L'historienne Julie d'Andurain, membre de la « commission sur le rôle et l'engagement de la France au Rwanda », a déclenché une vaste polémique par sa vision du génocide des Tutsis. Réagissant aux critiques dont elle est l'objet, elle parle à présent de l'extermination comme d'« une séquence au sein d'un ensemble plus vaste », et estime que « tous les génocides ne se valent pas ». Sa position devient intenable.
The article in Le Canard enchaîné of October 28, 2020 arouses controversy over historian Julie d'Andurain who wrote a notice on Operation Turquoise in the 2018 edition of the Dictionary foreign operations of the French army . She makes gross factual errors and numerous omissions. Instead of talking about the genocide of Tutsis, she mentions massacres between Hutus and Tutsis
. It is the participation of this historian in the commission on Rwanda chaired by Vincent Duclert that rises a problem. Blamed, Julie d'Andurain said she was the victim of a media lynching
and alerted his fellow researchers. Three associations of researchers have published a message of support. Following the protest of two historians, Annette Becker and Jean-Pierre Chrétien, who considered that d'Andurain's text was at the heart of the negation
, the majority of the members of the board of the French Society for the History of the Overseas (SFHOM), which had defended d'Andurain, have resigned.