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D'où viennent les armes au Rwanda ?

Card Number 1503

Hélène, Jean
18 juin 1994
Les responsables de l'ONU semblent incapables de mettre fin aux trafics qui rendent possibles les massacres.
D'où viennent les armes au Rwanda ?
144305 bytes
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Article de journal
Jean Hélène questions an official of the United Nations Observation Mission in Uganda and Rwanda (MONUOR) who declares that he has not seen weapons cross the border since August 1993. But, continues Jean Hélène, in 1993 UNOMUR had to wait two weeks before the Ugandan army authorizes him to inspect a supposed crossing point for arms destined for the RPF. It is therefore the RPF, which does not seem obvious in the title and gives it another light: it is the RPF which is responsible for the massacres, this title tells us. It was really necessary to strike hard, this June 18, 1994, because of the accusation of the newspaper Le Soir of Brussels relegated to page 4 with a title in smaller characters. The long-awaited information, that describing the military commitment alongside Hutu Power, will only appear on June 23, 1994. But, continues Jean Hélène, there is no Ugandan political will to "padlock the border". Thus, the RPF violates the embargo with the complacency of Museveni. Where do the weapons come from? He gives an example of a Nigerian plane carrying weapons for the rebels of South Sudan hijacked for the benefit of the RPF by Entebbe. There would be weapons taken from the enemy and "possible support from the Burundian army". Jean Hélène talks at length about relations between Uganda and the RPF. Museveni reportedly distanced himself from the RPF because of the massacre of the bishops in Kabgayi. "Cordial relations have been established between the RPF and UNOMUR". He ends by talking about these refugee camps controlled by the RPF "where observers wonder about these education sessions which recall, rightly or wrongly, 'a certain Cambodia'". Jean Hélène fully embraces the Khmer Noirs (a theme dear to French military circles in Africa). What is this arms embargo?