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May 13, 2024 French

Dr Théodore Sindikubwabo, Président de la République, à Son Excellence Monsieur François Mitterrand

Card Number 534

Warning: this document expresses the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.

Sindikubwabo, Théodore
22 mai 1994
Dr Théodore Sindikubwabo, Président de la République, à Son Excellence Monsieur François Mitterrand
54480 bytes
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Public records
On behalf of the Rwandan people, interim President Théodore Sindikubwabo thanks François Mitterrand for the moral, diplomatic and material support he has provided him since 1990 to date. He assures that he has devoted his efforts "to pacifying the country" and claims that "the inter-ethnic massacres" have ceased, "at least in the part that we control".
After the capture of Kigali airport and the Kanombe military camp on May 21, 1994 by the RPF, interim president Théodore Sindikubwabo wrote to François Mitterrand. This letter is sent by the Rwandan defense attaché to Paris to General Quesnot. He transmits it to President Mitterrand accompanied by a note on May 24. On behalf of the Rwandan people, Sindikubwabo thanks Mitterrand "for the moral, diplomatic and material support that you have provided him since 1990 until today". He assures that he devoted his efforts "to pacifying the country", as he triggered the massacres of Tutsi in Butare prefecture with his speech on April 19. The day before in Gikongoro, he called the authorities to order and ordered the massacre of the Tutsi. This will be performed on April 21 at the Murambi school and in the parishes of Kaduha and Cyanika. On May 16, he went to Kibuye to congratulate the prefect Clément Kayishema for the security that reigns there, while the latter is the organizer of the massacres. He claims that "inter-ethnic massacres" have stopped, "at least in the part we control" and instead he accuses the RPF of pursuing " mass killings". He asks François Mitterrand to "provide us once again with Your material and diplomatic support". Operation Turquoise, presented as humanitarian, will respond to this urgent request for help without which, according to Sindikubwabo, "our aggressors risk carrying out their plans and who are known to You".