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Au Rwanda en 1994, le génocide des Tutsi a déclenché la guerre et non l'inverse

Card Number 19319

Morel, Jacques
15 septembre 2017
Au Rwanda en 1994, le génocide des Tutsi a déclenché la guerre et non l'inverse
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In Rwanda, the Tutsi's genocide in 1994 has triggered the war and not the opposite. The role of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) at the beginning of the Tutsi's genocide is disputed. According some authors, RPF has attacked immediately after the fall down of president Habyarimana's plane on April 6th, 1994 at 8.30 p.m. Lacking of other proofs, it allows them to consider that RPF is responsible of this murder. Other authors claim that RPF took advantage of the power vacation to attack on April 7th morning. In both cases, the resumption of fighting would happen before the slaughters. The genocide would be the consequence of the war. In reality, the slaughters have been triggered few hours after the president's assassination and the RPF battalion in Kigali kept quiet. Only after having been targeted from the presidential guard's barracks, he went out on April 7th at 4 p.m. to secure himself. That afternoon, Paul Kagame, commandant of the RPF troops, has summoned in vain general Dallaire, commandant of the Blue helmets, to intervene against the slaughters. He ordered troops to move to Kigali to support his proposal to help the Rwandan governmental Forces to disarm and control the renegade forces. On April 8th morning, Kagame renewed his proposal which was rejected by Dallaire. It's only when the announce of the formation of the new interim government has been published, in contravention with the Arusha's peace agreements, on April 8th evening, that RPF attacked along three axis. The reinforcement arrived in Kigali on April 11th but a first reinforcement would have arrived during the night of April 8th to 9th to rescue the threatened battalion.