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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

La France, principal commanditaire du génocide des Tutsi

Card Number 27301

Morel, Jacques
3 avril 2012
La France, principal commanditaire du génocide des Tutsi
La France a soutenu les auteurs du génocide, avant, pendant et même après leur crime. Les rares Français qui acceptent de regarder cette réalité en face parlent de complicité de génocide. Il n'est pas question ici de qualifier en termes de justice pénale le crime commis par la France. Mais complicité signifie participation intentionnelle à la faute, au délit, au crime commis par un autre. Or la France a participé à la conception du projet criminel plus de 3 ans avant qu'il soit commis et sans sa participation, il n'y aurait pas eu de génocide. Il nous semble que plus que complice, la France est commanditaire du crime. Le commanditaire n'est pas celui qui exécute le crime mais qui en passe commande, qui est en quelque sorte le donneur d'ordres. Il y a plusieurs commanditaires du génocide des Tutsi, mais parmi ceux-ci, la France apparaît comme le maître du jeu.
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The French leaders were committed to the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide. They were informed of their plan to eliminate the Tutsi but did not cease their military support. At least three times before 1994, they saved the Rwandan army from collapse in front of RPF forces. If they had not intervened, the racist dictatorship of Habyarimana would have been overthrown, there would have been no genocide. France is probably involved in the assassination of Habyarimana which triggered the genocide. On April 8, instead of putting an end to the massacres, France participated in the formation of the government which was to orchestrate them. Its troops, which arrived on April 9, remained neutral in the face of the massacres. When the troops of this government, army and militias, are routed by the RPF army, France under cover of a humanitarian mission mandated by the UN, will try to rescue the assassins but does not succeed in redressing the situation. situation to their benefit. It will protect their flight to Zaire when the genocide of the Tutsi is recognized by the UN and that it should arrest the alleged culprits. It is the highlighting of France's involvement in the attack on Habyarimana that will fully validate this hypothesis that France is the main sponsor.