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September 19, 2024 French

Note à l'attention de Monsieur le Président de la République. Objet : Correspondance du docteur Théodore Sindikubwabo, Président par intérim du Rwanda

Card Number 439

Quesnot, Christian
24 mai 1994
Note à l'attention de Monsieur le Président de la République. Objet : Correspondance du docteur Théodore Sindikubwabo, Président par intérim du Rwanda
50984 bytes
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Public records
In this note to the attention of President Mitterrand, General Quesnot affirms that "The coming to power in the region of a minority whose goals and organization are not without analogy with the Khmer Rouge system is a guarantee of regional instability, the consequences of which were not anticipated by those, including in France, whose complicity and complacency are patent".
Transmitting the letter appealing for help from the interim Rwandan president who is organizing the genocide, General Quesnot informs François Mitterrand that the RPF, supported by Uganda, is on the way to winning militarily and achieving the total conquest of power. He believes that "the coming to power in the region of a minority whose goals and organization are not without analogy with the Khmer Rouge system is a guarantee of regional instability, the consequences of which have not not anticipated by those, including in France, whose complicity and complacency are patent". He thus suggests to the President of the French Republic to intervene militarily to prevent a victory of the RPF. It will be Operation Turquoise for which France will succeed in obtaining a mandate from the UN on the pretext of its neutral and strictly humanitarian character. Speaking of a "minority", Quesnot targets the Tutsi who want to conquer power. His point of view is basically identical to that of the organizers of the genocide who, to prevent the Tutsi from regaining the power lost in 1959, systematically exterminate them. Comparing them to the Khmer Rouge is his way of demonizing them.