Source : US DOS

1 à 179 de 179 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D T 5248 December 10, 1992 Eagleburger French Military Involvement in Rwandan Ceasefire Process US DOS
D T 7956 January 27, 1993 Christopher, Warren Demarche on President Habyarimana US DOS
D T 6824 March 23, 1993 Christopher, Warren French Views on International Forces for Rwanda US DOS
D T 33298 March 27, 1993 Christopher, Warren Update on Rwanda Negotiations in Arusha: 3/26/93 US DOS
D T 7442 April 6, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda Negotiations Weekend Update US DOS
D T 33302 April 18, 1993 Rwanda: Update on Arusha Negotiations 4/16/93 US DOS
D T 33303 April 22, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Update on Arusha Negotiations 4/21 US DOS
D T 33296 April 28, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Update on Arusha Negotiations 4/28/93 US DOS
D T 6571 June 1, 1993 Christopher, Warren Arusha Peace Talks: Force Proportion Discussions Resume US DOS
D T 7356 June 4, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Atmosphere at Arusha Talks Deteriorates Markedly US DOS
D T 7511 June 10, 1993 Wharton, Roy Rwanda: USG/GOF Meeting at USUN US DOS
D T 8091 June 11, 1993 Tarnoff, Peter Rwanda: Arusha Peace Talks Winding down US DOS
D T 6570 June 23, 1993 Christopher, Warren Arusha Peace Talks: Can they be Salvaged? US DOS
D T 6823 July 14, 1993 Christopher, Warren French Views on Current UN Issues US DOS
D T 6825 July 16, 1993 Christopher, Warren French Views on Peacekeeping Operations in Rwanda US DOS
D 8312 July 26, 1993 Aiston, Kevin Joint State - OSD Memorandum concerning Peace keeping in Rwanda and the Criteria of PRD-13 US DOS
D T 8313 July 26, 1993 Marley, Anthony Memo to Prudence Bushnell Re Preliminary Peacekeeping Force Options for Rwanda US DOS
D T 7659 August 2, 1993 Talking Points / Remarks on Rwanda US DOS
D T 29501 September 27, 1993 Aiston, Kevin Memo from Kevin Aiston to Randy Bumgardner Re Visit of Burundi and Rwandan Presidents US DOS
D T 8088 October 7, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda - Approval of Resolution US DOS
D 8405 October 7, 1993 Schedule : Juvenal Habyarimana, President of the Republic of Rwanda October 5-9 1993 US DOS
D T 29578 December 27, 1993 Tarnoff, Peter Ambassador Rawson's Consultation with World Bank US DOS
D T 29511 January 13, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter Uwimana sees RPF maneuvering behind impasse US DOS
D T 29512 January 31, 1994 Render, Arlene Memo from Arlene Render to AS Moose Re Appointment Request - RPF Chairman Kanyarengwe US DOS
D T 29524 February 9, 1994 Christopher, Warren Kanyarengwe Blames Impasse On ... (surprise) Habyarimana US DOS
D T 6709 February 16, 1994 Christopher, Warren DAS Bushnell and Uwimana Discuss Impasse US DOS
D T 7063 February 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren Official - Informal [To AmEmbassy Kigali] US DOS
D T 29523 March 1, 1994 Render, Arlene Memo from Arlene Render to AS Moose Re Appointment Request for Rwandan President Habyarimanas Personal Emissary Transport Minister Andre Ntagerura US DOS
D T 7798 March 4, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Visit of AF DAS Prudence Bushnell US DOS
D T 4071 March 8, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Ntagerura: Transition Government Imminent? US DOS
D T 29525 March 8, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Ntagerura: Transition Government Imminent? US DOS
D T 6736 March 9, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Demarche on Rwandan Impasse US DOS
D T 29521 March 10, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Rwandan Demining Demarche US DOS
D T 7072 March 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren Subject: Official - Informal US DOS
D T 25075 22 March 1994 Visit of Deputy Assistant Secretary of the African Bureau of the US State Department, Ms Prudence Bushnell, to RPF in Mulindi US DOS
