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Jean-Hervé Bradol : « Les gens qui ont fait la promotion de cette politique du pire étaient jusqu'à très peu de temps activement soutenus par la France »

Card Number 31625

Leclerc, Gérard
25 mai 1994
Time zone
Les 4 vérités
Jean-Hervé Bradol : « Les gens qui ont fait la promotion de cette politique du pire étaient jusqu'à très peu de temps activement soutenus par la France »
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- Gérard Leclerc: "While the massacres continue in Rwanda, we are now talking about 200 to 500,000 dead, the deputy secretary general of the UN denounced yesterday [May 24] the apathy of the Member States. Only three African countries would be ready to send troops. How do you judge and how do you explain this indifference of the international community in the face of what seems to be one of the greatest tragedies of this end of the century?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "It is clear that Rwanda and Africa in general no longer enjoy much interest from the international community. Since the drama began in Rwanda, we have noted an absence of The first reaction of the UN troops who were there and who were 2,500 all the same, was to do nothing, to watch the massacres quite passively. first forms of non-reaction by the international community. The second was the lack of public condemnation of the process of extermination that was implemented by government forces against a minority of the population".
- Gérard Leclerc: "You talk about the process of extermination. The figures that are put forward, 100,000, 200,000, 500,000 dead, do they seem credible to you? Can we talk about genocide?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "We can certainly speak of a systematic, planned policy of extermination against part of the Rwandan population, that is to say the Tutsi community. Hutu, all the people who were or who are today opposed to the extremist policy that is implemented by the government armed forces".
- Gérard Leclerc: "This war is often presented in fact as an ethnic conflict, a tribal war between Hutu and Tutsi. Is this the reality?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "This is the image that they are trying to give us of black Africa at the moment: a kind of no man's land, wastelands populated by tribes who for obscure reasons would kill each other This is of course absolutely not the case. And it is even showing an extreme contempt for the victims. The people who are dying today in Rwanda are dying victims of a political conflict, a fierce struggle for power. There are of course fault lines in Rwandan society but they are certainly not ethnic or racial".
- Gérard Leclerc: "How then can we explain this absolutely incredible violence, this desire to kill, to damage people, to mutilate them?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "I think there is a desire for extermination. That is to say, we want to kill the children, we want to kill all the members of the family who are recognized as opposed to the regime, to fascism which has power on the side of the government forces. It is the implementation of an extreme policy that we have already seen elsewhere in the world. But unfortunately it has taken on absolutely mind-blowing proportions in Rwanda".
- Gérard Leclerc: "You say that Western countries, and in particular France, really have a responsibility in this situation. Why?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "Absolutely. The people who promoted this policy of the worst, of extermination, until a very, very short time ago were actively supported by France in terms of funding, equipment, military training. And then for six weeks, they began their incredible butchery in the areas they controlled in Rwanda and particularly in the capital of the country, where they searched house by house to exterminate those they consider as their enemies. And on the part of the French government, of any authority whatsoever of the French State, any institution combined, we have not heard a single clear public condemnation. And we can consider that on the part of political sponsors of these extremists represented by France, it was a real incentive to continue to murder".
- Gérard Leclerc: "How could we now intervene to stop this massacre? Could sending 5,500 peacekeepers, for example, be enough?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "We can't help but be quite pessimistic since the United Nations Security Council resolution that was passed, we don't know under what conditions it will apply. So we spoke of 5,500 men who were going to arrive in Rwanda. But the deadlines for the application of the resolution are absolutely not known. And everyone knows very well that in this matter, it can be extremely slow. In this case, We are afraid that all these pseudo measures will come into force once the massacres are over. So it does not make much sense the gesticulations that are taking place at the moment".
- Gérard Leclerc: "A word all the same about the future: what are we going to do with the two million people who have been displaced, who now often live in border countries? And then Can we imagine one day reviving in this country, in this Rwanda, people who massacred each other?".
- Jean-Hervé Bradol: "You are quite right to emphasize the fate of displaced persons because, as usual, after the war and the massacres, people will pay twice. The second time is with the massive population displacements which will lead to epidemics, which in this small country which was not self-sufficient in terms of food and which was in a food crisis, particularly in the southern part of the country in recent months, there will be absolutely major famines, of the same order as those that occurred in Somalia, if we cannot organize a relief system commensurate with it. The conditions for organizing this relief system are above all political conditions involving security in the areas where rescue is needed, and on this, until proven otherwise, no member of the international community seems to have the political will to allow the victims to be rescued, those of today and those of d tomorrow who will be victims of displacement".