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September 19, 2024 French

Ce soir au Rwanda, on apprend qu'un sous-officier français et sa femme auraient été assassinés à leur domicile

Card Number 29983

Tripault, Richard
Raymond, Francine
Deniau, Grégoire
8 avril 1994
Time zone
Journal de 23 heures
Ce soir au Rwanda, on apprend qu'un sous-officier français et sa femme auraient été assassinés à leur domicile
En France, le Parquet de Paris confirmait aujourd'hui la thèse du suicide de François de Grossouvre.
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Public records
Transcription d'une émission de télévision
- Belgium and France plan to evacuate their nationals this evening, most of whom are in Kigali, the capital.
- At 41, Agathe Uwilingiyimana was the first female head of an African government. She was the first victim of the unleashing of violence that has been raging since yesterday [April 7] in Kigali.
- It was while wanting to protect his escape that 10 Belgian blue helmets in charge of his protection were killed, probably by the men of the presidential guard thirsty for revenge after the death the day before yesterday [April 6] of the Rwandan President.
- This evening we learn that a French non-commissioned officer and his wife were murdered in their home. And we are already talking about several thousand victims. Éric Bertin-Maghit, Doctors Without Borders: "What we know is that a large part of the people we know had neighbors killed. There were a lot of people, following the looting, who were killed. The ICRC started going out this afternoon in the streets and they really saw many, many dead bodies".
- In this former Belgian colony, the Tutsi, a minority, claim power in the hands of the Hutu. But never in four years has the fighting been so violent in the Rwandan capital. Jean-Pierre Chrétien: "For a few years now, there has been rather an opposition between democrats, let's say, Hutu and Tutsi, who are trying to overcome this ethnic antagonism and open the country towards more freedom. And on the other hand, the movement of former President Habyarimana, who has just died, who systematically mobilized ethnic passions. People never massacred themselves spontaneously".
- While the United Nations Security Council demands an end to acts of violence in Rwanda, Belgium and France say they are ready to send troops to evacuate trapped foreigners from Kigali. The United States asks its nationals to leave the country and also prepares an evacuation plan.
- In France, the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office today confirmed the thesis of the suicide of François de Grossouvre, the close friend of the President of the Republic who killed himself last night [April 7] at the Élysée. - Last night [April 7], François de Grossouvre committed suicide at the Élysée. He left no explanation. Those close to him said he was tired and irritated at having been removed from the circle of the President of the Republic's intimate circle. A friend of François Mitterrand from the 1960s, in 1981 he became his adviser at the Élysée. He was a man of the shadows, the man of sensitive files.
- In recent years, his place alongside the Head of State has become less important. In 1993, François de Grossouvre was heard twice in the context of the Pelat affair. He committed suicide at the age of 76.