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September 19, 2024 French

Bernard Kouchner : « Les Hutu tuent les Tutsi et apparemment ont décidé de les tuer tous ! Ça s'appelle un génocide ! »

Card Number 31133

Bobillier, Laurence
Verdeau, Pascal
Sébastien, Claire
Airaud, Christophe
18 mai 1994
Time zone
Journal de 12 heures [3:11]
Bernard Kouchner : « Les Hutu tuent les Tutsi et apparemment ont décidé de les tuer tous ! Ça s'appelle un génocide ! »
Hier [17 mai] les Nations unies ont décidé l'envoi d'une mission à caractère strictement humanitaire.
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Journal télévisé
- Fights of unsustainable cruelty are continuing in Rwanda where humanitarian organizations speak of 400,000, even 500,000 deaths. The massacres that finally made the international community react: yesterday [May 17] the United Nations decided to send a strictly humanitarian mission.
- The first characteristic of the international community is that it does not exist. This quote by researcher Pierre Hassner is tragically applicable in Rwanda. How to effectively protect people who flee the fighting to take refuge in neighboring countries?
- Answer: the sending of more than 5,000 Blue Helmets, decision Tuesday [May 17] by the UN. The Blue Helmets, the armed forces of the international community, who demand means: planes, armored vehicles, trucks. Their mandate: strictly humanitarian. There is no question, according to Washington, traumatized by its experience in Somalia, that it is moving towards the imposition of peace. Paris wanted a larger mission and the use of force. But to protect the population, the Blue Helmets will still be able to invoke legitimate defense.
- Warning shot last night [May 17], on the part of the Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels: "If the forces of the UN seek to intervene, they will be treated as enemies".
- First test for the United Nations: get the Kigali airport reopened now to allow humanitarian aid to be distributed.
- Bernard Kouchner is back from Rwanda where he tried in vain to open humanitarian corridors. Il lance un veritable cri d'alarme. Bernard Kouchner: "We pile people into churches. We sprinkle the roof with gasoline. We put a grenade. We saw all that! So we have to remember something anyway: there is a majority group, around 90%, called the Hutu. There is a minority group called the Tutsi, 10%. The Hutu kill the Tutsi and apparently have decided to kill them all! It's called genocide! We kill because we is Tutsi, not because we did something bad. There is only one thing that I would like to convey: when will we understand, after how many massacres, after how many dead children? When we walk in grass, over there, around Kigali, we walk on the skulls of severed children. We walk on bodies that have been eaten by dogs. Not a member of the family has survived. So if we want to witnessing that, so it's classic: massacre, humanitarians who shout that the politicians have done nothing, and then finally the politicians do something and the international intervention ernationale arrives too late, after the massacre. So will we understand once and for all that what has been called the right of interference is only a rapid action force, under the flag of the United Nations but which can be an African force , much better still, come at the slightest alarm and better still before the massacre. It will be called prevention, the right to interfere, as you like. It would prevent the massacre. What can we do now? Do you know why we never intervene? It's not pretty, they say it's neocolonialism. They say we have no soldiers, no money and no political will. Well after the massacre you find soldiers, you find money and you find political will. Only people died".