Number: 704
Date: June 1994
Author: Turnley, Peter
Title: Rwandan Soldier Trainees. A group of Rwandan recruits carrying model rifles march down a road
Source: CORBIS
Abstract: Rwandan soldiers in training. A group of Rwandan recruits carrying wooden rifles walks on a road.
Comment: The title of the photo "Rwandan soldiers in training. A group of Rwandan recruits carrying wooden rifles walks on a road", fails to note the presence of the French soldier, who seems to be leading the training of these new recruits. The macadamized road, the banana trees, the electric wires and the sign "Maison d'art, salle d'exposition" make it possible to determine the place, Nyundo, near Gisenyi on the road to Ruhengeri. A covered military truck is visible in the background. The date in 1994 is not specified. Other similar photos make it possible to situate it during Operation Turquoise, around June 27. This photo shows that the French soldiers took part to the training of new recruits either for the army or for a militia. So, under cover of the humanitarian mandate of UN Security Council Resolution 929, the French tried to reform new military or paramilitary units to oppose the APR, the RPF army, which was ending to genocide.
Citation: TL017924| RM| © Peter Turnley/CORBIS
Rwandan Soldier Trainees
A group of Rwandan recruits carrying model rifles march down a road.
Image: © Peter Turnley/CORBIS
Photographer: Peter Turnley
Date Photographed: 1994
Location Information: Rwanda