D T 29520 March 30, 1994 Christopher, Warren Demarche Request on CDR Participation in Rwandan Transitional National Assembly US DOS
D T 29516 March 31, 1994 Christopher, Warren Render Tells RPF to Take "high Road" on CDR Issue US DOS
D T 6884 April 4, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Human Rights Demarche [Harassment against human rights monitor Monique Mujawamariya] US DOS
D T 5528 April 6, 1994 Bushnell, Prudence Death of Rwandan and Burundian Presidents in Plane Crash Outside Kigali US DOS
D T 6931 April 6, 1994 Christopher, Warren Official - Informal US DOS
D 8187 April 6, 1994 Bushnell, Prudence Memo from Prudence Bushnell to the Secretary Re Death of Rwandan and Burundi Presidents in Plane Crash Outside Kigali US DOS
D T 4075 April 7, 1994 Eisenbraun, Stephen Department of State - Executive Secretariat - Watch Log US DOS
D T 6725 April 7, 1994 Christopher, Warren Death of Rwanda and Burundi Presidents US DOS
D T 6773 April 7, 1994 Christopher, Warren EAC Meeting - April 7, 1994 US DOS
D T 7152 April 7, 1994 Christopher, Warren Overnight Brief, Thursday, April 7, 1994 US DOS
D T 7357 April 7, 1994 Rwanda: Authorization to Vote and EOV US DOS
D T 8168 April 7, 1994 AF Press Guidance April 7 1994 US DOS
D T 8188 April 7, 1994 Memorandum for Acting Assistant Secretary Bushnell. Subject: REWGRW01: Working Group Formation to Deal with the Situation in Rwanda and Burundi US DOS
D T 8189 April 7, 1994 Grossman, Marc Memorandum for Colonel Robert Mcaleer USMC Department of Defense RE Request for Contingency Planning for Possible Military-Assisted Evacuation Operation of American Citizens in Rwanda US DOS
D T 8195 April 7, 1994 Eisenbraun, Stephen Operations Center Watch Log April 7 1994 US DOS
D T 15746 April 7, 1994 Turnmoil in Rwanda US DOS
D T 19621 April 7, 1994 Rwanda/Burundi: Violence Update no 2 US DOS
D T 19646 April 7, 1994 Burundi/Rwanda: Presidents Killed US DOS
D T 4076 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda update; request for info from Belgians and French US DOS
D T 5533 April 8, 1994 Rwanda: Downward Spiral US DOS
D 19625 April 8, 1994 Working Group Formation to Deal with the Situation in Kigali and Bujumbura US DOS
D T 19648 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren Situation Report as of 1600 EDT, 04/08/94, EDT US DOS
D T 19649 April 8, 1994 Situation Report No. 6 - Situation Report as of 1630 EDT, 04/08/94 US DOS
D T 29766 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren Press Guidance - April 7, 1994 US DOS
D T 30829 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren Daily Activity Report, April 7, 1994 US DOS
D T 30830 April 8, 1994 Render, Arlene Situation Report No. 5 - Situation as of 1600 EDT, 04/08/94 EDT US DOS
D T 30832 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren M Staff Notes No. 2 US DOS
D T 30835 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren WGRW01: Request For Un Coordination with France, Belgium and U.S. US DOS
D T 30837 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren WGRW01: Rwanda Update; Request for info from Belgians and French US DOS
D T 30838 April 8, 1994 Christopher, Warren WGRW01: SitRep 1 US DOS
D 723 April 9, 1994 Fendrick, Reed J. Situation Report No 10 US DOS
D 724 April 9, 1994 Fendrick, Reed J. Situation Report No 11 US DOS
D T 725 April 9, 1994 Situation Report No 12 Situation as of 1030 EDT, 04/09/94 US DOS
D 726 April 9, 1994 Render, Arlene Situation Report No 13 US DOS
D 727 April 9, 1994 McCulley, Terence P. Situation Report No 16 US DOS
D 728 April 9, 1994 Render, Arlene Situation Report No 19 US DOS
D 729 April 9, 1994 Situation Report No 19 US DOS
D T 7151 April 9, 1994 Christopher, Warren TERW01: Situation Report as of 06:00 EDT. 04/09/94 US DOS
D T 7595 April 9, 1994 Christopher, Warren Situation Report No. 6 as of 1630 EDT, 04/08/94 US DOS
