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May 13, 2024 French

Les premiers Français évacués du Rwanda sont arrivés il y a un peu moins d'une heure à Paris. L'évacuation des 600 ressortissants français est maintenant pratiquement terminée

Card Number 29659

Staes, Isabelle
Boisserie, Philippe
10 avril 1994
Time zone
Journal de 24 heures
Les premiers Français évacués du Rwanda sont arrivés il y a un peu moins d'une heure à Paris. L'évacuation des 600 ressortissants français est maintenant pratiquement terminée
À Kigali, les affrontements s'intensifient entre rebelles et forces gouvernementales. On parle de massacres de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de civils.
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Public records
Transcription d'une émission de télévision
- The first French evacuees from Rwanda arrived a little less than an hour ago in Paris on board an Air Afrique aircraft. They had left the Rwandan capital, Kigali, on Saturday. The evacuation of the 600 French nationals is now practically complete. A young boy: "There were bombs, grenades, gunshots".
- In total, 525 French people out of the 600 residing in Rwanda have left the country. It was aboard the Air Force Transall that they passed through Bangui before returning to France. Some are still waiting in the Central African capital.
- They came to Rwanda just a week ago to adopt a child. They were lucky to be among the first 45 French people evacuated from Kigali. 45 plus a little girl from Rwanda, their new child. She will not know the fratricidal war which threatens her country. But like everyone else, she experienced the first upheavals of unprecedented violence. A woman: "It exploded very, very loudly. It was pounding especially very, very loudly near the Meridian. Where there was CND, where the RPF was stationed".
- At Bangui airport, the Transalls of the French army continue their rotations to evacuate the French, still blocked in Kigali, and to reinforce the military system with men, equipment and also food. A system extended to all airports in the region. Among all the planes, a white Transall chartered by France in the colors of the UN. He was urgently repatriated from another city at war, Sarajevo.
- In Kigali, clashes escalate between rebels and government forces: fighting with heavy weapons behind the Méridien hotel, there is talk of massacres of tens of thousands of civilians. Philippe Boisserie: "This evening in Kigali the night is calm, the starry sky does not reflect the reality of the situation very well. From time to time, a shot comes to break the song of the crickets, proof that the situation is far from becoming calm again Throughout the day, the evacuations of foreigners and in particular French people continued. We were able to follow a convoy of the French army which had gone to look for French people and foreigners who had taken refuge at the Saint-Exupéry school. And we We were able to verify on this occasion the intensity of the fighting. Stopped on the way back, the cars, with their forty passengers and as many armed soldiers, were caught in heavy fire from automatic weapons, grenades, but also mortars. In fact, the RPF troops, opposed to the government, continue to resist in Kigali. And some reports report their advance from the regions they hold towards the capital. This should therefore not help the continuation of the transaction s evacuation. And especially for the Belgians: their first 250 paratroopers landed this evening. In total, 1,200 Belgian soldiers should come to pick up around 3,000 of their compatriots. More controversial than the French military, their task promises to be difficult. Especially since here, the 48-hour ceasefire, announced day by day, is still only a decoy".