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Transcription de l'émission Afrique Midi, RFI - Interview de l'ambassadeur Marlaud

Card Number 5564

Warning: this document expresses the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.

Boisbouvier, Christophe
11 avril 1994
Transcription de l'émission Afrique Midi, RFI - Interview de l'ambassadeur Marlaud
Extracted from
V. Feuille, P.-E. Deldique, Mission d'étude sur le Rwanda. Analyse du contenu des journaux Afrique de RFI, 2 octobre 1990-18 juillet 1994, octobre 2006, Tome II, p. 59.
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Transcription d'une émission de radio
According to Jean-Michel Marlaud, the Rwandan government which has just been appointed to replace that of President Habyarimana corresponds both to the provisions of the old Rwandan Constitution and to the provisions of the Arusha agreement itself, and the distribution of ministries and ministerial portfolios between the political parties remained identical to what it was within the framework of the sharing of power which had been provided for by the Arusha Accords.
Questioned by Christophe Boisbouvier on the new Rwandan government, the French ambassador, Jean-Michel Marlaud, affirms (page 4) that "the distribution of ministries and ministerial portfolios has remained identical to what it was in the power-sharing framework that had been foreseen by the Arusha Accords". This is completely false. The Arusha agreement signed on August 4, 1993, provided for the installation of the transitional institutions within 37 days after this signature, i.e. by September 11, 1993 at the latest. See Article 7 of the Arusha Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Rwanda and the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Article 6 provided that Mr. Faustin Twagiramungu would be the Prime Minister of this Broad-Based Transitional Government. Mr. Marlaud, interviewed before the Information Mission on May 13, 1998, admitted having accepted that this was not the case during a meeting held on April 8, 1994 in his embassy. The Power-Sharing Memorandum of Understanding provided for five ministerial portfolios for the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). See Arusha Accord on Power Sharing, January 9, 1993, Articles 55 and 56. The RPF does not obtain any portfolio in this new government formed during a coup that the ambassador helped to disguise.