The Marquis de Gobineau (1816-1882), French diplomat, is one of the main theorists of racism. In accordance with the Christian religion, he admits that all men descend from the same ancestor, Adam. He considers human history to be determined by racial affiliation. He distinguishes three pure races, black, yellow and white, the latter being superior to the other two. In this chapter, he describes the Chamites, descendants of Cham banished by Noah his father. According to de Gobineau, the originally white Chamites became black through interbreeding. "However, because he has something left of the blood of his fathers, he is not a savage, he is not a barbarian", unlike other blacks. They remain victims of the curse uttered on their father. This, according to Gobineau, would not have struck all of Cham's descendants. This history of the Chamites renamed Hamites is at the origin of the history of the origin of the Tutsi, a story invented in Europe by de Gobineau.