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Le gouvernement ougandais a déclaré zone sinistrée la région du lac Victoria polluée par des milliers de cadavres en provenance du Rwanda

Card Number 31329

Masure, Bruno
Romedenne, Patrice
23 mai 1994
Time zone
Journal de 20 heures [1:53]
Le gouvernement ougandais a déclaré zone sinistrée la région du lac Victoria polluée par des milliers de cadavres en provenance du Rwanda
L'émissaire spécial de l'ONU qui devait se rendre à Kigali a dû reporter sa visite car les belligérants ne pouvaient pas garantir sa sécurité.
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Public records
Journal télévisé
- In Rwanda, the appalling suffering of the civilian populations does not seem ready to end. The UN special envoy, who was supposed to go to Kigali today to study ways to stop these massacres and above all to provide effective humanitarian aid, this diplomat had to postpone his visit because the belligerents could not guarantee his safety. Indeed, at least five mortar shells fell today near the UN headquarters in Kigali.
- Among the dramatic consequences of these massacres is the Ugandan government's decision to declare the Lake Victoria region a disaster area, polluted by thousands of corpses.
- From Lake Victoria, the largest in the world, the civil war in Rwanda has made a mass grave on the banks of which bodies are washed up in a state of putrefaction.
- When they are not mutilated or deprived of limbs, the corpses have their hands tied behind their backs. Masked, gloved, residents and humanitarian personnel clean the Ugandan coast. We wrap in plastic, we dig a mass grave, we bury. And we start again.
- Already 27,000 bodies. How many tomorrow as it is said that the ethnic bloodbath has already caused half a million deaths in Rwanda? What the river carries, man tries upstream to intercept it to prevent the risk of epidemics. Thus on the Kagera River which marks the border between Rwanda and Tanzania and flows into Lake Victoria.
- Disaster zone, the precariousness of the health situation forces Uganda to launch an appeal for international aid because Lake Victoria supplies the population with water. Hazard. It is also a fish pond which the authorities advise against the population. "Not recommended" because how to prohibit, how to deprive people of their only resource?
The 20 o'clock news of France 2 of May 23, 1994 is visible in its entirety here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePGZ8eVD-gQ