- Day after day the massacre of the innocent continues: yesterday [May 24], however, a UN envoy was on the spot.
- Now the road to Kigali belongs to them: the rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front are on the verge of victory. A few days ago this road was in the hands of the militiamen. In their retreat they killed hundreds of innocent people. For kilometers the villages crossed offer the same face of desolation: massacres and looting.
- A little further on, in an anonymous place, the rebels discover the remains of a plane: that of the downed Rwandan President, whose death served as the detonator for the massacres between Tutsi and Hutu.
- A few kilometers away, the remains of the presidential palace. They invest it, it's an opportunity to bring back a little souvenir.
- While the truce was once again violated, a UN envoy arrived yesterday [24 May] in Kigali. He is responsible for meeting the two warring parties and preparing for the arrival of 5,500 Blue Helmets.
- Only three African countries are currently committing to send men: Ghana, Ethiopia and Senegal.
- In addition, a UN special envoy will have to write a report on the atrocities and the means to put an end to them. There may be 500,000 dead in Rwanda and at least 250,000 refugees.