1994Garraud, DominiqueAir commandos discover not the rumored fighters but emaciated ghostsLibération
D 29 juin 1994Millet, ChristianBetween 1,000 to 2,000 "FPR fighters" are 3 or 4 km from Gishyita by Lake KivuAFP
D 29 juin 1994Saint-Exupéry, Patrick (de)A French reconnaisance group meets on June 27, 1994 tracked survivors and leaves by telling them to survive two or three days while the killers are waiting for the French to resume their "work"Le Figaro