D T 7650 April 9, 1994 Christopher, Warren TFRWOL: Rwanda Situation US DOS
D 4077 April 12, 1994 Grey, Robert T. Security Council informals on Rwanda US DOS
D 8169 April 13, 1994 Bennet, Douglas J. Memo from Douglas J. Bennet to Secretary Warren Christopher Re Phone Calls to UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali on Bosnia and Rwanda US DOS
D T 6734 April 14, 1994 Christopher, Warren Demarche on Reconvening Arusha Talks US DOS
D T 19653 April 15, 1994 Christopher, Warren To US Mission to the United Nations, New York: Talking points on UNAMIR withdrawal US DOS
D T 29764 April 19, 1994 Christopher, Warren A Hutu view of the Rwanda crisis: A/S meets Rwandan Ambassador US DOS
D T 7957 April 20, 1994 Christopher, Warren Department Tells RPF to Stop the Fighting Now US DOS
D T 6587 April 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren Arusha Talks 1994 US DOS
D T 735 April 26, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter Rwandan ambassador says killings continue. Foreign Minister plans to go to US US DOS
D T 6706 April 27, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter DAS Bushnell Tells Rwanda Army Leader Killings Must Stop US DOS
D T 30300 April 27, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter Rwanda: Western Support for U.S. Policy Objectives US DOS
D 4080 April 28, 1994 Stewart Genocide: Options US DOS
D T 7254 April 28, 1994 Talbott, Strobe RGF Willing To Negotiate US DOS
D T 29579 April 28, 1994 Rawson, David Memo from Ambassador David P. Rawson to Nan Borton. Re Disaster Declaration for Rwanda US DOS
D T 580 April 29, 1994 Talbott, Strobe DAS Bushnell tells Col. Bagosora to stop the killings. US DOS
D T 6711 April 29, 1994 Talbott, Strobe DAS Bushnell tells Col. Bagasora to stop the killings US DOS
D T 7797 April 29, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Visa Application/proposed Visit to U.S. by Rwanda Interim Government FM Bicamumpaka. and Pol. Dir. Barayagwiza US DOS
D T 7542 April 30, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Rwandan Ambassador Asks for Visas, Denies GOR Responsabilities for Massacres US DOS
D T 6843 May 1, 1994 Talbott, Strobe GoR chief of state Bizimungo to respect cease-fire and stop massacres if RPF do the same US DOS
D T 8236 May 3, 1994 Mann, Janean Memo to Arlene Render. Subject: Rwandan Radios US DOS
D T 6486 May 4, 1994 Talbott, Strobe A/S Moose's Testimony on the Crisis in Rwanda US DOS
D T 7220 May 4, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Press Guidance, May 3, 1994 US DOS
D T 8252 May 4, 1994 Bushnell, Prudence Testimony of Deputy Assistance Secretary of State Prudence Bushnell Before the House Subcommittee on Africa on the Crisis in Rwanda May 4 1994 US DOS
D T 8240 May 5, 1994 Clinton, Bill Presidential Message on Rwanda US DOS
D 6933 May 06, 1994 Christopher, Warren Kigali Situation [Conversation with general Dallaire] US DOS
D T 7465 May 6, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Requests for Immediate Assistance US DOS
D T 7477 May 6, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda SITREP May 6, Information for Geneva Press Remarks US DOS
D 5350 May 9, 1994 Gati, Toby T. To: Moose Subject: Rwanda - Geneva Convention Violations US DOS
D T 8242 May 9, 1994 Shattuck, John Memo to The Acting Secretary Re My Trip to East and Central Africa US DOS
D 7482 May 13, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Rwanda: Security Council Discussions US DOS
D T 19660 May 13, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter Rwanda: Security Council Discussions US DOS
D T 29767 May 13, 1994 Talbott, Strobe GOR Warned it is Accountable for the Fate of Civilians Behind his Lines US DOS
D T 19661 May 16, 1994 Donoghue, Joan Draft Legal Analysis [Genocide in Rwanda ?] US DOS
D T 5529 May 18, 1994 Gati, Toby T. Rwanda - Geneva Convention Violations US DOS
D T 6502 May 18, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Acting Secretary Convokes Rwandan Ambassador US DOS
