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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

Conseil restreint

Card Number 150

Warning: this document expresses the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.

Bentégeat, Henri
13 avril 1994
Conseil restreint
162044 bytes
Pages nb.
Public records
Procès-verbal de réunion
While Admiral Lanxade foresees that the RPF will very quickly control most of Kigali and that it is the Tutsi who will massacre the Hutu, Alain Juppé proposes a total withdrawal of the UNAMIR. President Mitterrand replies: "I agree".
Admiral Lanxade, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, foresees that the RPF will quickly take control of Kigali and, reversing what is actually happening, he announces that "now it is the Tutsis who will massacre the Hutus in Kigali". The Minister for Cooperation, Michel Roussin, cynically believes: "We are in a situation where accounts will be settled on the spot". Alain Juppé advocates the withdrawal of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR): "The Belgians are in favor of a suspension and that is also my opinion". Mitterrand approves. The withdrawal of the Blue Helmets will leave the Tutsis without any help before the killers who will be able to massacre without witnesses. On April 21, 1994, the Security Council, with the agreement of France, will reduce to 270 the number of Blue Helmets under the orders of General Dallaire. The greatest massacres will take place at this time. Supposed to be opposed, the agreement between Mitterrand and Juppé could surprise. It will last until the end to allow the Tutsi, enemies of France, to be exterminated and to protect their assassins, friends of France. All the exchanges in this council are tinged with cynicism. Mitterrand notes that the assassination of Habyarimana gave the signal for the collective massacre. This does not prevent him from wanting the withdrawal of blue helmets and from considering that France will remain indispensable. He foresees that "the government of Habyarimana", who is dead, will be able to resist for a long time in "a safe place".