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Les violents affrontements de vendredi [5 octobre] à Kigali ont fait craindre aux résidents étrangers que les combats ne dégénèrent en une sanglante guerre tribale

Card Number 30942

Claude, Hervé
Derda, Dominique
Olliéric, Dorothée
7 octobre 1990
Time zone
Journal de 13 heures
Les violents affrontements de vendredi [5 octobre] à Kigali ont fait craindre aux résidents étrangers que les combats ne dégénèrent en une sanglante guerre tribale
Les rebelles se seraient fondus dans la population et tireraient à l'occasion sur les forces gouvernementales.
21896 bytes
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Public records
Transcription d'une émission de télévision
- The confrontation between the two ethnic groups that populate Rwanda seems inevitable. A bullet hole, the only visible sign of clashes. Here the fighting is over, Kigali airport, a strategic point, is now under the control of French, Belgian and Zairian soldiers: 1,300 in total came to protect their nationals.
- Since the arrival of these soldiers and the imposition of the curfew, the situation seems calm in the capital despite some sporadic shooting. The rebels, in fact, would blend into the population and occasionally fire on government forces.
- But it is in the north of Rwanda, near the Ugandan border by which they arrived, that the assailants harass the troops of President Juvénal Habyarimana who himself, moreover, had seized power in 1973 following a coup.
- In the embassies, under high protection, we organize ourselves without panic but not without a certain tension: the violent clashes on Friday [October 5] in Kigali made foreign residents fear that the fighting could degenerate into a bloody tribal war. Also most Western countries have advised their nationals to leave Rwanda.
- 250 French people have already been repatriated. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked them to return. That night 150 of them arrived at Roissy. Tired but relieved, the French nationals left Rwanda yesterday [October 6]. This morning, in Roissy, they were 150 to find families and friends.
- The French confirmed the return to calm on Saturday [October 6] in Kigali, the Rwandan capital. But they also bring their testimonies to the clashes of recent days and to the arrival of French paratroopers. Returnee: "When they arrived, apparently they were shot at. They themselves claim that it was really an extremely violent atmosphere. It was indeed five hours of hell for everyone. And I think for them too . I understand that there is an injured paratrooper".
- 400 French still live in Rwanda. In Kigali, some residents fear new clashes. Since Friday [October 5], however, the shots have been sporadic.