D T 18139 May 21, 1994 Moose, George E. Has Genocide Occurred in Rwanda ? US DOS
D T 7121 May 26, 1994 Christopher, Warren Official-Informal [Sitrep for Rwanda/Burundi for May 26] US DOS
D T 31557 May 26, 1994 Shattuck, John Memo to The Secretary Re UN Human Rights Commission - Special Session on Rwanda US DOS
D T 31559 May 26, 1994 Office of the Spokesman Taken Question US DOS
D T 31565 May 26, 1994 Christopher, Warren RPF Position on Cease-Fire, Expanded UNAMIR Operations US DOS
D T 31567 May 26, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Armored Personnel Carriers (APC'S) for UNAMIR US DOS
D 19657 May, 1994 The Clinton Administration’s Policy on Reforming Multilateral Peace Operations US DOS
D 4084 June 2, 1994 Arms and Le Guide: Tough talk to Mobutu on Rwanda US DOS
D T 4085 June 3, 1994 Marrero Rwanda: Bringing the Guilty to Justice US DOS
D T 6764 June 6, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter Draft Resolution on Rwanda US DOS
D T 29768 June 6, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter AF/C Presses GOR and RPF REPS US DOS
D T 7093 June 7, 1994 Tarnoff, Peter Official-Informal [Rwanda/Burundi SitRep] US DOS
D T 8276 June 7, 1994 Render, Arlene Memo from Arlene Render to AS Moose Re Decisions on Strategy on Rwanda for OAU Summit US DOS
D 5527 June 10, 1994 Talbott, Strobe AmCit Nuns Trapped in Rwanda US DOS
D 7916 June 10, 1994 Additional Information on AMCit Nuns in Rwanda US DOS
D 7698 June 11, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Travel of USG Delegation to Burundi and Uganda US DOS
D T 19628 June 14, 1994 Brynn, Edward To the Secretary. Subject: U.S. Delegation to Burundi and Uganda US DOS
D 8262 June 15, 1994 Bushnell, Prudence Memo from Prudence Bushnell to Arlene Render Re Your Meeting with Rwandan Prime Minister-Designate Faustin Twagiramungu Friday June 17 300 PM US DOS
D T 29581 June 15, 1994 Christopher, Warren RPF Invitation to Amb. Rawson US DOS
D T 6767 June 16, 1994 Christopher, Warren Draft Spanish Resolution on Commission of Experts for Rwanda: US Response US DOS
D 9996 June 16, 1994 Kaisten Points on Rwanda for the Secretary for telcon with FM Juppé US DOS
D T 7620 June 17, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Support for French initiative on Rwanda US DOS
D T 8282 June 17, 1994 Points on Rwanda for the Secretary for Telcon with FM Juppe Friday June 17 1994 US DOS
D T 7123 June 18, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Official-Informal US DOS
D T 8270 June 21, 1994 Donoghue, Joan Memo from Joan Donoghue to Amb. Moose and Prudence Bushnell Re Mechanisms for Holding Individuals Accountable for Events in Rwanda US DOS
D 1058 June 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren FM SecState WashDC to AMEmbassy Paris Subject: AMCit Nuns in Rwanda US DOS
D T 6456 June 22, 1994 Talbott, Strobe AF/C Discusses French Proposal with RPF US DOS
D 7901 June 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren AMCit Nuns in Rwanda US DOS
D 7044 June 29, 1994 Christopher, Warren Nuns in Peril in Kiruhura, Rwanda US DOS
D T 6535 June 30, 1994 Andreani, A/S Moose Discuss Next Steps in Rwanda US DOS
D T 8328 July 5, 1994 Fromuth, Peter Memo from Peter Fromuth and Laurie Shestack to Amb. Inderfurth Re Political Strategy for Rwanda SC Informals on Rwanda July 6 11 am US DOS
D T 6889 July 7, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Human Rights Violations: Detention of Gatete and Associates US DOS
D T 7982 July 9, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Gatete Departure from Benaco US DOS
D 8330 July 9, 1994 Grossman, Marc Memorandum for Anthony Lake. Subject: Emergency Fund Drawdown for Refugees Returnees and Conflict Victims from Rwanda and Burundi US DOS
D T 7032 July 15, 1994 Christopher, Warren Next Steps in Addressing War Crimes in Rwanda US DOS
