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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

Rapport de visite fait auprès de la maison militaire de coopération à Paris

Card Number 471

Warning: this document expresses the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.

Rwabalinda, Ephrem
16 mai 1994
Rapport de visite fait auprès de la maison militaire de coopération à Paris
1034796 bytes
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Public records
Document militaire
In his report on his visit to the military cooperation office in Paris, Colonel Ephrem Rwabalinda writes that General Huchon would have advised him without delay to "provide all the evidence proving the legitimacy of the war that Rwanda is carrying out in order to turn international opinion in favor of Rwanda and to be able to resume bilateral cooperation".
A month after the beginning of the massacres organized by the army and the Rwandan interim government, France, through the mouth of General Huchon, offered help to this army, gave sound advice on communication, and assured them of its support. At the highest level, while the dead already number in the hundreds of thousands, France is more concerned about the opinion that the public might have of the killings, than by the killings themselves. "We must without delay provide all the evidence proving the legitimacy of the war that Rwanda is waging in order to turn international opinion in favor of Rwanda and be able to resume bilateral cooperation", declared the general to him. Huchon who provided him with secure means of communication to talk to General Bizimungu, Chief of Staff, who was convicted of genocide in 2011 by the ICTR. This report describes the different aspects of a covert operation to provide relief resources to an army that is pursuing genocide either directly or through militias. This document was provided to the Parliamentary Information Mission, which did not publish it. This report is authentic:
- on the one hand, the meeting between Rwabalinda and Huchon is attested by the order of Judge Bruguière of November 17, 2006 and by his interrogation of Bagosora on May 18, 2000 in Arusha. Rwabalinda brought evidence to Huchon concerning the attack on Habyarimana's plane;
- on the other hand, numerous facts come to confirm the reality of the secret cooperation described in this report: instruction of discretion given to the killers by the RTLM in order to show outside that the massacres have stopped; transfer of orphans to France by Bernard Kouchner; ex-captain Barril's contract; arms purchases from Paris by Colonels Ntahobari and Kayumba; provision of means of communication for the FAR; clearing of spies in the vicinity of Kamembe airport with a view to landing relief there; letter from President Théodore Sindikubwabo dated May 22, 1994 to François Mitterrand thanking him for his help "until today".