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Le colonel Jacques Hogard et le génocide des Tutsi

Card Number 27297

Morel, Jacques
22 mai 2013
Le colonel Jacques Hogard et le génocide des Tutsi
1863899 bytes
Pages nb.
Lieutenant-Colonel Hogard saw on his arrival, especially in Bisesero, "the horror of the massacres which have just been carried out by the extremist Hutu Interahamwe militias, and sometimes the population itself, caught in the cowardly spiral of revolutionary terror". He acknowledges that an "abominable genocide has just bloodied the country" and considers that "this major fact totally discredits the government which did not want or knew how to prevent the tragedy." However, he collaborated with the organizers of this genocide in his area of ​​responsibility of Cyangugu. He helped arm the militiamen in the event that the RPF army would arrive. This allowed them to continue their "work" of eliminating the Tutsi, this in peace, because they knew they were protected from the RPF by the French. To the exclusion of any other person or institution, Lieutenant-Colonel Hogard had authority in the Cyangugu area. By deciding to keep the political, administrative and military personnel who had organized the massacres and to collaborate with them, by letting the militia killers continue the assassinations of Tutsi or even by asking them to do so, he fully contributed to the continuation of the genocide in its area of ​​responsibility. All the directives he received from his hierarchy and the application made by Lieutenant-Colonel Jacques Hogard authorize the Rwandan Minister of Justice Tharcisse Karugarama to write in his Communiqué of August 5, 2008 that "the French soldiers of Turquoise and their sponsors fully supported the genocidal project" and to name Lieutenant-Colonel Hogard among the French political and military figures most involved in the genocide.