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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

Nouveau rapport : « Rwanda, les mercenaires invisibles. Les archives de la DGSE occultées par la commission Duclert » [Avec un droit de réponse de Vincent Duclert et une réponse de l'association Survie]

Card Number 29795

Mars 2022
Nouveau rapport : « Rwanda, les mercenaires invisibles. Les archives de la DGSE occultées par la commission Duclert » [Avec un droit de réponse de Vincent Duclert et une réponse de l'association Survie]
L'association Survie publie des notes inédites des services secrets français confirmant que l'État était pleinement informé de l'activité des mercenaires Bob Denard, Paul Barril et de leurs hommes. Ces informations, que la commission présidée par Vincent Duclert a délaissées, confirment les accusations portées par l'association et renforcent les soupçons vis-à-vis des « réseaux Pasqua », que la justice française se refuse pourtant à explorer.
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Looking through his report, it is clear that Vincent Duclert circumvented certain critical events for France such as the April 6, 1994 attack, the formation of the Rwandan interim government, the abandonment of Tutsis to killers during the Amaryllis and Turquoise military operations, etc. How can he ignore the role of the French ambassador in the formation of the interim government when Jean-Michel Marlaud admits it during his hearing at the french Mission d'information parlementaire? Duclert makes a very informed analysis of the role of General Huchon before the genocide. But he says nothing about what he did during the genocide as head of the military cooperation mission. He does not say a word about Colonel Rwabalinda's report on his talks with General Huchon where, among other points “The indirect use of foreign troops, regular or not” in support of the Rwandan government army was discussed, which evokes the missions that were entrusted to the very French mercenaries Paul Barril and Bob Denard. General Huchon was the organizer of these secret missions with the close entourage of François Mitterrand for Barril, with that of Jacques Foccart therefore Jacques Chirac and Alain Juppé for Denard.