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France Génocide Tutsi France Génocide Tutsi
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May 13, 2024 French

Soldat de l'ombre. Au cœur des forces spéciales [Extrait : « 1994 : L'enfer au Rwanda »]

Card Number 27337

Gomart, Christophe
Septembre 2020
Soldat de l'ombre. Au cœur des forces spéciales [Extrait : « 1994 : L'enfer au Rwanda »]
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Livre (extrait)
Christophe Gomart, then an officer in the 13th RDP, a special forces regiment in charge of operations on the enemy's rear, was sent to Rwanda as a press officer at the end of Operation Turquoise on July 26, 1994. Peremptorily, he declares that the plane of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents was destroyed by men serving the interests of Paul Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The genocide of the Tutsi is for him a civil war. Turquoise also aimed to promote the resumption of dialogue between the different factions. The traces of massacres in the churches remind him of Oradour-sur-Glane but he is stunned and bruised by the accusations from the very people we had helped on the ground. To accuse France of having helped the genocidaires is a vast deception. He later became chef de corps of the 13th RDP, then in 2011 he succeeded General Grégoire de Saint-Quentin at the head of the special forces (COS). In 2013, he became head of the Military Intelligence Directorate (DRM). Having noted that stocks of Libyan weapons fueled the war in Mali, he wondered about the interest of having sent special forces to support opponents of Gaddafi and then of having carried out a two-iron policy with teams supporting General Haftar and others the government of Fayez el-Sarraj in Tripoli. But honor is safe, France has nothing to do with the death of Gaddafi.