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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

Réponse du ministre des Affaires étrangères à une question orale posée par Monsieur le Député Charles Millon [Sur la situation au Rwanda]

Card Number 24665

Juppé, Alain
18 mai 1994
Réponse du ministre des Affaires étrangères à une question orale posée par Monsieur le Député Charles Millon [Sur la situation au Rwanda]
1084623 bytes
Pages nb.
Question d'actualité au Parlement
Faced with the offensive of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, the Rwandan government troops engaged in a systematic elimination of the Tutsi population, which then caused the generalization of massacres. France has firmly denounced this situation and called for an international investigation to be carried out to establish the facts and punish the culprits. She also wanted an international force to intervene in Rwanda and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid. Finally, it supports efforts to encourage the belligerents to cease hostilities and to reconnect with the Arusha process.
Before the National Assembly, Alain Juppé, Minister of Foreign Affairs, clearly condemns the genocide by designating the victims, the Tutsi, and the perpetrators, the Rwandan government troops. However, he insinuates that this "systematic elimination of the Tutsi population" was undertaken "in the face of the offensive of the Rwandan Patriotic Front". This is totally wrong. The systematic massacres of Tutsi began before the RPF engaged in combat. This is attested to by the Amaryllis operation order of April 8, 1994 and by Ambassador Marlaud's note of April 25, 1994 which recognizes that the exactions "gave a basis for the intervention of the RPF". Juppé says that France has requested an investigation from the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, "to establish the facts and punish the culprits". The problem is that when this report is published on June 28, 1994, France will not take it into account and its soldiers, provided with a UN mandate, will not arrest the culprits. Juppé asks that "an international force come to intervene in Rwanda". While the RPF is fighting the assassins, it would like to send peacekeepers to come between the RPF and the Rwandan government army, which amounts to protecting the assassins. The representative of the United States on the Security Council refused this mission of interposition to the Blue Helmets. These, according to Juppe, would deliver humanitarian aid. In short, instead of giving them the mission of fighting the assassins, he asked them to protect them against the RPF and to feed them, since at that date there were hardly any Tutsis left alive and they were in hiding. He also proposes to negotiate a ceasefire and to "reconnect with the Arusha process". He therefore considers it normal for the RPF to stop its fight against the assassins and for the organizers of the genocide to gain access to the negotiating table. Its ambassador to Rwanda, Jean-Michel Marlaud, trampled on the Arusha Accords by sponsoring a government that did not respect them, while witnessing the assassination by soldiers and militias of political leaders favorable to these peace accords. Alain Juppé will congratulate himself on having been the first to recognize the genocide. But the Amaryllis operation order of April 8, 1994 implicitly admitted the genocide of the Tutsi. Moreover, this recognition of the genocide of the Tutsi by the Rwandan government army is far from clear. Juppé's priority is to stop the RPF and not the genocide.