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May 13, 2024 French

L'ancien archevêque suisse du Rwanda crie son angoisse

Card Number 10025

Warning: this document expresses the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.

Diesbach, Roger (de)
18 avril 1994
L'ancien archevêque suisse du Rwanda crie son angoisse
Figure historique du Rwanda, Mgr André Perraudin, archevêque valaisan, ne peut plus se taire face aux horreurs qui ravagent son pays d'adoption. Bien que menacé par le Front patriotique rwandais, il explique. Autrement.
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In this interview, Bishop Perraudin renews the ecclesiastical anointing of the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide. His approach to Rwanda remains unshakeably based on the division of the population into races (quoted once) or ethnic groups (quoted twice), whose percentages he constantly recalls. His racial faith even goes so far as to distort reality when he calls the RPF the "Tutsi Patriotic Front". His thinking differs little from that of the French leaders, Mitterrand like Balladur, they proposing to defend democracy in Rwanda and he justice. This text illustrates how the missionaries got their hands on Rwanda by invoking humanist ideals such as the fight against slavery, which in reality was very rare in Rwanda. It was by invoking the ideal of justice that Perraudin took again control of Rwanda, whose Tutsi elites, previously pampered by the Europeans, thought too much of gaining their independence both from Belgium and from the Catholic Church. The Hutu revolution of 1959 is recognized here as "leaning on Valais rock". It is an acknowledgment of the major role that Perraudin played there. His love of Rwanda prevented him from seeing the massacres he unleashed.