D T 7039 July 15, 1994 Christopher, Warren Non-Recognition of Interim Government of Rwanda US DOS
D T 8026 July 15, 1994 Christopher, Warren To AM Embassy Paris : Non-Recognition of Rwanda Interim Government US DOS
D T 8121 July 16, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda/Zaire: Into The Abyss US DOS
D T 6891 July 18, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Humanitarian crisis in Goma: July 17 conversations with RPF representative Ruego in Brussels and Belgian MFA chef de cabinet Willems US DOS
D T 8300 July 18, 1994 Hume, Cameron Briefing Memorandum from Cameron Hume to Amb. Albright - Subject: July 18 Security Council Informals on Rwanda US DOS
D T 8301 July 18, 1994 Johnson, David Statement by David Johnson Acting Spokesman : $19 million for Refugees from Rwanda and Burundi US DOS
D T 7517 July 26, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda War Crimes US DOS
D 8318 July 27, 1994 Letter to U.S. Ambassador David Rawson from Prime Minister Faustin Twagiramungu of Rwanda US DOS
D 7017 July 29, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Moroccans to Zaire US DOS
D 8201 August 1, 1994 U.S. Government Humanitarian Assistance in Response to the Rwanda Crisis as of August 1 1994 US DOS
D T 8371 August 3, 1994 Christopher, Warren Press Guidance - August 3 1994 US DOS
D T 29770 August 4, 1994 Christopher, Warren Acting Secretary Talbott and French DEF MIN Leotard discuss Bosnia, Rwanda and Haiti US DOS
D T 6513 August 10, 1994 Christopher, Warren Africa Bureau Friday Report 08/5/94 US DOS
D T 8367 August 24, 1994 Memorandum Regarding USG Proposal for a UNSC Resolution on Detention of Persons Suspected of Having Committed Crimes against International Humanitarian Law in Rwanda Burundi US DOS
D T 7615 August 26, 1994 Talbott, Strobe Submission of Report to Un Commission of Experts on Rwanda US DOS
D T 8118 August 31, 1994 Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal Demarche To GoT US DOS
D 1039 September 1994 Moose, George E. New Human Rights Abuses in Rwanda US DOS
D T 7303 September 1, 1994 Resolution Establishing War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda US DOS
D T 29769 September 21, 1994 Christopher, Warren Points for meeting with GOR on reports of RPF human rights abuses US DOS
D T 7304 September 28, 1994 Christopher, Warren Resolution Establishing War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda US DOS
D T 7415 September 29, 1994 Shattuck, John Rwanda Human Rights Monitors: Moving to a More Effective Presence US DOS
D T 8402 October 3, 1994 Render, Arlene Memo from Arlene Render to George E.Moose Regarding Meeting with Rwandan President Bizimungu US DOS
D T 7699 October 7, 1994 Christopher, Warren Trilateral Meeting on Rwanda US DOS
D T 8115 October 19, 1994 Christopher, Warren Rwanda War Crimes US DOS
D T 7971 November 2, 1994 Christopher, Warren Follow-up Demarche To GOR On Tribunal US DOS
D T 33269 December 23, 1994 Discussions with OAU in Brussels US DOS
D T 29896 March 10, 1995 Talbott, Strobe Demarche on Arrests and Prison Conditions US DOS
D 8200 23 avril 1995 Duqué, Richard Rwanda - Communiqué du Ministère des Affaires étrangères (Paris, 23 avril 1995) US DOS
D T 8184 April 28, 1995 Bushnell, Prudence To Kevin Aiston: Dutch & Belge on Rwanda US DOS
D T 8082 May 16, 1995 Relocating Rwandan Refugees US DOS
D T 6544 July 21, 1995 Talbott, Strobe Arms to Rwandans in Zaire - Talking Points US DOS
D T 8043 August 25, 1995 Talbott, Strobe Official-Informal [Repatriation of refugees from Zaire to Rwanda] US DOS
D T 8337 August 25, 1995 Heflin, D. Ad Hoc Meeting On Rwanda And Burundi US DOS
D 8353 August 28, 1995 Sendashonga, Seth August 28, 1995 letter from Seth Sendashonga, Minister of the Interior, to the President of the Republic of Rwanda US DOS
D T 4669 July 17, 2003 Russel, Daniel R. ICTY: President Meron urges USG to oppose Del Ponte renewal US DOS

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024